Jesus is Righteous Head, Jesus is Good Shepherd, Jesus is Heart, Blood Redemption Jesus Is Here!

          -America's West Rule, is a Moses day exodus and Senator/Ex. Pres. Hussein Obama is a Moses day, since predicted 1986-2016/17/18, now referred to as the secrets of Memphis, Egypt/Tennessee, African born, heir, deliverer, into Africa. Yet here I thought predicting 2003, as of Rev. 11:1,2, a Hussein White House and world reign while Saddam Hussein was being hunted down for exection by the US/Nato military, was off the prophetic charts. But it seem, just as Senator Obama 2008, was being declared the one and given a time table, that the last middle east targeted blood moon was as it's tenth anniversary, so 07/27/2008-07/27/2018. I know, the propehetic events that goes on despite errant man tugs of turf/nuclear war, this forewarn now for many millennium God's earthwide outreach, reveal.
     -To be honest, it will explain, see both Dan. 12 man in Linen into Rev. 10, of a giant angel swearing, there'd been time no longer, so there's the declared, the one, Hussein Obama on Memphis, New Madrid Dunap street, as so a time later, Michelle, Hussein Obama, seen on Madrid, Memphs, Dunlap street. Where as well the little Miya girl of post, present apocalypse come, retrieved from Dunlap street, all mean, the man in Linen Dan. 12 sworn timetable into Obama's two weeks and seven year timetable done. Heretofore I witnessed, 2016, it is that an intravenous Jesus' millennium until Daniel week be fulfilled, decended domestically into Barack and Michelle Hussein Obama seeming, own act of divine intervention. Relentlessly warn, yet 15%, US soil was no more, along with two quarters this earth, henceforth, well now, 2017, the little Miya Girl of translation/translating earth's refugess for a toll of two quarters, into a final error/era, of a brand new fear factor, again until Jesus' 1000 year reign, be finiahed, beware, Apb   

     Though I didn't realize directly, but the seventh angel, Rev. 17/18,  now Jan. 2018, was in the form of 666, referencing Rev, 6, it's 6th seal, arriving, 01/26-29/2018, on a 6th Matrix ten day countdown to doomsday come, US/Western soil, 666. beware, Apb

Prophecy Link,

     -Seen to be in a dream where I interpet a sign in English into the Dutch language, (; seem to trace it back to refercences, 06/26/27/2015 as of the pending, esape to the southeast, to skyward, somthing about Cameon, 2016, Brexit, see here, dutchsinse, See dutchsinse September 4th 2018, prediction will make it a 28th, since Nov. 24/25/2017, back to Dec. 24/25/2001, award of the Dec. Christmas Eve/day; Nov. Thanksgiving/Black Friday, 2017, (2003, awarded shopping lunch hour into record Mede/Islamic tortures upon the US military), Matrix ten day countdown, beware, Apb

     -Athiest Tell Catholics leave the church already, Holy Lords of Israel, 1986-2018, says this! Our God Triumph Gloriously The Horse And Rider, Sin Trying, Tying Jesus Hand/Heel, Trampled Under Feet, Beware, Apb

     Jesus is Righteous Head, Jesus is Good Shepherd, Jesus is Heart, Blood  Redemption, Jesus Has Healing Wings, Tree Leaves, Jesus Is The Spirit Of Prophey, Jesus Is Here!


     -My last message to the church, 1998, was to be and I quote thus said the Lord lamenting live in my ear, "somebody need to tell them, somebody need to warn them, (repeat) get to churches of Christ, ministers of Christ, messengers of Christ, altars of Christ, learn of end times events, for a time of darkness, (Ancient Beast Reign/mark of the beast), is coming. This from the God, I saw in a live mirror image, 1986, with his throne back turn at them, witnessed, 1993, crying behind a silence in heaven over them, seen the church mighty with infernos, 1987,  and, 2013, told to fall back in love with God. The White House 2001, and the entire country from West to east burn up as well. Still, the cry three years the Jesus husband, like a Lot and family, escaped some southeast, June 2015, come the cry, June 2017, get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood, the Lambs book of life, 2015, roll call, census taken, done, yet as a last final effort, the seventh angel trumpet bearing the seven vials, (bowls), 2018, and the ascended Bride are meeting in the sky, he's crying no more doomsday Passovers, (America, West Rule ended, Dec 24/25/2001-Nov. 24/25/2017), only the next time you see her, it's the maze about the rebellious world, this stumbling block of iniquity, this wilderness of sin, this multimillion visited single water cooler, once crying, no more religion driving the nails into Jesus heel, God is a spirit, worship God in spirit and truth, standing at his throne, 2017, sunlight, behind a mountain cries, let my people go! in her hands are several scorched, black bowls, in her upper right, hand pocket are business cards for better homeless shelters, and that sparks this other conversation, this doomed world is not your home, Jesus Is, get Jesus, get out! Fir the Lord dieth see us, yhe Lord Our God, Is With Us, as you love, make this reveal go viral, beware, Apb


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