The Complex Parable, Paradox To Pandora Box Of A Ancient Assyria, Of All Ancient Beast Rule, Revisited
-Watchman, what of the night, 2015, you woke mightily exhausted in your bed with remembrance of strange names in your head, when just as soon you began to be soothed, by the amazing lyrics, we exalt thee; only with said amazing lyrics come a remarkable memory. You was in events in doing heaven, the Lambs book of life was opened and it’s Ancient Scroll was being crafted into, as of a school day, name, roll call. That every time one of its worthy participates was called, said inscription would rise from divine antiquities, with all eyes upward it's notice and float and flutter into heavenly places beyond.
-Then all you could hear so sweetly in your ear was its host of heaven singing so miraculously, we exalt thee, then plainly, remarkably still, onto the next. Then on to the next, from Cain slaying Abel into the cry, six millenniums here lately, go and get the twelve heirs, see Rev. 7; so as to sift and shape shift through billions of subscribers, no wonder one felt physically overwhelmed. Only one sad note, this divine beast of beauty, not only was this a roll/role call, this was a final, biblical census, the blood harvest this entire earth, thus Rev. 20 say, whosoever name isn't found written in the Lamb's Book of life expert for millennia of keeping of records, would be tossed into a lake, burning with fire, brimstone and gnashing of teeth? Beware, Apb (see King David's Error/Era, Into Cease Fires, Instead, The Deadliest Of Census, Taking, For A Lost, of 70,000, thousand men, I Chron. 21),
-Thou shalt burn with fire a third part in the midst of the city, when the days of the siege are fulfilled: and thou shalt take a third part, and smite about it with a knife: and a third part thou shalt scatter in the wind; and I will draw out a sword after them. Eze. 5:2
-Suicide Pastor, A Servant Of Satan, Did Not Go To Heaven, see Jesus, Mat. 7:21-23
-Christian no longer study nor practice sin, murder-suicide is sin, thou shalt not kill, I John 3, for the seed of holy truth and holy spirit is imbedded the new heart of you and Saints Of The Most High God, no longer, study nor practice sin, those like Christ who're crucified, Rom. 6, as is Christ and as Christ, Risen to a newness of life, immortal life, walking by faith, sin is dead to THEM, beware, Apb
Planet X, Arrival, Oct. 25th, 2018,
-Oct. 25th, 2018, Pastor Begley, will be a since Dec., Christmas Eve, Day, 2001, blood guilt weigh station until 190 months and 40 days be fulfilled, Nov. Thanksgiving/ Black Friday, 2017, American, West Rule, weight of blood guilt, doomsday come; again Oct. 25th is the 33rd, instead awarded, Nov. 24/25, 2017, Matrix ten day countdown into no more doomsday Passovers US/Western soil, beware, Apb
The Lamentation Of Syria, As This World's For It's Millennia, Martyred Blood, Rev. 17/18
Phoenix Two,
-We Americans standing by the Bush's 2003, 11 o'clock shopping, lunch hour award understand. Saddam's Iraq/Hussein's Whitehouse, attack Syria, Gaddafi's gold denair attack Syria, China Yuan attack Syria, Russia's Rubia, attack Syria, Kim's Nuclear Threats attack Syria, Cameron'/Britain's Brexit attack Syria, Islamic Terrorism attack Syria, Abbas' Eight, attack Syria, Hawaii volcano eruptions, attack Syria, California, Canada, US states of barbecues all burning, attack Syria. Americans cry to Trump make America great again, attack Syria. The Seventh Angel, Rev.17/18, Bearing The Seven Vials, 01/26-29/2018, crying no more doomsday day Passovers pending, US/Western soil, attack Syria!
-Syria/Assyria, the stone made with hands that kingdom and nations for millennia have been breaking and breaking themselves against. Only now the command since 2004/5 gone out to reapers bearing swordlike syringes, even the Bride now reigning in heaven bearing the stone cut out without hands, and I quote, Britain, America, separate them into itty, bitty pieces, wipe Canada from the map, take their cities, their White Houses and Money Markets burn them with fire! Doing the first wave, as of 2002, 2013, 2017/18, an announced Fifty Million Will Die, this doomed world, even planet is not your home, Jesus Is, get Jesus, get out! Beware, Apb
error/era/.error, US States This World, Blnking Light Of Caution, Blood Guilt, Until 190 Years Subtracted,
-Thou shalt also take thereof a few in number, and bind them in thy skirts. Then take of them again, and cast them into the midst of the fire, and burn them in the fire; for thereof shall a fire come forth into all the house of Israel/Mystery Babylon, America.
-Though Pres Trump like Pres. Bush has from God received a grade of error. Bush's was a voice in my ear, one error/era a new fear factor. I'd already warn, 2003 their greatest fear, America, that a Hussein would father this country Rev. 11, 1, 2 and for 42 months rule this world. Trumps, arrived as a fury of God as Gog and Magog, cast at it. Instead it's grade come in lower case, bold letters, but the word error/era no less, into a 42 month Antichrist, reign. The most concerning American mounting blood guilt had already been weighed, measured and judged, oddly to include 15% of their own. Such dating into Jer. 37:8, Dan. 5, like Babylon then, now Mystery Babylon, then a Medes and Persians now a Dirty Mede would essentially slay them, take their cities, soil, White and Money houses and burn them with fire. Just remember, the pileup of torture vehicles.
-I witnessed doing Bush's, a US General called a dirty Mede, well I think you get it. The 11'o'clock shopping lunch hour, now 11:04, was granted doing Bush, that while US shoppers went on their mary way, every minute they forfeited horribly, morbidly a military loved one and the guts and gore I saw, well, are there any kids in the room? Now its barbequed states of America, with Noah's cousin infernos taking the 2017, west to east, eclipse trajectory, then it was charred military bodies, talk about your horror house, or skeletal nearing asteriod, and the Hawaii eruption once wearing a smiley face, talk about God having a sense of humor, he did say, I will laugh when your fear cometh, Beware Apb
And I Send My Flaming, Sword, From Behind Prison After Them, The Heart Stabbing Ezekiel's Day Reapers, Even While People Are Finally Stampeding, the little miya of translation
Therefore thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I, even I, am against thee, and will execute judgments in the midst of thee in the sight of the nations. And I will do in thee that which I have not done, and whereunto I will not do any more the like, because of all thine abominations. (see Eze. 38, 39, the alike fury cast 2016, at a Trump, Pence, campaign ticket,( And it shall come to pass at the same time when Gog shall come against the land of Israel/Islam, saith the Lord God, that my fury shall come up in my face. {you ask why? Because since Bush/Cheney's, Saddam, 2002, Obama/Clinton, Gadaffi' 2013, right into Trump/Netanyeu, Assad/Abbas, 01/22/2017, as a petrodollar, the root of all evil, death toll, a predicted fifty million people will die, and hell rode with him) beware, Apb
And I Shall Send My Flaming, Sword After Them!
-Yes, so if fire is coming to you from the north, south, east and west, raining down from above and rising up from beneath to meet you from there, unless all your prepping include an altar of Jesus for getting you skyward, like Ezekiel’s Peep, Eze. 5, you have no place to run except into Heaven or out of the country, Africa await refuge American/Westerns like Petra, await, refuge Israelis/Islamics. As I testified the predicted 2017, 99 bowls of molten lava, to a Noah's cousin, a world engulfed in flaming infernos, 2 Pet 3:11, instead of a world flood. Assuredly 2015, made to see fuel canisters all laid perfectly in a circle and one by one set ablaze, so for three years now. Undoubtedly the ring of fire, the Pacific Plate, right now not only gone viral, but I heard it's activity described as beyond record nuclear explosions.
-Surely right into the predicted, 2017, 10.2 earthquake, the predicted, 2017, major, major earthquake, West, Pacific, Canada and the predicted, Jan. 13-16/2018, something, the secrets of Memphis, TN. New Madrid, Dunlap Street; as having the downtown newspaper's bells ringing, just as an imploding and erupting West Pacific, has earth's bells ringing. Just you remember, there's a predicted, Bush's/Obama/Clinton, 2013/2017/18, Pres. Trump, newspaper article, of a Nov. 4, 1975), petrodollar, death toll, that's into heavens ceiling. This doomed world, planet, from post apocalypse into apocalypse at present, is not your home, , Jesus Is, get Jesus, get out, beware, Apb, The RAM
Thus said the Lord God, Even I, I Am Against Thee, Remember The More Starting Than Any Reveal, Triple Threat Against America? Even Since Then Told You, All Extinction Levels Are Due
-A third part of thee shall die with the pestilence, and with famine shall they be consumed in the midst of thee: and a third part shall fall by the sword round about thee; and I will scatter a third part into all the winds, and I will draw out a sword after them. Eze. 5:12 (this will explain, seeing commanded reapers bearing sword like syringes, stabbing people at the heart while they were stampeding, and one said mission impossible was done, so was America, West rule, the Bride, all, this planet, beware, Apb
-Just know, cursed King David strong delusions, is factually, prophetically, is that he, like Trump wasn't suppose to be leading into war but like an artistic Carter, leading to cease fires. Straightly, as US's military are over there defending errantant as themselves men, their own doomsday is come by extinction level events one afer the other. Be crystal, clear, God's Noah's Day wrath is dismantling US soil along commanded 2005, itty, bitty pieces, ashes to dust psrticles tossed and carried the whirlwind of it's abominations. Now, back to the now 11'04 shopping luch hour, that as American go on as all is normal, their petrodollar, savior military loved ones are facing the greatest torturors tbis planet, since death by crucifixion. Not only so, but as to strengthen an already rock solid, lethal resolve, theres the diamond, wedding ring celebration, award, of rewarding Islamic terrorst, iron heart, teeth, efforts against all Westerners.
-Anyway, while doing this, 2003, 11:00 shopping, lunch hour dream, as Americans were being American, blood shopping, eating, drinking, texting and sexting, I witnessed literal torture vehicles, these pulleys. Those for tearing human being to pieces alive, attached, to all places, as to say away even with the bloody places of their birth, so hooks driven into their navels, and we know what's next to happen. But as John Mccain days, that's ok, America's blood thirtsy economy grows stronger and sroner for as long as it imbibe on matryred blood. You see, when I woke in a dream March 2018, and I'd invited all US, states of barbecues intead into Georgia, and they by the boat, truck, car, bus, bikes and horse load were arriving oddly, the back parking lot, whereby an outbreak of carnivore beast, their lives, lands and churches, was all abandoned, finally America's commanded exodus, come . Beware, Apb
-Seen to be hearing Bush's declared one error/era into new fear factor, seen to be seeing flames, like a sword from prison bars target Pres. Bush (truly who want the God, of eberything there ever was, or anything that would ever be, mad at them? If Godi s for you, yes, but what if that same God as the days of Noah, now deemed a Noah's cousin is totally and completely against you?
I the Lord have spoken it, thus shall mine anger be accomplished, and I will cause my fury to rest upon them, and I will be comforted: and they shall know that I the Lord have spoken it in my zeal, when I have accomplished my fury in them, Eze. 5:13
-Then Bush's error/era, and a fire from pruson like a sword targeted him, and, only now 11:04 hour, not unlke like four days later, as a leap year and Trump come US President, Nov. 8th, instead of Nov. 4, thus, 11:04, dating back to the petrodollar one year anniversary, 1975, funeral reef of a death, never before seen this present world/ It was when I saw when Obama's error/era allied by a Clinton, error/era, petrodollar handle bars, whose once applied axle grease for disallowing China and Russia, , had come a funeral reef beauty of great beauty.
-Generally, those beastly, mounting death tolls, leaped, tore and soared right inti heavens ceiling, I guess it you pileup some fifty million Americans to westerners bodies up to the skeletal asteroid I just saw, it might not be such that neither, is such an anomaly.
Then ti top off Ameruca, NATO, West allies defeat, having extinct themselves, making God their enemy, I further witnesed when a US General once calling it's rival a dirty Mede, hand his bloodiest of war horse off to a prophet Jeremiah 37;8, 1998-2018, not only for it was time, but as to wave a white flag of surrendering, along a no contest ajustment to prophetic fulfillment. Beware, Apb
-Seen to be seeing 02/14/2015, the antichrist about the earth in great prowess, seen to be seeing also, the righteous bride now reigning in heaven, having in her possession, Nebuchadnezzar's mountain from heaven being prepared to bring all rebellious kingdom, nation buidling this entire planet to a halt, they now those of God, and His Christ, and they shall reign forever, and the nations were angry, an end to them had plainly come!
I the Lord Have Spoken it: When I shall send upon them the evil arrows of famine, which shall be for their destruction, and which I will send to destroy you: and I will increase the famine upon you, and will break your staff of bread:
-Plainly it was the morning of 01/22/2017, pending was 11/2018, the one month in 30 plus years of a prophetic ministry it come apparent there were no more doomsday Passovers, pending US, Western soil. Then If yet wondering, while you do, just count off all the times into September 11, 2001, America could've been, even it's weight if blood guilt, should've been cataclysmically taken off this planet but wasn't, as always divinity intervened, but not anymore. Exactly ten Matrix days earlier, as of the very early morning into the predicted 2015, disaster Hawaii, nuclear, missile alert, already minutes into Jan. 13, 2018. It was that of a voice woke me saying, "one hour with the beast," so Rev. 17 into it's 18 chapter, the very numbers, 17 and 18 our bus seats,
-The little Miya of post apocalypse and apocalypse presently come, she and I were wearing, while a rebelling still President Trump was assuring NATO, Juy 13, they had their back, as usual, sudden destruction US soil followed. Of ourse not a surpise, Trump agreed ally, Israel took off additionally after the states of ancient Assyria, revisited, as of the seven heads, crowns, the ten headed beast of Rev 13, eight of which were mention by Palestine's Abbas, Dec. 3, 2017. Said, ancient beast reign, come again Obama's 2008-2016, as of the man in Linen, Dan. 12 into Rev. 10, timetable tallied and totalled, but said Ancient beast reign went further into prediction until Trump's Administration's now 2016-2018, they too, as Christ Lord, are here..
-Still, for three nights into, as of disaster Hawaii, as Native Americans, having more god's than people, something Apostle Paul, said of Greece. I was staring down an identical looking perfect, dangerous man, as a perfect man Jesus inquired about Angels possibly ascending with the Bride? Before ten days later, 01/26-29/2018, I'm looking at the seventh angel, as described, Rev. 17/18, his feet are straddled. It would be the world map/oceans, US map/oceans, Then its like his feet are stampering and stampering as he pace back and forth with urgent, urgency, and he's just saying over and over, no more delay US soil, desolations predicted now come, no more delays US soil, desolations predicted now come, no further delay US soil, desolation predicted US soil. Beware the Midwest, the eastern seaboard, as well as the inundated with such forewarning, US/Canada West Pacific, once of which we're assured, Canada, is looking at a prescribed and described, major, major earthquak, ...with a 10.2, pending, as well, a severely fractored, even nuclear, West Pacific plate, beware, Apb
Seen to be seeing June 26/27/2015 into July 6, 2015, a Jesus husband of resurrection in my dreams these 30 plus springs, like a Lot and family escape something southeast into Georgie before taking Bride, skyward, beware, Apb
-So will I send upon you famine and evil beasts, and they shall bereave thee: and pestilence and blood shall pass through thee; and I will bring the sword upon thee. I the Lord have spoken it. Eze. 5:17
-And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth. Rev 18:23, 24
-Only months earlier, I looked into dream about a word puzzle, the word now was being moved around and about until it cone to rest along side the workd .Judgement, as in judgement now! Then a few days later, like I'd seen of India earlier, now applied to the Indian ocean, Christmas 2004, tsunami, that elected to suddenly end over a quarter of a million lives. It was the word Now, all decorative with multi color, blinking Christmas lights, as blinking lights of caution, ni wonder doing the death rider from beneath the earth, 1996, it was suggested. i fret not, these were all things that must be. Fret not thyself, Ps. 37, because of evil doers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquiry, for they soon be cut off snd wither away.
-The weigh station of America's blood guilt come a Christmas eve, Christmas day 2001 thst ladted into a Thanksgiving day, black Friday, 2017, now speedung head on with its award instead of a Matrix ten day countdown into doomsday, it's 28th, when doing the escape to either tGeorgia or heaven dream, 2015, the Bride's Chariot blockibg out the as the sun, diamond carved, crystal dove was wearing a departure date of September 23-25th, making it a 30th Matrix. You know these teouble jave cime, yiu kniw what trajectiry imthey will take, yiu kbiw what areas are temporarily safe, yiu know as the days of old, Noah's, Moses, a sunlight, a mountain God's throne, has commanded all overseers this planet to let his people go, God has only designed escape, God will only bless escape.
-As of the Jesus husband of resurrection, 2015, lead, blessed escape is either Southeast or skyward now you and yours gethsemane garden of decision making; the Spirit willing but the flesh is weak.-Surely trump is into anew with the removal of America with west rule from the planet, at a lost of fifty million everyone who ever cried, make America great again, w don't want God, we ant to mint the Broadway in gold and decorate it with luciferian, ornament, trinkets and gems, Bush's error/era the war n the axis of evil, Obama's era, the supreme same sex vote, trump's error siding it Israel =against hi s neighbor brother, blood and heir. All e erupting volcanos, all the quaking of the earth, al the fires burning, the tsunami that will wash the US west coast into he pacifi.
-As of the major, major earthquake, that will assist Canada along it's own Brexit, with the Midwest, into the upper Mideast warn to t out of there, no doubt the beauty yellow is has come as two into the heavens Godzilla monster and upon eruption not tens thousands but tens of millions are gone, if you was the seventh angel appearing, knowing this was about to happen, knowing that suddenly this my people would in only months be dead,, what manner of urgency would you have, the bride rising up to depart but instead she sees an opening the million man water cooler and make ne effort, the black bowls of judgments in her hand are upon them, but in her upper, right hand pocket, just for now, are business cards for better homeless shelters, than a maze of a wilderness of sin, awaiting Jesus millennium fulfillment into the great white throne judgment.
-And I heard in my hearing, two years the Jesus' husband of resurrection escape, June 26/27/2017 thus said the merciful Lords, "get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood, for which Jesus would then say, except those days be shorten no flesh shall be saved, but the elect sake, (Jesus descending Millennium), those days shall be shorten, before, Apb, see Warn, Nephew Mane, Here
Prophecy Link
-And I Heard In My Hearing, Waking Me From Sleep, 2013, "five more disasters," into an alike voice, waking me 01/22/2017, "fifty million will die," beware, Apb
The World Ending As, By A Consuming, Replenishing, Flaming Sword, From The Four Winds, From The Heavens, From Beneath The Earth, From Prison Bars, All Targeting US To World Leads, Let My People Go, Saith The Sunlight Of God, From A Mountain, Elohim's Throne, beware, Apb
Thus Saith The Lord, 2005, Smiling Faces Don't Last, Seperate Britain And America Into itty, Bitty, Pieces, Wipe Canada (Mystery Babylon) From The Map! Beware, Apb
-Needing to see what's predicted in the real, I watched some of this footage. How these horrors keep happening to some over again, first the parent, then the child, then grands. At least now they're calling it the new normal, when they see it's the new as Moses Egypt. His Hebrew people, their commanded exodus and the ten plagues that helped convince both foe and victim, all US/ Westerners soil. Helping to both scatter and gather them into God planned exodus, then they're at the precipice of why this keep happening, only with no or little lost of life.
-Predicted, 2015, revisited, Rev. 2, early mornings of 01/13-16/2018. The erupting crust and fractured West Pacific plate even ring of fire. Acting as a domino effect, taking 2017 eclipse, trajectory. From a predicted 2015-2018, disaster Hawaii, the Cascadia, the Juan da fuca, the San Andres, the Yellowstone Caldera, the Memphis, New Madrid fault. Including at limit's such faults and defaults with record breaking activity right now, all the US/Canada/the world framework, it's underbelly.
-These killer monsters, to beast of beauties to natures weapons of mass destruction. These Godzilla Monsters whose disastrous performances thus far have been more for gathering some. That's along one surreal goal as to move them and stampede them out of come extinction level events, as predicted 2017 Noah's cousins.
-Only Pastor, the age old question looms can Ethiopian Skin to Leopard Spots who're so accustomed to rebellion, so incorrigible with American Dreaming seperate to disperse saving and safeguarding the soul as the Jesus' husband of resurrection stampede some to save the lives that houses it? This doomed country, world, planet is not your home, Jesus Is, beware, Apb, The RAM, see, Jer. 37:8, 1998, see Eze 4, 5, Dan. 5, 2001, see Eze. 38/39, fulfilling, 2015-2018, beware!, see entire blog here,
Dutch sinse earthquake assessment Of Pending From Earth's Fault Lines, Extinction Level Events -Article, Wildfire risk likely to increase into late September as hot, dry weather builds across West, Article (by a 2001, Christmas Carol Dream,(Eze. 8:3) flyover, I saw this, even the White house burn down, the Kennedy Space Center was damaged, eastern seaboard like it's West coast, neighbor Canada, was pronounced, just gone, beware, Apb) Thus Saith The Lord, 2005, Smiling Faces Don't Last, Separate Britain And America Into itty, Bitty, Pieces, Wipe Canada (Mystery Babylon) From The Map! Beware, Apb Prophecy Link -And I Heard In My Hearing, Waking Me From Sleep, 2013, "five more disasters," into an alike voice, waking me 01/22/2017, "fifty million will die," this doomed country, world, planet is not your home, Jesus Is, beware, Apb, The RAM, see, Jer. 37:8, 1998, see Eze 4, 5, Dan. 5, 2001, see Eze. 38/39, fulfilling, 2015-2018, see entire blog, here, -And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, (14) Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. Rev, -Let no man, presidential to peasant fool you, even if man think he has this kind of power, that too is a strong delusion, for one, truly, no man on this planet nor beneath it can bound nor loose fallen angels nor demons, only God can. Second, nothing rebellious man, to doctrines of demons, devils, fallen angels have meet with resistant nor retardant especially since the US Supreme court, same sex vote. A launch into sexual abnormality that more than threw open but nailed to cemented open the portal and bottomless pit to confusion and every evil work, including the fulfillment of unimaginable demon releases as recorded, Rev. 9, the sounding of the 5th and 6th trumpet. Seemingly, not only why Jesus suggested to disciples and Jerusalem alike, now right into US/Western soil, to flee this abomination, this petrodollar handlebar that's make all this earth desolate with men's slaughter. -Possibly another reason why, while staring down an identical appearing perfect, dangerous man, only minutes into Jan 13, 2018, a day gone down in infamy both domestically and prophetically, the awakening only minutes in, by a voice saying, "one hour with the beast," the fulfillment of Rev. 17, 18, Mystery Babylon/US/Western soil. So, still, minutes later, would come the Hawaii missile alert, that is now a not for many centuries months and months into eruptions, cat 4 hurricane, Aug 2018 only Hurricane Harvey's Aug. 2017, very anniversary. So from, as of pending actual, visual lakes of molten fires, instead the perfect man Jesus, as a distinction between the two asked whether blessed Angels would ascend with the Blessed Bride? Jesus, and all predicted of heaven's host assisting the Bride's instant escape, the seventh angel, the archangel Michael. -His countless armies are all here, only miles above the earth. Sincerely, Apostle I am, can't help but wonder is the same mass escape, God's Kingdom after the Bride, is the same mass exodus, God's Kingdom, after Heir Jerusalem? Described to be a Twilight, a day neither light nor dark, but at evening when Gog and Magog come a Hamon-gog burial, there shall be light; just this horde of heaven's holies so ginormous as it is written the entire Mount of Olivet, like the Red Sea in Moses day. That it, itself cleaves into a wondrous, wide stretching Graceland and by a biblical proportional intervention delivered her seed/son once again. Who is this King of Glory, who is like unto Him and what are these holes in his hands? Jesus Christ, The Son Of God, Millennium Reign of divine intervention, repent, come, say both the Sprit and Bride, Apb, see more here, and here, the ascension,
Watchman, What?
The Abomination Of Desolation Predicted By Jesus These Two Millennium, Come,
-I remind you all still pending these two decades, a death bringer from beneath the earth, rising, riding from west to east, an Asian invasion US soil, and a cry, "cities hit, it's a hit, Guam just did it, as so the eastern seaboard is no more.! As a prediction to made aware, 2011, that our grands would grow up in occupied territories, in an occupied America, right into an Islamic world reign, 2001, as as so a pale horse judgment. Then as to make matters worst, I just started finding odd quarters again, as in two quarters this earth dead, with death tolls in the tens of millions US/Western soil alone, as announced, Bush's 2002, Obama's 2013, Trump's 2017. All with the seven angel trumpet, Rev. 17, Jan. 26-29, 2018, a 6th Matrix, telling us these things are happening right now, as in right now; with the perfect man Jesus only ten days prior, again, 01/13-16/2018, a 5th Matrix, inquiring whether angels would ascend with the Bride? Just as we speed into another, Nov, Thanksgiving/Black Friday, 2017, Matrix ten day count, September 5th, 2018, it's 28th, into the little miya girl of post to present apocalypse , visiting our stubborn to procrastinating cars, all a countdown into doomsday, come! Beware, Apb, see here, and here, the ascension,
-Watchman, what of the night, of coming face to face with Apostle John witnessed of the seventh angel, Rev. 17/18, only as Apostle John witnessed of the mighty angel, the seventh angel Rev. 10, having one feet upon the sea and one feet upon the earth. All so inconceivable, but what's mighty noticeable is the stammering of his feet, even his being, like the mighty angel Rev. 10, with an urgency indescribable, that there is time no longer, that there is no further these delays, for three nights of it, Jan 26 -29, 2018, ten days into the predicted, 2015, disaster, right into the congressman train wreck, still al he's saying is, no further delay, as in no more doomsday Passovers, there is only beware the Midwest, beware the eastern seaboard, as the inundated with such forewarnings, US, Canada West Pacific. That of knowing, this was the Brides escape, Angel 2004 said, she would come, go with a seventh angel. Instead is again come, an act of divine intervention, explaining seeing her, the millions visited single watercooler, bearing in her hands, the bowls of Rev. 17, seventh angel, only now black and scorched as they'd been in the fire, but what was she bearing in her upper, right hand pocket, but business cards for better homeless shelters? Beware, Repent, Escape, and may God bless it, Apb
-Then all you could hear so sweetly in your ear was its host of heaven singing so miraculously, we exalt thee, then plainly, remarkably still, onto the next. Then on to the next, from Cain slaying Abel into the cry, six millenniums here lately, go and get the twelve heirs, see Rev. 7; so as to sift and shape shift through billions of subscribers, no wonder one felt physically overwhelmed. Only one sad note, this divine beast of beauty, not only was this a roll/role call, this was a final, biblical census, the blood harvest this entire earth, thus Rev. 20 say, whosoever name isn't found written in the Lamb's Book of life expert for millennia of keeping of records, would be tossed into a lake, burning with fire, brimstone and gnashing of teeth? Beware, Apb (see King David's Error/Era, Into Cease Fires, Instead, The Deadliest Of Census, Taking, For A Lost, of 70,000, thousand men, I Chron. 21),
error/era/error, this shall be the end shalt burn with fire a third part in the midst of the city, when the days of the siege are fulfilled: and thou shalt take a third part, and smite about it with a knife: and a third part thou shalt scatter in the wind; and I will draw out a sword after them. Eze. 5:2
-Christian no longer study nor practice sin, murder-suicide is sin, thou shalt not kill, I John 3, for the seed of holy truth and holy spirit is imbedded the new heart of you and Saints Of The Most High God, no longer, study nor practice sin, those like Christ who're crucified, Rom. 6, as is Christ and as Christ, Risen to a newness of life, immortal life, walking by faith, sin is dead to THEM, beware, Apb
Planet X, Arrival, Oct. 25th, 2018,
-Oct. 25th, 2018, Pastor Begley, will be a since Dec., Christmas Eve, Day, 2001, blood guilt weigh station until 190 months and 40 days be fulfilled, Nov. Thanksgiving/ Black Friday, 2017, American, West Rule, weight of blood guilt, doomsday come; again Oct. 25th is the 33rd, instead awarded, Nov. 24/25, 2017, Matrix ten day countdown into no more doomsday Passovers US/Western soil, beware, Apb
The Lamentation Of Syria, As This World's For It's Millennia, Martyred Blood, Rev. 17/18
Phoenix Two,
-We Americans standing by the Bush's 2003, 11 o'clock shopping, lunch hour award understand. Saddam's Iraq/Hussein's Whitehouse, attack Syria, Gaddafi's gold denair attack Syria, China Yuan attack Syria, Russia's Rubia, attack Syria, Kim's Nuclear Threats attack Syria, Cameron'/Britain's Brexit attack Syria, Islamic Terrorism attack Syria, Abbas' Eight, attack Syria, Hawaii volcano eruptions, attack Syria, California, Canada, US states of barbecues all burning, attack Syria. Americans cry to Trump make America great again, attack Syria. The Seventh Angel, Rev.17/18, Bearing The Seven Vials, 01/26-29/2018, crying no more doomsday day Passovers pending, US/Western soil, attack Syria!
-Syria/Assyria, the stone made with hands that kingdom and nations for millennia have been breaking and breaking themselves against. Only now the command since 2004/5 gone out to reapers bearing swordlike syringes, even the Bride now reigning in heaven bearing the stone cut out without hands, and I quote, Britain, America, separate them into itty, bitty pieces, wipe Canada from the map, take their cities, their White Houses and Money Markets burn them with fire! Doing the first wave, as of 2002, 2013, 2017/18, an announced Fifty Million Will Die, this doomed world, even planet is not your home, Jesus Is, get Jesus, get out! Beware, Apb
error/era/.error, US States This World, Blnking Light Of Caution, Blood Guilt, Until 190 Years Subtracted,
-Thou shalt also take thereof a few in number, and bind them in thy skirts. Then take of them again, and cast them into the midst of the fire, and burn them in the fire; for thereof shall a fire come forth into all the house of Israel/Mystery Babylon, America.
-Though Pres Trump like Pres. Bush has from God received a grade of error. Bush's was a voice in my ear, one error/era a new fear factor. I'd already warn, 2003 their greatest fear, America, that a Hussein would father this country Rev. 11, 1, 2 and for 42 months rule this world. Trumps, arrived as a fury of God as Gog and Magog, cast at it. Instead it's grade come in lower case, bold letters, but the word error/era no less, into a 42 month Antichrist, reign. The most concerning American mounting blood guilt had already been weighed, measured and judged, oddly to include 15% of their own. Such dating into Jer. 37:8, Dan. 5, like Babylon then, now Mystery Babylon, then a Medes and Persians now a Dirty Mede would essentially slay them, take their cities, soil, White and Money houses and burn them with fire. Just remember, the pileup of torture vehicles.
-I witnessed doing Bush's, a US General called a dirty Mede, well I think you get it. The 11'o'clock shopping lunch hour, now 11:04, was granted doing Bush, that while US shoppers went on their mary way, every minute they forfeited horribly, morbidly a military loved one and the guts and gore I saw, well, are there any kids in the room? Now its barbequed states of America, with Noah's cousin infernos taking the 2017, west to east, eclipse trajectory, then it was charred military bodies, talk about your horror house, or skeletal nearing asteriod, and the Hawaii eruption once wearing a smiley face, talk about God having a sense of humor, he did say, I will laugh when your fear cometh, Beware Apb
As Of Reported, Recorded Infernos Burning Nationally, Internationally This Planet My 2001, Christmas Carol Dream,
And I Send My Flaming, Sword, From Behind Prison After Them, The Heart Stabbing Ezekiel's Day Reapers, Even While People Are Finally Stampeding, the little miya of translation
Therefore thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I, even I, am against thee, and will execute judgments in the midst of thee in the sight of the nations. And I will do in thee that which I have not done, and whereunto I will not do any more the like, because of all thine abominations. (see Eze. 38, 39, the alike fury cast 2016, at a Trump, Pence, campaign ticket,( And it shall come to pass at the same time when Gog shall come against the land of Israel/Islam, saith the Lord God, that my fury shall come up in my face. {you ask why? Because since Bush/Cheney's, Saddam, 2002, Obama/Clinton, Gadaffi' 2013, right into Trump/Netanyeu, Assad/Abbas, 01/22/2017, as a petrodollar, the root of all evil, death toll, a predicted fifty million people will die, and hell rode with him) beware, Apb
And I Shall Send My Flaming, Sword After Them!
-Surely right into the predicted, 2017, 10.2 earthquake, the predicted, 2017, major, major earthquake, West, Pacific, Canada and the predicted, Jan. 13-16/2018, something, the secrets of Memphis, TN. New Madrid, Dunlap Street; as having the downtown newspaper's bells ringing, just as an imploding and erupting West Pacific, has earth's bells ringing. Just you remember, there's a predicted, Bush's/Obama/Clinton, 2013/2017/18, Pres. Trump, newspaper article, of a Nov. 4, 1975), petrodollar, death toll, that's into heavens ceiling. This doomed world, planet, from post apocalypse into apocalypse at present, is not your home, , Jesus Is, get Jesus, get out, beware, Apb, The RAM
Thus said the Lord God, Even I, I Am Against Thee, Remember The More Starting Than Any Reveal, Triple Threat Against America? Even Since Then Told You, All Extinction Levels Are Due
-A third part of thee shall die with the pestilence, and with famine shall they be consumed in the midst of thee: and a third part shall fall by the sword round about thee; and I will scatter a third part into all the winds, and I will draw out a sword after them. Eze. 5:12 (this will explain, seeing commanded reapers bearing sword like syringes, stabbing people at the heart while they were stampeding, and one said mission impossible was done, so was America, West rule, the Bride, all, this planet, beware, Apb
-Just know, cursed King David strong delusions, is factually, prophetically, is that he, like Trump wasn't suppose to be leading into war but like an artistic Carter, leading to cease fires. Straightly, as US's military are over there defending errantant as themselves men, their own doomsday is come by extinction level events one afer the other. Be crystal, clear, God's Noah's Day wrath is dismantling US soil along commanded 2005, itty, bitty pieces, ashes to dust psrticles tossed and carried the whirlwind of it's abominations. Now, back to the now 11'04 shopping luch hour, that as American go on as all is normal, their petrodollar, savior military loved ones are facing the greatest torturors tbis planet, since death by crucifixion. Not only so, but as to strengthen an already rock solid, lethal resolve, theres the diamond, wedding ring celebration, award, of rewarding Islamic terrorst, iron heart, teeth, efforts against all Westerners.
-Anyway, while doing this, 2003, 11:00 shopping, lunch hour dream, as Americans were being American, blood shopping, eating, drinking, texting and sexting, I witnessed literal torture vehicles, these pulleys. Those for tearing human being to pieces alive, attached, to all places, as to say away even with the bloody places of their birth, so hooks driven into their navels, and we know what's next to happen. But as John Mccain days, that's ok, America's blood thirtsy economy grows stronger and sroner for as long as it imbibe on matryred blood. You see, when I woke in a dream March 2018, and I'd invited all US, states of barbecues intead into Georgia, and they by the boat, truck, car, bus, bikes and horse load were arriving oddly, the back parking lot, whereby an outbreak of carnivore beast, their lives, lands and churches, was all abandoned, finally America's commanded exodus, come . Beware, Apb
-Seen to be hearing Bush's declared one error/era into new fear factor, seen to be seeing flames, like a sword from prison bars target Pres. Bush (truly who want the God, of eberything there ever was, or anything that would ever be, mad at them? If Godi s for you, yes, but what if that same God as the days of Noah, now deemed a Noah's cousin is totally and completely against you?
I the Lord have spoken it, thus shall mine anger be accomplished, and I will cause my fury to rest upon them, and I will be comforted: and they shall know that I the Lord have spoken it in my zeal, when I have accomplished my fury in them, Eze. 5:13
-Then Bush's error/era, and a fire from pruson like a sword targeted him, and, only now 11:04 hour, not unlke like four days later, as a leap year and Trump come US President, Nov. 8th, instead of Nov. 4, thus, 11:04, dating back to the petrodollar one year anniversary, 1975, funeral reef of a death, never before seen this present world/ It was when I saw when Obama's error/era allied by a Clinton, error/era, petrodollar handle bars, whose once applied axle grease for disallowing China and Russia, , had come a funeral reef beauty of great beauty.
-Generally, those beastly, mounting death tolls, leaped, tore and soared right inti heavens ceiling, I guess it you pileup some fifty million Americans to westerners bodies up to the skeletal asteroid I just saw, it might not be such that neither, is such an anomaly.
Then ti top off Ameruca, NATO, West allies defeat, having extinct themselves, making God their enemy, I further witnesed when a US General once calling it's rival a dirty Mede, hand his bloodiest of war horse off to a prophet Jeremiah 37;8, 1998-2018, not only for it was time, but as to wave a white flag of surrendering, along a no contest ajustment to prophetic fulfillment. Beware, Apb
-Seen to be seeing 02/14/2015, the antichrist about the earth in great prowess, seen to be seeing also, the righteous bride now reigning in heaven, having in her possession, Nebuchadnezzar's mountain from heaven being prepared to bring all rebellious kingdom, nation buidling this entire planet to a halt, they now those of God, and His Christ, and they shall reign forever, and the nations were angry, an end to them had plainly come!
I the Lord Have Spoken it: When I shall send upon them the evil arrows of famine, which shall be for their destruction, and which I will send to destroy you: and I will increase the famine upon you, and will break your staff of bread:
-Plainly it was the morning of 01/22/2017, pending was 11/2018, the one month in 30 plus years of a prophetic ministry it come apparent there were no more doomsday Passovers, pending US, Western soil. Then If yet wondering, while you do, just count off all the times into September 11, 2001, America could've been, even it's weight if blood guilt, should've been cataclysmically taken off this planet but wasn't, as always divinity intervened, but not anymore. Exactly ten Matrix days earlier, as of the very early morning into the predicted 2015, disaster Hawaii, nuclear, missile alert, already minutes into Jan. 13, 2018. It was that of a voice woke me saying, "one hour with the beast," so Rev. 17 into it's 18 chapter, the very numbers, 17 and 18 our bus seats,
-The little Miya of post apocalypse and apocalypse presently come, she and I were wearing, while a rebelling still President Trump was assuring NATO, Juy 13, they had their back, as usual, sudden destruction US soil followed. Of ourse not a surpise, Trump agreed ally, Israel took off additionally after the states of ancient Assyria, revisited, as of the seven heads, crowns, the ten headed beast of Rev 13, eight of which were mention by Palestine's Abbas, Dec. 3, 2017. Said, ancient beast reign, come again Obama's 2008-2016, as of the man in Linen, Dan. 12 into Rev. 10, timetable tallied and totalled, but said Ancient beast reign went further into prediction until Trump's Administration's now 2016-2018, they too, as Christ Lord, are here..
-Still, for three nights into, as of disaster Hawaii, as Native Americans, having more god's than people, something Apostle Paul, said of Greece. I was staring down an identical looking perfect, dangerous man, as a perfect man Jesus inquired about Angels possibly ascending with the Bride? Before ten days later, 01/26-29/2018, I'm looking at the seventh angel, as described, Rev. 17/18, his feet are straddled. It would be the world map/oceans, US map/oceans, Then its like his feet are stampering and stampering as he pace back and forth with urgent, urgency, and he's just saying over and over, no more delay US soil, desolations predicted now come, no more delays US soil, desolations predicted now come, no further delay US soil, desolation predicted US soil. Beware the Midwest, the eastern seaboard, as well as the inundated with such forewarning, US/Canada West Pacific, once of which we're assured, Canada, is looking at a prescribed and described, major, major earthquak, ...with a 10.2, pending, as well, a severely fractored, even nuclear, West Pacific plate, beware, Apb
Seen to be seeing June 26/27/2015 into July 6, 2015, a Jesus husband of resurrection in my dreams these 30 plus springs, like a Lot and family escape something southeast into Georgie before taking Bride, skyward, beware, Apb
-So will I send upon you famine and evil beasts, and they shall bereave thee: and pestilence and blood shall pass through thee; and I will bring the sword upon thee. I the Lord have spoken it. Eze. 5:17
-And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth. Rev 18:23, 24
-Only months earlier, I looked into dream about a word puzzle, the word now was being moved around and about until it cone to rest along side the workd .Judgement, as in judgement now! Then a few days later, like I'd seen of India earlier, now applied to the Indian ocean, Christmas 2004, tsunami, that elected to suddenly end over a quarter of a million lives. It was the word Now, all decorative with multi color, blinking Christmas lights, as blinking lights of caution, ni wonder doing the death rider from beneath the earth, 1996, it was suggested. i fret not, these were all things that must be. Fret not thyself, Ps. 37, because of evil doers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquiry, for they soon be cut off snd wither away.
-The weigh station of America's blood guilt come a Christmas eve, Christmas day 2001 thst ladted into a Thanksgiving day, black Friday, 2017, now speedung head on with its award instead of a Matrix ten day countdown into doomsday, it's 28th, when doing the escape to either tGeorgia or heaven dream, 2015, the Bride's Chariot blockibg out the as the sun, diamond carved, crystal dove was wearing a departure date of September 23-25th, making it a 30th Matrix. You know these teouble jave cime, yiu kniw what trajectiry imthey will take, yiu kbiw what areas are temporarily safe, yiu know as the days of old, Noah's, Moses, a sunlight, a mountain God's throne, has commanded all overseers this planet to let his people go, God has only designed escape, God will only bless escape.
-As of the Jesus husband of resurrection, 2015, lead, blessed escape is either Southeast or skyward now you and yours gethsemane garden of decision making; the Spirit willing but the flesh is weak.-Surely trump is into anew with the removal of America with west rule from the planet, at a lost of fifty million everyone who ever cried, make America great again, w don't want God, we ant to mint the Broadway in gold and decorate it with luciferian, ornament, trinkets and gems, Bush's error/era the war n the axis of evil, Obama's era, the supreme same sex vote, trump's error siding it Israel =against hi s neighbor brother, blood and heir. All e erupting volcanos, all the quaking of the earth, al the fires burning, the tsunami that will wash the US west coast into he pacifi.
-As of the major, major earthquake, that will assist Canada along it's own Brexit, with the Midwest, into the upper Mideast warn to t out of there, no doubt the beauty yellow is has come as two into the heavens Godzilla monster and upon eruption not tens thousands but tens of millions are gone, if you was the seventh angel appearing, knowing this was about to happen, knowing that suddenly this my people would in only months be dead,, what manner of urgency would you have, the bride rising up to depart but instead she sees an opening the million man water cooler and make ne effort, the black bowls of judgments in her hand are upon them, but in her upper, right hand pocket, just for now, are business cards for better homeless shelters, than a maze of a wilderness of sin, awaiting Jesus millennium fulfillment into the great white throne judgment.
-And I heard in my hearing, two years the Jesus' husband of resurrection escape, June 26/27/2017 thus said the merciful Lords, "get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood, for which Jesus would then say, except those days be shorten no flesh shall be saved, but the elect sake, (Jesus descending Millennium), those days shall be shorten, before, Apb, see Warn, Nephew Mane, Here
Prophecy Link
-And I Heard In My Hearing, Waking Me From Sleep, 2013, "five more disasters," into an alike voice, waking me 01/22/2017, "fifty million will die," beware, Apb
The World Ending As, By A Consuming, Replenishing, Flaming Sword, From The Four Winds, From The Heavens, From Beneath The Earth, From Prison Bars, All Targeting US To World Leads, Let My People Go, Saith The Sunlight Of God, From A Mountain, Elohim's Throne, beware, Apb
Thus Saith The Lord, 2005, Smiling Faces Don't Last, Seperate Britain And America Into itty, Bitty, Pieces, Wipe Canada (Mystery Babylon) From The Map! Beware, Apb
-Needing to see what's predicted in the real, I watched some of this footage. How these horrors keep happening to some over again, first the parent, then the child, then grands. At least now they're calling it the new normal, when they see it's the new as Moses Egypt. His Hebrew people, their commanded exodus and the ten plagues that helped convince both foe and victim, all US/ Westerners soil. Helping to both scatter and gather them into God planned exodus, then they're at the precipice of why this keep happening, only with no or little lost of life.
-Predicted, 2015, revisited, Rev. 2, early mornings of 01/13-16/2018. The erupting crust and fractured West Pacific plate even ring of fire. Acting as a domino effect, taking 2017 eclipse, trajectory. From a predicted 2015-2018, disaster Hawaii, the Cascadia, the Juan da fuca, the San Andres, the Yellowstone Caldera, the Memphis, New Madrid fault. Including at limit's such faults and defaults with record breaking activity right now, all the US/Canada/the world framework, it's underbelly.
-These killer monsters, to beast of beauties to natures weapons of mass destruction. These Godzilla Monsters whose disastrous performances thus far have been more for gathering some. That's along one surreal goal as to move them and stampede them out of come extinction level events, as predicted 2017 Noah's cousins.
-Only Pastor, the age old question looms can Ethiopian Skin to Leopard Spots who're so accustomed to rebellion, so incorrigible with American Dreaming seperate to disperse saving and safeguarding the soul as the Jesus' husband of resurrection stampede some to save the lives that houses it? This doomed country, world, planet is not your home, Jesus Is, beware, Apb, The RAM, see, Jer. 37:8, 1998, see Eze 4, 5, Dan. 5, 2001, see Eze. 38/39, fulfilling, 2015-2018, beware!, see entire blog here,
Dutch sinse earthquake assessment Of Pending From Earth's Fault Lines, Extinction Level Events -Article, Wildfire risk likely to increase into late September as hot, dry weather builds across West, Article (by a 2001, Christmas Carol Dream,(Eze. 8:3) flyover, I saw this, even the White house burn down, the Kennedy Space Center was damaged, eastern seaboard like it's West coast, neighbor Canada, was pronounced, just gone, beware, Apb) Thus Saith The Lord, 2005, Smiling Faces Don't Last, Separate Britain And America Into itty, Bitty, Pieces, Wipe Canada (Mystery Babylon) From The Map! Beware, Apb Prophecy Link -And I Heard In My Hearing, Waking Me From Sleep, 2013, "five more disasters," into an alike voice, waking me 01/22/2017, "fifty million will die," this doomed country, world, planet is not your home, Jesus Is, beware, Apb, The RAM, see, Jer. 37:8, 1998, see Eze 4, 5, Dan. 5, 2001, see Eze. 38/39, fulfilling, 2015-2018, see entire blog, here, -And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, (14) Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. Rev, -Let no man, presidential to peasant fool you, even if man think he has this kind of power, that too is a strong delusion, for one, truly, no man on this planet nor beneath it can bound nor loose fallen angels nor demons, only God can. Second, nothing rebellious man, to doctrines of demons, devils, fallen angels have meet with resistant nor retardant especially since the US Supreme court, same sex vote. A launch into sexual abnormality that more than threw open but nailed to cemented open the portal and bottomless pit to confusion and every evil work, including the fulfillment of unimaginable demon releases as recorded, Rev. 9, the sounding of the 5th and 6th trumpet. Seemingly, not only why Jesus suggested to disciples and Jerusalem alike, now right into US/Western soil, to flee this abomination, this petrodollar handlebar that's make all this earth desolate with men's slaughter. -Possibly another reason why, while staring down an identical appearing perfect, dangerous man, only minutes into Jan 13, 2018, a day gone down in infamy both domestically and prophetically, the awakening only minutes in, by a voice saying, "one hour with the beast," the fulfillment of Rev. 17, 18, Mystery Babylon/US/Western soil. So, still, minutes later, would come the Hawaii missile alert, that is now a not for many centuries months and months into eruptions, cat 4 hurricane, Aug 2018 only Hurricane Harvey's Aug. 2017, very anniversary. So from, as of pending actual, visual lakes of molten fires, instead the perfect man Jesus, as a distinction between the two asked whether blessed Angels would ascend with the Blessed Bride? Jesus, and all predicted of heaven's host assisting the Bride's instant escape, the seventh angel, the archangel Michael. -His countless armies are all here, only miles above the earth. Sincerely, Apostle I am, can't help but wonder is the same mass escape, God's Kingdom after the Bride, is the same mass exodus, God's Kingdom, after Heir Jerusalem? Described to be a Twilight, a day neither light nor dark, but at evening when Gog and Magog come a Hamon-gog burial, there shall be light; just this horde of heaven's holies so ginormous as it is written the entire Mount of Olivet, like the Red Sea in Moses day. That it, itself cleaves into a wondrous, wide stretching Graceland and by a biblical proportional intervention delivered her seed/son once again. Who is this King of Glory, who is like unto Him and what are these holes in his hands? Jesus Christ, The Son Of God, Millennium Reign of divine intervention, repent, come, say both the Sprit and Bride, Apb, see more here, and here, the ascension,
Watchman, What?
-Watchman, what of the night, 1996? What of seeing the death rider from beneath the earth, of seeing the earth just open up and mighty victorious, he just leaped out of it, then you heard a voice, behold it is death, and it riding against the time. The time it was defeated at the Cross of Christ, coming against the abominations and detestations upon the lives, lands and churches of the people, for they have forsaken God. What about seeing that because of unrepentant sin, Jesus' Cross was made helpless, that it was as though his hands were tied behind his back and under this bringer of massive death, there was a clock ticking under him, not forward but backward right along a sixth year. Then again you began to hear, like King David himself, his Psalm 37, sighing strangely, fret not thyself, rather trust, delight and commit and He shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light and thy judgments as the noon day, beware, Apb, see more here, Rev. 6, 6th seal, see,
The Abomination Of Desolation Predicted By Jesus These Two Millennium, Come,
-I remind you all still pending these two decades, a death bringer from beneath the earth, rising, riding from west to east, an Asian invasion US soil, and a cry, "cities hit, it's a hit, Guam just did it, as so the eastern seaboard is no more.! As a prediction to made aware, 2011, that our grands would grow up in occupied territories, in an occupied America, right into an Islamic world reign, 2001, as as so a pale horse judgment. Then as to make matters worst, I just started finding odd quarters again, as in two quarters this earth dead, with death tolls in the tens of millions US/Western soil alone, as announced, Bush's 2002, Obama's 2013, Trump's 2017. All with the seven angel trumpet, Rev. 17, Jan. 26-29, 2018, a 6th Matrix, telling us these things are happening right now, as in right now; with the perfect man Jesus only ten days prior, again, 01/13-16/2018, a 5th Matrix, inquiring whether angels would ascend with the Bride? Just as we speed into another, Nov, Thanksgiving/Black Friday, 2017, Matrix ten day count, September 5th, 2018, it's 28th, into the little miya girl of post to present apocalypse , visiting our stubborn to procrastinating cars, all a countdown into doomsday, come! Beware, Apb, see here, and here, the ascension,
-Watchman, what of the night, of coming face to face with Apostle John witnessed of the seventh angel, Rev. 17/18, only as Apostle John witnessed of the mighty angel, the seventh angel Rev. 10, having one feet upon the sea and one feet upon the earth. All so inconceivable, but what's mighty noticeable is the stammering of his feet, even his being, like the mighty angel Rev. 10, with an urgency indescribable, that there is time no longer, that there is no further these delays, for three nights of it, Jan 26 -29, 2018, ten days into the predicted, 2015, disaster, right into the congressman train wreck, still al he's saying is, no further delay, as in no more doomsday Passovers, there is only beware the Midwest, beware the eastern seaboard, as the inundated with such forewarnings, US, Canada West Pacific. That of knowing, this was the Brides escape, Angel 2004 said, she would come, go with a seventh angel. Instead is again come, an act of divine intervention, explaining seeing her, the millions visited single watercooler, bearing in her hands, the bowls of Rev. 17, seventh angel, only now black and scorched as they'd been in the fire, but what was she bearing in her upper, right hand pocket, but business cards for better homeless shelters? Beware, Repent, Escape, and may God bless it, Apb
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