Watchman, What Of the Night, Of The Mystery Of Iniquity, Of The Veils Of Illusions, Of Darken Mirrors, Of The Heathen Raging, Of The Thrusting Sickle Into The Wine Press of God?  

While American Dreamers Calculate Trump's Soaring Approval Rating, Your Desperate To Get Attention Kids Are Instead Still Making These Kinds Of Videos


WHAT KIDS WANT YOU TO KNOW-JUST IN CASE THEY DIE IN A SCHOOL SHOOTING https://www.cnn.com/2018/05/23/us/school-shooting-tweets-trnd/index.html

Don't Go Chasing Water Falls (America to the perverbial pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, rainbows, God's, LGBTQ and P for Pedophiler's, remind us as of Rev. 17/18 beast reign to apocalypse US soil come, God isn't blind to our abominable sins, beware, Apb),  TLC, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WEtxJ4-sh4

These Aint Water Guns, Jordon Sparks, Todrick Hall, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuG1b3PCH7I

Hurt People, Jussie Smollett

This Is America, Childish Gambino




     -No wonder 1987 parents were shown a gun violence, manslaughter of their own children, why right into 2010, parents now grand parents were shown burying their grand children alive. It is why, 2011, I was told straight out and personal, as of the holy spirit again talking in my ear, well, asking, did I a freeworld grandmother or my freeworld childen know, there's, my grands would instead grow up in occupied territory, in an occupied America? 
    Honestly, sincerely, probably the Arab attack, to Asian invasion I saw on US soil, 1998, wors of warnimgs like warsaw, westworthy and epidemic; and the Islamic reign, American soil, rule no more, Christman night, 2001, I witnessed world wide. There was those graduating tassels shown as the toe tags for the dead, and here lately, this dream, this maze the nation, world over, school restrooms shown as deadly traps being set for our children. Equally why I heard the cry in my ear, the dying of schools is painful, someone go to the middle school and cast a stone," but they can't, they're all guillty, the same sex marriage vote, especially, evenly why the verdict, having killed all future generations of chilren, a cry went out in judgement, 2017, kill all parents by, finish all schools. 
     -Even Jesus' reign two thousand years past warn, except ye, perverted sickbeds and sleepovers,  01/13/2018, repent, he's to kill your children with death. Why you all think Moses Hebrews wondered the wilderness for forty years? It was so the most corrupt generations of them, would die off and only then could they enter Cannan, only now Heaven's Mansions, to Jesus Millennium to God's Kingdom, like Noah's day, only by a cleansing by the death, dying of the unrepentant will then secure the Saints of the Most High God, inheriting a new heaven and earth. Just this outbreak of mortuary US soil, especially Bush's, Obama/Cinton's and now Trump's, a predicted fifty million dead has been aligned to these three leads and all such leads western soil. As of all God's winepress fed, with a pale horse judgment, and Islamic reign, into a world rule by the little horn, meaning two quarters the earth more will perish, with a lake of fire pending all unrepentant dead, get it, get Jesus and get out of it, again, and get out of it! Apb, The RAM  

Article, Iran Officially Bans US Dollar Get Ready For War, Article,

     -You're like six months late, this war began again Syria's soil as of Trump's declaration of Jerusalem 2017 into the movement the petroyuan was voted into being, 2018. I know, what does Syria soil have to do with China's petroyuan replacing the petrodollar? Besides as predicted by this Apostle/Prophet, 2003, a Hussein in the Whitehouse, why don't you give Saddam Hussein a hollar. Asking him what did his Iraq and falsified, documented, WMD's, have to do with those New York towers crashing down. Especially when a weight of America's blood guilt come, that Christmas Eve to Christmas day, 2001, finding them uilty until 190 months and forty days be fulfilled, now speeding into a 24th Matrix ten days count, see, Eze. 4, 5 and Dan. 2 and 5, and Rev. 1-22 chapters, now open.  

     -Other than this,God's judgement come US soil, plotting, blaming and attacking forien soil, it's just how a blood thirsty, weaponized America Dream does such charitible, black hearted things.
These leopard skin, heart evils is why aligned to Bush's Saddam, 2002, Obama/Clinton's Gaddffi, 2013, and now Trump/Netanyahu's Assad/Abbas, 2016 inauguration. Tragically, while you guys, calculate this perfect, dangerous man, 01, 13-16, 2018, Trump, the granteed Truexit, approval rating. Undeniably there is a pending Bush's, Obama's and Trump's US soil, any d-day now, fifty million dead of a death toll US soil, again while you calculate, Trump's approval, beware, beware, beware! Apb


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