Jesus The Christ, The Woman Seed, Jesus The Prince Of Peace, The Inkhorn Man, The Man In Linen, Jesus, The Sunlight Of Gun, The Jesus Husband

-Watchman, what of the Christmas Carol dream, whereas you saw the US, West Pacific coastline gone into the ocean, the Nation of Canada gone from the map. Then it was as a consuming fire, a replenishing flame, a fire for stampeding all into the southeast coastline, the white house, the Kennedy space center, all burn, burn, burn right until you heard in your ear, Britain, America, separate them into itty, bitty pieces, kill all parents by, finish all schools; until you heard as well, the eastern seaboard is gone?

     -The Escape By Infernos Snapping At Their Heels, The Commanded Exodus of America, Escape Or Perish, And May God Bless Your Obedience, beware, Apb

     -Jesus The Christ, The Woman Seed, The Prince Of Peace, The Inkhorn Man, The Man In Linen, Jesus, The Sunlight Of Gun, The Perfect Man, Jesus, The Jesus' Husband, Beware, Apb

     -Did you pastor Begley as well watch dutchsinse latest? Yes earthquakes at Yellowstone caldera, but also the never before seen by him array of fires burning state to state. Dangerously, disastrously from the West Pacific into the Midwest. I actually heard him say to escape all the bellowing smoke perhaps people need to get more southeast. Not only my nearly two decade prophecy, where like a prophet Ezekiel doing a fly over the entire country. The West Pacific, California coastline gone, everything else burn into the southwest, northeast, Midwest, Midsouth, until the Whitehouse was in flames, the Kennedy space center was damaged, the eastern seaboard was announced gone and the Jesus' husband of Resurrection 1986-2018, was seen escaping some southeast just before taking the bride skyward.
-Such is prophesied events a visit from the Seventh Angel Trumpet, Rev. 17 (the angel Gabriel, 05/15/2004, the Jesus' husband, birthday, the Brexit, 02/22/2016, pending the moving to Georgia, heaven dream, 2015, his 4 year death/ascension, anniversary). So nights, Jan. 26-29, 2018, so a 6th, Matrix, a 6th, Rev. Chapt., the Seventh Angel Trumpet come for the Bride's resurrection, verified the same, no further delays, desolations US soil, come, such was this urgent warning for three nights. Surely beware, the Midwest, the eastern seaboard as well as the inundated with such forewarning, US, Canada, West Pacific. I cant help but ask pastor, how many of you leaders are warning your people to escape, Rev. 18, doom Mystery Babylon, America, or are you like Anita telling them dreams about escaping southeast to skyward, Mat. 24, is just a figment of their imagination?

     Watchman, what of the Jesus Husband,  06/26,27/2015, escaping some Southeast like a Lot and Family, before arriving the Bride Her Chariot Skyward? Beware, Apb

The Fall Of Men's error/era

      -These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful, Rev. 17:14

Mack, The Jesus Husband Of Resurrection

     -My husband, 05/15/1954-02/22/2012, (see Angel Gabriel 2004, Cameron's Brexit, 2016), soon come to be to named a Jesus husband. It al began by a dream I had 1988, in the dream, my niece Ebonee (See New Africa, US, commanded exodus, 1986-2018), assisted me, visited by demon dogs, I now call Egypt's Anubis, {see the secrets of Memphis, TN.), . I was packed, locked and loaded for the out reach of God's people.
     - It wasn't long I was come upon by a giant, bear, (Medo Persia, 2003, a build up of  torture vehicles, a dirty Mede,}, lion beast, (Babylon, 2015, Nebuchadnezzar's Mountain from heaven, 2027, Lion Beast of Ancient Beast Reign, in the home) I ran, took cover in a red automobile. As so when I did, when I glance from the window right, all I could see were the fields and fields after those fields. It for as far as possible, fields filled up with the dead, with this beast swallow. 
     -So when I turn to look left from another widow, I found myself in a dark dungeon, deep, cold. It was then I began to see there was yet another, a greater beast. I saw as the lock his prison bars slowly began to unrivaled. So when it did, more reveal come to me, one, great beast was loosed, another, a greater, was to come.
     -No longer under the cover of this red car, the first beast come to destroy, my having seen him, his manslaughter. Only I looked, there come was my husband Mack, who was also Jesus, the Savior. Only together we fought, only together, married, we slew this beast into the end.
     -That is how my Mack, got this title, Jesus Husband, decades before he too ascended and visits, now ordain a messenger from heaven, seen as the Jesus husband of resurrection, the last I heard his voice, 2014, rising up into the clouds, he said, and I quote him, beware of alien dangers, coming from above, beware, Apb, see, www.thephoenix1012.blogspot com

The Parable Of the Leopard Skin Coast, And Debated Restrooms That Bedazzles and Distractions Along The Mightiest Of All Errors, Ever!

     -One of the most extensive dreams, the Jesus husband was in, he and I were leaving a party as I was held back, by the host handling me the loan of this stunningly, beautiful, artificial, leopard skin coast, understand, I knew despite how wonderfully, how truly overwhelming, I knew one it's fur was artificial and two, it was on loan, quite costly. Only as I was distracted by the host of the party, my husband went on ahead of me, so I had to make speed to catch up with him, only when I looked again, this benumbing, temptress of a loan, it was gone, nowhere to be found.
     Frighten, this being a loan, I left off from catching up with my husband, and went off seeking for this everybody had to have it, artificial loan, and what do you know? There in was, in the possession of Latino females. I come right up, explained the urgent situation, how the coat come my possession. Clearly, as I stayed behind doing this, I could as well detect, that my husband was getting further and further way from me, so retrieving this amazing loan, I got after him again.
     -I had to catch up with him, only horribly, when I looked yet again, the loan coat so unspeakably fabulous was again missing, meaning once again I had to go off frightfully searching, and there, there in was, in the possession of Asian females loving it and loving it to death, again I explained my position, had no problem retrieving it, ran off speedily after my husband, who could barely be seen by now if ever again, but, I huffed and puffed and efforted still to catch up.
     -Though, what do you know, I lost it again, this wordless, astonishing most magnificent this world, artificial leopard skin coat, loan. Looking for it, that missing yet again. Oddly I found myself in a Rockefeller, playboy suite, of a white man in a bed fast asleep, I testified the first of this year, 01/13-16/2018. So three nights of it, there were dreams about deadly sickbeds and riches to rags sleepovers, whereas one time, looking at a dangerous, perfect man, a perfect man Jesus asked oddly, would the angels ascend with the Bride?
    -Still, the leopard coat dream, I persevered along this search, until it finale, this playboy suite restroom, such a mystery I know. That's until come Obama's, the highly debated, breaking the Genesis marriage, the American Sanctuary apart, transgender restrooms. But, searching for this artificial loan of an indescribable for an eternity distraction, the Jesus husband, had taken the Bride and gone. Now peering from the balcony paradise of a penthouse, standing, stranded atop no doubt these Trump Towers, wordlessly horrified were all those leopard coat (American Dreaming), distracted and now left behind.
      -Of course the lamentations of God's Revelation, as recorded, it's 18th chapter, saying, 'And the kings of the earth, (why Lot's Wife wasn't to look back), who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning," 

     -This is why Apostle of Christ, I am, 1986-2018, keep telling you, stop it, stop deceiving yourselves, stop deceiving others, things seen temporary, things not seen eternal, get it, get Jesus and get, (ascend), out of it, and get out of it! Jesus is here, I been telling you that for years, not only does an appearance the first of the year, 2018, by these various prophectic identities of Jesus of resurrection prove it. Surely the appearance by the seventh angel trumpet, Jan. 2018, whose to herald both the Bride's ascent and descent is all the more proof, Saints Of The Most High God, stay, stand your ready! Beware, Apb, The RAM, see more here,


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