-Watchman, What Of the Night, Of The Mystery Of Iniquity, Of The Veils Of Illusions, Of Darken Mirrors, Of The Heathen Raging, Of The Thrusting Sickle Into The Wine Press of God?

Wyoming’’ 573, 720, Yellowstone surrounding states, Idaho, 1.75 mil, Montana, 989,415, South Dakota, 858,469, Nebraska, 1.82 million, Utah, 3.16 mil Colorado 5.607 Mil

Yellowstone would destroy two thirds of the country, while there's a calculated as of its state and the six others surrounding it, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Utah, and Colorado so over 13 million endangered lives. Though by my prophetic ministry I have every reason to believe this deletion of America tbis planet, taking the tack of the 2017, eclipse will be threefold, I’ve called it a three headed Godzilla monster, nuclear, natural and Noah/NOAA, as in from Man, from Damater, as so from God, as from the heavens, and these extinction level events does not include commanded reapers used for stampeding such targeted yet stubborn people, so we know a sudden super eruption will kill 13 million, Bill gates us referring to an outbreak that can kill millions world wide so millions again US soil, as of the pale horse judgement ai saw, so drawing closer to the predicted 15 %, a predicted as well nuclear attack an Asian Invasion would kill so many millions, as well, I heard it said, the Antichrist would kill millions going broke, so there's millions more, as so I heard it said, God said he will kill millions, possibly the Noah’s cousin, to the witnessed in likeness to Apostle a John Rev. 6, 6th seal, I witnessed the sjy roll back like scroll, though I didn't see what caused it I saw what was the result if it inconceivable fur a million years, the heavens began to crystallized, crack and break apart along huge shards and like shooting missiles bombard earthers running, hiding and crying for their lives, again aI remind, horrors if which the visited by the seventh angel trumpet, for nights if ut, seen straddling the world map, US map the Midwest, the eastern seaboard, urgently warning desolation predicted Apb,now these 30 plus years, are all now come, beware as well the inundated with such forewarning, Us, Canada, West Pacific, escape either southeast or skyward, the Brides escape, America’s earthwide exodus.

As I calculate, like Im doing my own census, I’m reminded of the roll call, census taking formed out the Lambs book of life, 2015, all while astonishingly while the  lyrics we exalt thee played over spirit,heart and head, we’ve been told that as sudden as the cataclysm as the one I witnessed, that left a subtraction if 199 years and probably these 13 million live, just before America's weight of blood guilt. A sudden super eruption would wipe out two thirds of the country, making me wonder about all the states and their population surrounding it, seeing a predicted 50 million dead 2002-2016/17/18, is such a precise number, like a census had been done. You may ask am I trying to scare you? No, I'm for one if the first times, these thirty years, rendering a prophecy that has placed a US soil directed death toll at exactly 50 millions for exactly sixteen years, so Bush’, Obama/Clinton and Trump's, and sent a seventh angel Trumpet, nights Jan. 26-29th, 2018 this close to the earth only because the Bride's escape had come, as he's the predicted Trump of God, whereas only 13 days earlier, Jan. 13-16, 2018 while looking face to face with a perfect, dangerous man, the perfect man Jesus, also this close to earth, the Bride's rapture asked if these Angels, meaning they’re all around us, would they ascend with the pride, meaning for all those asking are we in the last days of biblical prophecy judging by these unforeseen other than biblical prophecy, astonishing reveals alone the answer is undoubtedly, miraculously yes. The Jesus' husband, the man in linen, so is the reigning Bride, Rev. 19, Jesus the perfect man, the seventh angel trumpet, and a reapers with sickle in hand, stalled to reap the come death harvest of the earth, as soon as the Bride is taken out, all the surreal of what I’ve witnessed just since Jan. 2018, beware!, Apb, see here, https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/791523/nuclear-war-usa-bomb-shelters-fallout-north-korea-russia


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