Trump's Pending Death Tolls Made In Comparison To The Rise Of Ezekiel's Witness. Gog and Magog, Eze. 38/39

     -Watchman what of the Night? Seen to be in an outbreak of an exodus, 2002, US soil, Dunlap Street, see to be seeing, President Obama on Dunlap street, seen to weeks later, see Michelle Obama on Dunlap street, still later, seen to be retrieving the little Miya girl of come apocalypse US soil, on Dunlap street, as in time done lapse street, the seventh angel trumpet, 01/26-29th 2018, Rev. 10, Rev. 11 and Rev 17, the end of the of Mystery Babylon America on the Map, Prophet Daniel's Final Week, Dan. 1-12, chapters, Hath, Reign, Beware. Apb

error/era/error, Trump's Pending Death Tolls Made In Comparison To The Rise Of Ezekiel's Witness. Gog and Magog, Eze. 38/39

These Fires Like Eze. 5, Are For Stampeding From West coast Into The Souteast Coast, Elphants OF Staying Unaware Already Gone. A Liille Miya Girl Of Apocalypse Surely Come, Awaut Your Obedient Escape Vehicle, Beware, Apb

     -You guys have to go and see duchsinse fire map, we're two days past the blood moon, 07/27/2018, the tenth anniversary of President Hussein Obama's white house, predicted by me, 2003, now 2008, not only seen rising with the two beast od Revelation 13, one from land, one from sea, Said time, now a Matrix 13. though being given exactly a decade past, 07/26-29/2008, being awarded a two weeks and  seven year timetable of what's left of the man in linen, times, times and half timetable, prophet Daniel's prophecies, it's 12th chapter. We're as so  Past, 1-22 Revelation chapters, gone active, Presently a Christmas Eve to Christmas day 2001 to Thanksgiving day to Black Friday 2017, 24th Matrix ten day countdown into come doomsday US soil. As so says an appearing, nights, Jan. 26-29th 2018, so a 6th matrix, a 6th Rev. book, Seventh Angel Trumpet, bearing the seven vials, sounding off, out so urgently doomsday US soil here, come, beware as well the Midwest, and the Eastern Seaboard.

      -Duchsinse, as he's seeing fire burning from the pacific into the Midwest, you can hear him saying he's seen nothing like it, well, as I've testified, Apostle I am, have, 2002, the Christmas Carol dream, like the prophet Ezekiel, along a fly over the country.  I watched as fire consumed from the West Pacific Coast, that was no more, like gone into ocean with it, probably the predicted the end of last year, 2017,  I heard in my hearing, 10.2 earthquake. Whereas still, days later, I heard exactly, "major, major, earthquake, West Pacific Canada, how scary  accurate can this be? Right before a representative of Bush administration, 2003, stood before the American people and told them they had Saddam Hussein, he would not recover. I'd look in a dream days prior, witnessed a huge container fall on Saddam, heard in my ear, Hussein is injured and will not recover, heard in my ear, years back, "rest thirty thousands lives," a quake happen in Iran, the death toll was exactly 30 thousand lives.

        -Since I've heard it command that Britain and America be separated into itty, bitty pieces, that Canada be wiped from the map, Canada's judgment went like this, 'smiling faces don't last, wipe Canada from map the map; kill all parents by, finish all schools, I heard 2017, as well, both considered to be transgender traps for America's kids into the next generation of the genesis man/marriage. Just a question, for an Empire, a  kingdom or a country to become a superpower what amount of blood guilt is associated with that title? According to Bush's Saddam, Obama/Clinton's Gaddafi and Trump/Netanyahu's Assad, Abbas, Hamath, as of the petrodollar handlebar. This blood guilt's reaping, in the amount of 15%  it's census taking, as in fifty millions lives, US soil, this is why every disaster come, will be it's worse of the worst ever, or ever again, this is why just as Britain's is a Brexit, America, West rule is a Truexit to Hilexit, escape!.

     -I testified how after seeing the west coast was just no more, everything else just burn, the Whitehouse consumed in flames, right ino a damaged Kennedy space center; then I heard a voice, like a report across a military radio, and I quote, "the eastern seaboard is gone." I told you all, when the seventh angel trumpet Rev. 2018  made this announcement, I testified about how very anxious and with urgency he was, desolations predicted US soil come is all he would say, for three nights of this. Where, only ten days count prior, 01/13-16/2018, a 5th Matx, Rev. Bk, 5, i explained how a perfect man Jesus, while I was staring at an identical appearing perfect, dangerous man, Jesus inquired about the angels allying the Bride, would they ascend with her as well? I explained further, events concerning the Bride's escape only surface, when she seem to be  in the worse of danger, nuclear, natural and Noah/NOAA's cousin, all come US soil.

     -This warning, the Seventh Angel Trumpet is as in no more doomsday Passovers US soil, beware all the Midwest , the eastern seaboard as those inundated with such forewarnings, the Us, Canada West Pacific. Such reveal explaining why In the month of march 2018, duchsinse, by google sky got a prelude to states seeming to just explode into flames, so when I watched his plumes video, I was shocked. Only days prior in a dream it was as though I had invited all US states of emergency, (per rise of two beast, Obama's 2008), in these areas from a pending barbecue, instead to a barbecue, in Georgia, into the southeast, the Jesus husband, 2015, trajectory of escaping some southeast before taking the Bride skyward.

     -Whereas I, and my children African born Landlord, (see the male African stranger, 2007, bringing me Pat, out of tent so I could witnessed tons of America refugees pour into the African coastline). I witnessed, these state of emergencies by loaded up vehicles of every kind, arriving to the back of a Georgia, abandoned church. i explained, being invited from a barbeque to a barbeque had the equivalent of Jesus offering the woman Jacob's well, water in exchange for water, hers is death into eternal death, His is blessed death into His style of resurrection from the dead; as of God, blessing your obedience to escape an outbreak of mortuary US soil, Britain, Canada as well, as to finish West Rule this planet, counting your escape, as a form of righteousness, beware, Apb, The RAM 

 see also,


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