-Truth has no agenda, that may anon sound wise, but truth's agenda, the sunlight, from behind a mountain God's Throne, is that all having fallen from the glory God, is that mankind no longer serve the creature, but by the cross of Jesus Christ, worship, the Creator God Of Heaven, Earth and Man, beware, Apb
-Watchman, what of the death rider 1996, from the beneath the earth? You saw that the earth opened up and this rider of mortuary this county, this planet, just leaped out of it? Come as described against abominable, destatable lives, lands and churches of the people, for they'd forsaken God. Then soon hearing a cry, Ps. 37, fret not thyselves, rather, trust, delight and commit, and God Will, ....and God, Will! www.theark1986-2016.blogspot.com -Don't yall remember something similar happen along Bush's war on the axis of evil, a Saddam Hussein Syndrome, a feared invasion by Islam US soil, what holy Spirits called one error into a new fearfactor. Then I come right in 2003 and told you all don't fret, according to Reveltaion 11:1, 2, Hussein will one day father this nation and rule tihs world. Only then great beast, one from land, one from sea rose, with a Senator Hussein Obama, being declared, 2008, 'the one," and now President Hussein Obama, being awared, 2008, "a two weeks and seven year timeable, 07/27-29/2008, the blood moon, a 24th Matrix, 07/27/2018, Obama's timetable, tenth anniversary, see, Dan. 12, Rev. 10. This, by dreams 06/26/272015, was right into Prime minster Cameron, pending, 07/06/2015-02/22/2016, Brexit, the sudden, cataclyamic end of all west rule this planet. That's beginning with the toasting to barbequing of US soil, from the west coast into the eastern seaboard, a stampede southeast, a Moses's day, exodus of America into Africa's coastlines. Surely the fulfillment of my 2002, Christman Carol dream, and thirty plus springs, of prophetic ministry, the intrepid adventure to weight of blood guilt, to come doomsday of Mystery Babylon, America this entire planet, 1986-2018, beware, Apb, -Watchman, what of the Jesus Husband, 06/26,27/2015, escaping some like a Lot and Family southeast, before arriving the Bride Her Chariot, Skyward? Beware, Apb The Fall Of Men's error/era -These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful, Rev. 17:14 Jesus The Christ, The Woman Seed, The Prince Of Peace, The Inkhorn Man, The Man In Linen, The Sunlight Of Gun, The Perfect Man, Jesus, Jesus, The Dangerous, Perfect Man, The Jesus' Husband, Beware, Apb, www.lordurusalem.blogspot.com Mack, The Jesus Husband Of Resurrection In My Dreams, The Bride's Resurrection, Now Come www.theparableoftherest2016.blogspot.com -My husband, 05/15/1954-02/22/2012, (see Angel Gabriel 2004, Cameron's Brexit, 2016), soon come to be named a Jesus husband. It all began by a dream I had 1988, in the dream, my niece Ebonee (See Memphis Dunlap Street, New Africa, US, commanded exodus, by Preece Ebonee Be'le, 1986-2018), visited and mocked by demon dogs, I now call Egypt's Anubis, {see inquiries along the secrets of Eqypt/Memphis, TN, 2017), spiritually, I was packed, locked and loaded for the out reach of God's people. -It wasn't long I was come upon by a giant, bear, (Medo Persia, 2003, a build up of torture vehicles, a dirty Mede,}, lion beast, (Babylon, 2015, Nebuchadnezzar's Mountain from heaven, 2015, Lion Beast of Ancient Beast Reign, in the home 2017) I ran, took cover in a red automobile. As so when I did, when I glanced from the window right, all I could see were the fields and fields after those fields, for as far as possible, fields filled up with the dead, with this beast's swallow. -So when I turn to look left from another widow, I found myself in a dark dungeon, deep, cold. It was then I began to see there was yet to come, another, a greater beast. I saw as the lock his prison bars slowly began to unrivaled, so when it did, more reveal come to me, one, great beast was loosed and had devoured many, but another, a greater, was to come. -No longer under the cover of this red car, the first beast come to destroy, my having seen him, his manslaughter. Only I looked again, there come was my husband Mack, who was also Jesus, the Savior, Rev. Only together we fought, only together, married, we slew these beast into the end, Rev. 17:14. -That is how my Mack, got this title, a Jesus Husband, decades before he too ascended and visits, now ordain a messenger from heaven, seen as the Jesus husband of resurrection. The last I seen him, was as of sickbeds, and riches to rags sleepovers, nights Jan. 13-16 2018, the last I heard his voice, 2015, his, our rising up into the clouds, he said, and I quote him, "beware of alien dangers, coming from above," beware, Apb, see entire blog here, http://thestonesurface2017.blogspot.com/2018/07/what-of-jesus-husband-0626272015.html, see, www.invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com


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