2018, A Clock Zeroed Out, Down To, Stalled At Two Minutes

   -Watchman, What Of the Night, Of The Mystery Of Iniquity, Of The Veils Of Illusions, Of Darken Mirrors, Of The Heathen Raging, Of The Thrusting Sickle Into The Wine Press of God?

     -And I heard in my hearing, 2017, "kill all parents by, finish all schools, both the sight of seeing even grandparents before the Haitian, China quake, bury their grands alive, into seeing graduating tassels, used on the dead as toe tags, God is not mocked, repent or perish, beware, Apb

2018, A Clock Zeroed Out, Down, Stalled At Two minutes

     -Let's say the same seventh angel trumpet witnessed and recorded by apostle John, Rev. 17, as to come and talk with him about the removal of the great whore, Mystery Babylon, come and talked to me, Apostle, Jesus' appearance and days of Holy Spirits visiting, divine demonstrations now, 1986-2018, say I am, now. Now this meeting in The first heavens, his feet straddling the world map and the US map, areas the Midwest, so Yellowstone territories and the eastern seaboard, I heard pronounced, 2002, simply gone off the map. As I testified, three nights of this, Jan. 26-29th 2018, a Matrix 6, into the congressman train wreck, here come with warnings so indescribably urgent, master disasters predicted US soil, a Mystery Babylon this world, now come, beware the Midwest, the Western Seaboard as well as the inundated with such forewarnings, US, Canada west Pacific.
     -Canada, British Columbia, not only those I've seen lead about as cattle, not only the nation commanded  to be wiped from the planet, but honestly a few months ago, 2018, I heard in my ear, "10.2 earthquake,"  and days later, I heard clearly and I quote, "major, major earthquake, West Pacific Canada." How many people paid so little attention to my hearing in my ear, 99 bowls of molten lave, thought little or nothing of it, until the sight of lakes of magma, the 2015, warn, Hawaii eruption. It is that they know what's to come, sometime mockery is made, as the little Miya girl of come apocalypse minding your stubborn escape vehicles, but this has been done for thousands of years, these warnings and men just don't get them, thus God promised he will laugh, mock, when instead your fear come. Still what did the Seventh Angel sent as prophesied, I Thess. 4:16-18, this Trump of God, to assist the Bride' s escape, what did he mean by no more doomsday Passovers US soil?
     -Surely he meant, that as of America's weight of blood guilt come, December 24/25th 2001, yes the year of the September 11th attacks. But, by this weigh scale, not until 190 months and 40 days will doomsday US soil, be fulfilled, this would leave said doomsday pending into November 24/25th, 2017. Meaning as of November 24/25th 2017,Trump, Clinton Whitehouse, regardless, what began as those Passengers Jets, New York Towers and the Pentagon all going under attack would as one pushing a resume button as of a long pause. The days of doom, as of  an extinction level event, instantly, again instantly by God's Righteous Judgment US soil, a lost of 190 years, a lost of life in the tens of millions, with millions injured and millions missing, the Bride as well.
     -Just an outbreak of mortuary, only pending this worse that can happen, or can ever happen again, is seeing that a judgement, the form of a towering, beige horse, infested with fleas follows and what can be impossibly worse, than one apocalypse after the another, the Bride's escape, America wiped from the planet, millions dead, only come is a plate horse judgement claiming millions more, and  just over the horizon you see it so clearly, as of Rev. 11 and Rev, 13, Rev. 17, 18, fulfilled, kingdom, the worse of the worse done come, gone, nations of Arabian are taking world rule. Only as to once again these many generations into now, Passover doomsday come US soil, I'm instead nights November 24/25. 2017, west Rule removal. I'm in a dream and I'm looking, it's the Movie Matrix, Matrix screening, screening repeatedly the number 10 and though i don't it right away.
     -It is by yet another act of divinity in the face of an outbreak of desolations come, awarded is a Rev. 2, the suffering church Smyrna of a Matrix ten day count, and yes, you heard me right, as of dreams both of courting and flirting with Keanu Reeves, a Matrix ten day count. The reminder all these six millennia this earth, come from apocalypse as of an apocalypse reinventing itself until nothing is left of this present world, innovations all, but the fiery renewal Elohim God, the creator of all things we are hath for it. Into a new mankind, a new Jerusalem descending, Heaven and Earth, of God's Kingdom Reign and the entire host of heaven's inherit are fixed, the meek, not the elect shall inherit the earth, well the renewed by an extinction of an inferno, earth, I'm sorry what it was you was planning? Ah, a renewed under Trump America, whose in is fated to a nuclear, natural and Noah/NOAA disaster, beware. 
     -So the seventh angel trumpet, 2018, his, a 6th, Matrix, as of a Rev, 6, was a reminder once this final intervention that all get to repentant altars is done, there will be no more doomsday Passovers rewarded, instead of ascending right then, the next you see the grounded Bride preventing biblical finale. Only now as a Bride in reign, she's intervening the millions awaiting a single water cooler, of apocalypse yet active and bless her heart of God, though in her hands like the seventh angel trumpet, Rev. 17/18, Matx. 17/18,  come and talked to Apostle John are these black bowls of tribulations ever or ever again, in his, Her hands. In her shirt pocket is the offer instead of a business card along better homeless shelters, as heirship with Christ, Jesus the Lord, behold he stand at the door and knock, if any man will hear, will open the door, he will come in to him, sup with him, and he with Christ, got him, got Jesus yet?
     -Beware, this blood moon, some predicted is the fulfillment of what I've seen, these thirty plus spring, that it is the 6th seal of Rev. 6, fulfilled. Understand, the seventh angel trumpet made his appearing on a Matx 6, as to open Rev. 6. Whereas this blood moon is falling on a 24th Matrix and on the 10th anniversary, 07/26-29/2008, of Hussein Obama's, as seen on time done lapse street, his two weeks and seven years awarded time table; not counting who as a US Senator, 2008, was called, 'the one. That's 2015/16, A Jesus husband escape, spin us into a Cameron's Brexit and 2016/17, time done lapsed, awarded us a Trump's Truexit as of the Bride's, America's commanded exodus. And whether these mountainous, prophetic events pending only days from now have their fulfillment in the spirit world, yet pending the surface of the earth. See it is, biblical prophecy doesn't deal in coincidence, remember what Angel Gabriel 2004, said? She's going, coming with a seventh angel, and who just met with, Apostle I am, the heavens above? A Seventh Angel Trumpet, an as surety, the Bride's escape, to America's deletion, 2018, is here, beware,  Apb, The RAM        

   -Watchman, What Of the Night, Of The Mystery Of Iniquity, Of The Veils Of Illusions, Of Darken Mirrors, Of The Heathen Raging, Of The Thrusting Sickle Into The Wine Press of God?

     -I saw a clock with many zeros spin out down to two minutes, stalled, ...only two minutes, as of the seventh angel trumpet Rev. 10, time is no more, everything and anything considered the worse that can happen is now upon US soil. There is actually nothing that can't happen except prevention of America's cataclysmic deletion, we don't know but we're either sitting as a prophet Jeremiah, his testimonial of his people's predicted destruction. As so, were Apostle John was standing, when he witnessed the fall of Mystery Babylon, suffering double the horrors it'd brought upon mankind, again we're being eithers a witnessed from the earth or from heavens above, but the disastrous nuclear, natural and or Noah/NOAA's cousin, removal of America, and Western Civilization is happening right before our eyes, denial or just rebellious, beware, Apb, even see here, http://thestonesurface2017.blogspot.com/2018/07/late-this-war-began-syria-soil-as-of.html


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