-Watchman, what of the death rider 1996, from the beneath the earth? You saw that the earth opened up and this rider of mortuary this county, this planet, just leaped out of it, come as described against abominable, destatable lives, lands and churches of the people, for they'd forsaken God. Then soon hearing a cry, Ps. 37, fret not thyselves, rather, trust, delight and commit, and God Will, ....and God, Will! www.theark1986-2016.blogspot.com -Jesus The Christ, The Woman Seed, The Prince Of Peace, The Inkhorn Man, The Man In Linen, Jesus, The Sunlight Of Gun, The Perfect Man, Jesus, Jesus The Dangerous, Perfect Man, The Jesus' Husband, Beware, Apb -I don't know Geoffrey, that sound about as suspicious to ridiculous as those leaders teaching the rapture is gonna clear America out, they being so sanctified and holy. Though they're to a certain extent right, but not the way they think, America will be cleared out doing the Bride's escape but only because these two cataclysmic earth changes will happen at the same time. Only all those rising up into heaven aren't Christ's, Mat. 7:21-23, nor heaven predestined, as some rise by God's Glory, while others rise by judgements of doomsdays come. Equally, the Bride by the Grace of God, and others by the Winepress of God's wrath, predicted as well, Bush's 2002,
Obama/Cinton's 2013-2016 and Trump's 2017, to be in the tens of millions US, Western soil, the petrodollar, handlebars, 1974-2018, extinction level event.
-When I heard holy spirits on the subject of mass assembly, 1998-2013,THEY said and I quote, God is not mocked, seeing right into vast Church goers, "these people need to fall in love with God," so Churchian, need to come Christians. So, not any different than 1986, when Elohim by a live mirror vision showed His Throne backed into them, except they repent. No different than 1987, when he showed everything burn of churches. EVERYTHING but the foundation laid by Christ and his holy apostles. Further, when I heard Eloohim declare of it. 1996, it was as of a death rider being loosed from beneath the earth, said to come against abominable, detestable, lives lands and churches, for they were now antiGod, antiChrist, so present day, fornicators, to LGBTQ and P for pedophilers, doomed America and every evil work.
-To make a very long list these thirty plus springs, short, evidenced God's displeasure with them, were the witnessed 2016 of seeing great beast tearing, stomping and chomping through pulpits and pews, great beast eating at them along their peace getting porches, heard it said of their stock and money markets, that they had a bear (bear market), in 120 Countries. Did a visit their homefront, found ancient beast, a Lion, a Leopard and a demon dog staged in the home as house pets, so just others members of the family. Then don't let me get started on what I, as Apostle John, saw, Rev. 6, 6th seal, happen to the heavens, possibly this death, I witnessed, released from beneath the earth, as of a super eruption, the sky rolling back like a scroll, all, crystallizing, breaking apart along huge shards, equally two crystallized, Godzilla like beast were involved, so just a mountainous infiltration of carnivore monsters keeping and staying with them, see more here, www.thephoenix1012,blogspot.com - A voice, crying smiling faces don't last, wipe Canada from the map, mean Trump's office of administration is no different than all the others, voted in to keep people from coming face to face with the inevitable, America's fate is nuclear, Natural and Noah/NOAA's cousin. My Christ is God, Holy Spirits just before Trump's Dec. 3-6th, 2017, a 1st Matrix, count, declarations of Jerusalem showed even your elephants of staying unaware stampeding, causing an earth quaking so mightily a handle was lost on an artistic Carter, (see Pres. Carter, attempts of peace in the middle east?). Then if that reveal was harsh, replacing stampeded elephants of staying unaware, is a little Miya girl of come apocalypse for minding your procrastinating escape come, from the back seat of stubborn vehicles. -Shownuff, as of Thanksgivings to Black Friday 2017, awarded still was a post apocalypse, Matrix ten day countdown, but even doing it's 6th count, Rev., 6, chapt, 01/26-29, 2018. The Seventh Angel Trumpet, as of Rev. 17, just this meeting in the heavens, for assuredly it should've been the Bride's ascension. You see, only ten Matrix days prior, the early hours into the Hawaii missile alert, 01/13-16, 2018, also hearing in my ears, Rev. 17:16-18, "one hour with the beast." It was while looking at a dangerous, perfect man eye to eye an identical looking perfect man Jesus oddly asked, whether the angels would ascend with the Bride? -But, no, instead of ascension, the Seventh Angel Trumpet, the same once having a conversation with Apostle John, unveiling the great whore Mystery Babylon come judgments only now America's doomsday come. Plainly, as to arrive as of Daniel 12, the man in linen timetable done, Obama's, depleted timetable, rising with those beast of Rev. 13, now a 13th Matrix, 2008-2016, the same. Again here he is, vials in hands, with a beyond description message his own, saying for three days of it, no more doomsday Passovers US, Western, (Mystery Babylon's), soil. Indefinitely, as of desolations predicted from millennia to present days, hours, come; beware the Midwest, the Eastern Seaboard, as the inundated with such forewarnings, US, Canada West Pacific. -I must say this, I tend to just tell people what I see, a habit these thirty plus years, I little at the front consider it's prophetic components, even that what I'm seeing was seen by other, earlier Prophets/Apostles. It is probably having this meeting with the angel bearing these seven bowls explains why, how this woman was found, this giant maze of reaping stumbling blocks of iniquity. The ever shocking, millions plus visited water, cooler, though she's bearing black bowls of tribulation's worst, stumbled into striking up a conversation with me. Actually, she's yet offering business cards for better homeless shelters, this amazing grace of divine intervention undoubtedly, the worse of judgments, of God's wrath come; come still is a love/peace offering of mansions in heaven, behold, He stand at the door and knock, if any man? The Spirit and Bride sayet come, beware, repent, escape, and may God bless it, Apb, The, RAM, see more reveal here, http://thestonesurface2017.blogspot.com/2018/07/what-of-jesus-husband-0626272015.html


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