The Genesis Of Procreating Natures's Marriage And Family, Let No Rebellion Human, Satanic To Demonic Put it Asunder

-Watchman, what of the night, 2015, you woke mightily exhausted in your bed with remembrance of strange names in your head, when just as soon you began to be soothed, by the amazing lyrics, we exalt thee; only with said lyrics come a memory, you was in events in heaven, the Lambs book of life was open and it’s Ancient Scroll was being crafted into like a school day, name, roll call, that every time one of its worthy participates was called, it would rise from divine antiquities, with all eyes upward it would float and flutter into the heavens beyond.
-Then all you could hear so sweetly in your ear was heavens host singing, we exalt thee than onto the next. Then next from Cain slaying Abel into the cry, six millenniums here lately go and get the twelve heirs, see Rev. 7, so as to sift and shape shift through billions of subscribers, no wonder I felt  physically overwhelmed. Only one sad note, this beast of beauty, not only was this a roll/role call, this was a final, biblical census about the entire earth, and, Rev. 20 says, whosoever name wasn't found written in the Lamb's Book of life expert for millennia keeping of records, was tossed into a lake, burning with fire, brimstone and gnashing of teeth. Beware, Apb

-Warnings Before It Happen, A Highly, Even Historic, West Pacific Plate, And Western Wild Fires,
dutchsinse earthquake assessment, March, plumes,

The Exodus Of Evolent De Rossi

     -The Breakage If The Rainbow Covenant, The Genesis Of Procreating Natures' Marriage And Family, Let No Rebellious Human, Satanic To Demonic Put it Asunder

-I was on NTEB, website months to a year ago, were one of it's article was about a Lesbian. preschool teacher, (those Jesus threaten to cast into a bed, unable to even beg for death), how she was bragging that she's leading your pre-school children, (those children, now schools, Jesus threaten with death, along same sex marriage, (those parents, educators Jesus threaten to toss into great tribulation) and those as recent as 2017 into 01/13-16/2018, commanded to be killed, whose schools are commanded to be finished, so we're talking, Noah's day to Moses day exodus, as of the 10 plagues of Egypt, along an Abraham/Lot Sodom and Gomorrah, serious.
-Meaning, any and every ounce of giving into legalizing abominations has reached a heart of God boiling point/pot, though the Apostle John saw lamenting martyrs below God's throne, Apostle I am, is instead see helpless, wounded lamenting children. Those not only being made suicidal by peer pressure, bullying, school violence but being challenged as of its single, procreating manhood, even it's divine, sacred ideology. A Genesis marriage worship dating back to the creation of the woman from the man, until the man, the woman seed come from the woman's womb, the man/woman shall leave mother and father and take upon his, their own as of nature, procreating a marriage and family, then you hear Elohim God, forewarning, let no mutated man, to doctrines and agendas of devils and demons, put the genesis man, marriage asunder.
-A blessed, permanent amalgamation of marriage, of the Genesis human being, furthermore revisited only months ago this Jan. 2018. Plainly not only is Jesus furious about pending whoring to LGBTQ and P for pedophile mutates of humans, this, Jesus made to wrath, visit was only minutes beware the Hawaii missile alert, eruption, lakes of magma, Cat 4. Hurricane, before the pacific plate just went off the map with seismic, earth ending troubles, before a new by relentless infernos Calexit is threatening from its coastlines into the eastern seaboard, taking a predicted 2017 solar eclipse trajectory all pending US, states of barbecue, US States of barbecue, because by a dream, March 2018. There was an invitation from barbecue,, as of all states not within a 500 to 1000 miles radius of Georgia State, the southeast, US coast.
-The psalmist plainly says kiss this son lest he be angry, not further mocked him along extinction levels events, already pending heinous rebellion to weighty blood guilt, except ye repent yes. Though except ye escape as well, see as Noah's to Mose's day God has only and will only bless escape, clearly another reason. It is, reapers bearing a two edged sword were seen stabbing at the heart of. obedient stampeders, as in, like the inkhorn ma, THEY, were ascending them. Imagine that, as I've seen plenty, as surely as America, West Rule was going off planet, simultaneously so was the Bride rocketing into heaven..
     -What actually sparked this reveal, I was on Hulu, I was watching repeated episodes of Atlantis, dodging most recent TV series and movies.Those because of the LGBTQP agenda are being forced to include it's sickening to near vomiting content, even heard a minister say; is it, when scripture say the earth vomits over men abominations upon the earth, That it's referring to volcanic eruptions, those by a predicted, 2017, 99 bowls of molten lava beyond counting right now. As a forewarning fact, this is the then 1987, pending entertainment industry.
-That while I was praying in my closet, come like a portal into God's Throne, when my now grown kids with grown children of their own, where only kids themselves I was praying for them and soon heard in my hearing, how these immoral, wicked devices come freely, technicality into the home, would be setting a gun to our children heads and pulling the trigger, now counting every other rumination this country, gun violence alone is through heaven's ceiling with man's laughter.
-Hulu like Netflix come in by a paid subscription, so all the ducking and dodging over when on a repeated commercial are two women, going on about marrying, honeymooning to the point of kissing, let's just say there is no manner of entertainment, especially paid out of my pocket, as Joseph avoiding Potipher wife, or simply steering clear of what to God is detestable, I want to see that bad, I repeat, I repeat, NOTHING!
- I'm so done with those subscriptions, been contemplating it for a while, come on pureflix, now three God is not dead, hallelujah movies! What I need a paid subscription for anyway? I don't, wont or refuse to watch anything new, anything the LGBTQP agenda or anything above pg to rated pg 13, and warn my grands the same, even that the TV series 13 reason eserved a rated R to M, and with good, biblical reasons.
-You see, just now, my 9 year old Caden, thought he would watch Hulu;'s Marvels Runways, a day or so later I asked why he stopped?He s aid as I warn him would possibly happen, one of the girls is a lesbian, the one he said, that looked the most like a girl. We're hypocrite when we pray, ask God, not to lead us or ours into temptation but make no efforts of our own, for our children and grands, faith you guys without works is dead, and for some, damning. Because of these transgressions, there is a cry, a command gone out to reapers bearing swordlike syringes, 2017, that all parents be killed, that all schools be finished.
-Plainly, because Elohim God like the days of Noah, now a predicted, 2017, Noah’s cousin, just as those evil days, clearly, sexual abnormality that threaten the woman seed, America, Western Rule, sexual abnormality, threatens, the woman's seed, heir, God's Christ,’ Jesus' Anointed. I told you all the US Supreme Court and all alike municipalities this nation, this planet as of the same sex marriage vote, the flood gate, to every evil work now nailed open. Naturally, unnatural, that was like giving the world that belong to God, a death penalty by a black blood pathogen, HIV, Aids and worst.
-I assured, that this vote for America, is the abomination that maketh all its rule, power, religion and celebrity this planet, desolate, of an abomination, of which Jesus said, flee, and God said, come out of. So much so, until I can say authentically, empathetically what I been saying for decades now, look up the sky is falling, look down and under the ground is imploding, vomiting, erupting, even the elephants of staying unaware are stampeding; now look all around, the blood, land, air, food and water are all toxic, lethal, deadly, whereas except you repent, return to righteousness, you are as horribly damned as you're as horribly dead, beware, repent, esscape, Apb,

Just see here,

-The Decades, To Days, To Hours Prior, Of ForeWarning Before It Happen, An Historic, To Nuclear West Pacific Plate Into America, Western Worlds, Wild Fires

dutchsinse earthquake assessment, March, plumes,

-Again, the graphic viewing of the predicted, 2017, 10.2 earthquake and as well, a major, major earthquake happening along Canada’s Pacific ocean/plate, remember, nothing extinction level God/Jesus/ and a grieved Holy Spirit's wrath, is impossible, commanded escape is southeast into Africa or skyward into Heaven and may God, bless, it, beware,  Apb,


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