-The first of the year, 01/13/2018, doing a visitation by the Jesus' Husband of Resurrection and the perfect man Jesus, and the perfect, dangerous man, the  Antichrist. I had dreams about perverted sickbeds and riches to rags sleepovers. All references Jesus' warning to the Jezebel whore, Rev. 2, repent, lovers as well or suffer sickbeds, great tribulations and their children, killed, dead. By definition, Romans, 1, the bible says homosexuality is the unatural, sexual practice of the male and the female, created human/married. As of the Genesis Marriage, the covenant, Temple of God, thus the entering in of blessed, holy, spirit vows. What's called samesex marriage although two people of the same sex cannot, cannot perform what God in the Genesis created as marriage. Two people of the same sex cannot procreate another human being, that's the only natural marriage, let none put it asunder. Reconsider if all things sown unnaturally reproduces deadly, dangerous, contagions of blood, then STD's are reaped. Now the life blood contaminated, now a black holocaust, HIV aids; reportedly with a more lethal pandemic, a leukemia type, HIV, aids, also spread along perverted marriage beds,. These uncontrollable horrors mean we revisit God's warning in the beginning, disobedience, sin, unrepentance, all death, the second death. But the definition of religion, of Churchians, what achieving America actually is. Would be, men being rebellious of God's righteousness, go on to establish their own righteousness, (abominable laws, worship, marriage), refuse to adhere to the righteousness of God, Christ Jesus, Cross, got Him, got Jesus yet? Beware, Apb


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