Watchman, what if the night?

      Seen to be seeing, 2017,  a word puzzle and the word now being moved about, that is until it come to rest aside the word judgement, as in judgement now!
     Sen to seeing, 2017, the word now, decorated like it's Christmas, with blinking, multicolored lights of caution.
     Seen to be seeing, 2018, in bold, lowercase letters, even as the days of Bush's Saddam with a Hussein. era, Rev. 13, following, the single word, error, beware, Apb


      -So we have black lives matters, white privilege, elephants and elites stampeding and Trump fighting the Mexican immigrants. Right into warring immigration this world a come Brexit, Calexit, Hilexit and Trump, the Truexit. For God so loves the world, said if we don't share in his grieves and sorrows, and show love one for another, then it's clear, we, Presidental, Pastoral, Parishioners, Parents, Prognosticators and Preppers, we're none of His.
     -Out of the picture with God, marvel not, there.are anicent beast the Lion, the Leopard, the Egyptian Anubis, again, the Leopard all poised in the home front as house pets, so as other trusted members of the familtly. This insurmountable wickedness after they've remodeled by huge carnivore beast, that's Obama's being Ancient beast pending and Trump's being ancient beast reign.
     -Those beast seen stomping, chomping and tearing through pulpits and pews, along so called peace getting porches, stock and money markets crying they have a bear in 120 countries, as so the cry, the Antichrist will kill millions going broke, with God saying some, similar, He will kill millions.
    -No where to run, there's two crystallized, supersized, as in Godzilla beast, like a scene out of Chicken little, crashing your crystal skies right down upon you. Still pending, a pale horse judgement and commanded reapers bearing swordlike syringes all to bedeviled you even as you are all stampeding, now a once slow motion, Moses day exodus, all US soil this planet.
     -God saying the same, He will kill millions, Gods wine press for reaping the harvest of the earth for two quarters of human lives. Only days past, the harvester sickle in hand is sent in to mop up the pileup of bodies I witnessed as of, 2003, the pileup of torture vehicles, called a Mede. I guess like all my 30 plus ministry you just got a close up and personal picture of how ending rebelliousness to abomination this planet, by God's Wrath is in surreal time.
     -Unawreness gone, veils off, gloves as well, no more darken mirrors, strong delusions lifted, truly let true freedom, reveal reign. Beginning with America the weaponization of religion, of peace this world weight of blood guilt. Beware the little Miya girl of come apocalypse until 175 miles of martyred blood is reaped. As parked along your stubborn escape vehicles, viewing great tribulations from the back seat of it. So one Apostle Peter question, knowing ancient evil of ancient beast reigning these final years planet earth. Surely they infiltrate your everything, lives, lives, churches, worldly treasures, your ending America, what manner of apostate to abominable human being should you be really? Beware, repent, escape, Apb, The RAM


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