For When The The Seventh Angel Trumpet, For Three Nights of it, come and talked to me, Jesus' Apostle I Am, 1986-2016/17/18, beware, Apb

     -Further, beware, the blood moon, as of July 27, 2018, will fall on a 24th Matrix, 11/24/25/2017, ten day countdown. Beware, Trump's declaration of Jerusalem, Dec 3-6, 2017 and elephants seen, felt as a mighty ruckus stampeding was a first Matrix, Rev. 1-22, Chpts open. A seventh Angel Trumpet, here the Bride's escape, Rev. 17/18, Matx. 17/18, nights Jan. 26-29, 2018, so a Matx, 6, Rev. 6. As yet warning, no more doomsday Passovers US soil, desolations predicted now come, the blessedness of knowing, signs and wonders.
     -Which remind me, I told you about a dream or a memory a year or so past, in the dream it was the whole world, especially America cast helplessly along this limitless collapsed maze of a homeless shelter, come to all reveal,all. Though I saw a many things evil doctrines of devils ad demons purposing after men's soul, it is only that they perish. One particular event took my notice, finding myself in the line of millions upon millions awaiting a single water cooler.
     -Only as I stood mid point this line, a woman bearing some black bowls approaches, stumbled and as soon as I reached out to help. Well, it is then she and I started up a conversation about better homeless shelters, when oddly she reaches into her shirt pocket and draw forth a business card, howbeit not a business card for better homes and gardens, but a business card for better himself shelters. Now let me remind me, at this point in prophetic scripture as from the foundation of world, the blessedness of such shelters are the promised by Jesus to saints, mansions in heaven, still the bride and the spirit sayeth come.
    -Here, since, Apostle John's meeting in heaven with the seventh angel, tryumpet regarded the fact that he had in his possession seven bowls of wrath, curiously would we; even could we suspect, the exchange of these bowls from this seventh angel to the woman now bearing these black bowls; was it as well an exchange of delivery mpt less lethal  but an exchamge of hands from his mighty angel to the only female character mention in heaven, having any authority, the reigning Bride; still was I seeing here this urgent, urgent talk with seventh angel trumpet for three nights f it , here the Brides' escape is where these bowls of judgments passed from Angel to Righteous Bride.
     -Apostle John again testifies of hearing, the Spirit and Bride saying come, are we then doing this water cooler dream seeing a more up close and personal look at this amazing grace of a welcome by her? As to see the Bride of Christ doing a manner of asking that instead of being lost forever to worthless homeless, damnng  shelters this earth, upon acception of Jesus, we've all instead bidden, even by her to marriage suppers and mansions in heaven. Indefiniatlly an act a divine intervention from, out of the wherwithal,worse judgements of Revelation's apocalypose ever, as they're about to fall..
     -Although i little thought of it being a student, a disciple these thirty plus springs of simply sharing what I see or hear little calculating how beyond imagined, these eventsl, Not realizing there are those who would ask, how is it this woman of divine intervention now possesses the black bowls witnessed by apostle John to be in the possession of a seventh angel trumpet? Carefully, now this additioal witnessed in the heavens with the Seventh Angel Trumpet agian the Bride's escape, we're to see further of Apostle John's witness. The holy church, She, now the reigning Bride it is as they repent, itis likely, She has bidden them, still not willing that an perish, to blessed living waters and blessed life and living Jesus' millennium reign to God's Kingdom come, got Him, got Jesus yet? Beware, Apb, The RAM       


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