The Lucrative, Ethiopian, Leopard Skin coat of even strong delusion, the number 7, of Daniel Chapter And Verse, 4;4 Read It And Flee The Crystallized Skies Just Missiling Down.

-Watchman, what of the night of coming face to face with Apostle John witnessed of the Seventh Angel, Rev. 17/18, only as Apostle John witnessed of the mighty angel. The seventh angel Rev. 10, having one feet upon the sea and one feet upon the earth, all, so inconceivable but what's mighty noticeable is the stammering of his feet the US/World, even his being like the mighty angel Rev. 10, with an urgency indescribable, that there is time no longer ...that there is time no longer. That there is no further delays, for three nights of it, Jan 26 -29, 2018, ten days into the predicted, 2015, disaster Hawaii, 01/13/2018.
-Right into the congressman train wreck, 01/26-29/2018, still, all he's saying is, no further delay, as in no more doomsday Passovers. There is only beware the Midwest, beware the eastern seaboard, as the inundated with such forewarnings, US, Canada West Pacific. That's of knowing, this was the Brides escape, Angel Gabriel, Dan. 9/12, 2004 said, she (the Bride), would go, (ascend), come (descend) with a seventh angel, instead is again come, an act of divine intervention. Explaining instead seeing her, the millions visited, single, watercooler, bearing in her hands the bowls of Rev. 17, seventh angel, only now black and scorched as they'd too been tried in the fire;
-Though what was she bearing in her upper, right hand pocket but business cards for better homeless shelters? Beware, Repent, Escape, and may God bless it, Apb, see more here, I choose this video because like the 2009, movie 2012, copying this for three decades work, this into Armageddon video bring to divine light everything revelational I've prophesied these thirty plus springs; even the Brides predicted, Spring 1986, Dec. 24/25/2001, May 2004 June 2015 and Nov. 2017, ETE, 2017/2018 and ETA, 2025, are included in it's title, be blessed as God, to Jesus's Anointed, see, hear more, here, even way an award Nov. 24/25/2017, of a Rev. 2, church Smyrna/Matrix ten day count. see,

God's Word, The Light Of Immortal Life,

     -For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him, Romans 5:7-9

-One hour with the beast, 01/13-16/2018 A 5th Matrix, the keeper of the vineyard

The Lucrative, Ethiopian, Leopard Skin Coat Of Even Strong delusion, the number 7, of Daniel Chapter And Verse, 4;4, read it and flee the crystallized Skies Missiling down, beware Apb

-Going back to a mighty Elohim God talking face to face as Jesus would with the forbidden woman Eve, this woman seed, I’ll give you; right into the ancient prophets forewarning, his name shall be called Emmanuel, meaning God with us; the world Government shall be upon his shoulder, cried Prophet Isaiah; doing this time all the more important he was Daniel's 534/Apostle I am, 2004-2018, witnessed of an inkhorn man, joined by Angel Gabriel and the Archangel Michael and there's no telling how vast of heavens angel; with said Man in linen swearing by the ancient of days Throne the third heavens a timetable that lasted until two weeks and seven years of Barack Hussein Obama Administration be fulfilled, 07/27/2008, I explained, the recent biblical directed territory, blood moon, 07/27/2018 is, was this inkhorn man/Obama/timetable, 10th anniversary.
-Clearly, this harsh reality, because God want all attention there, the middle-east tug of nuclear war into Armageddon the final week of Prophet Daniel; again, the Ink Horn man timetable done into Cameron’s June 26,27/2015-07/06/2015-02/22/2016 into Trumps 2016/ 01/22/2017-11/24/25/2017-01/13/2018-all Satan's, fallen Angels and demons ino beast reign, come, again come. Surely, knowing these dates and why will help understand the explanation given, though God didn't have to give an explanation all the earth, heavens and beyond, the doomed, damned beneath all Shepherd by HIM. Though, Elohim, as Ezekiel 4-9, had laid a seize; the Jesus husband by his and all martyrs blood cleared a path, even better, aligned all rebellers to a Matrix ten day countdown to doomsday come. Today, September 23-25th its thirtieth, today as well is third anniversary of the Bride's 2015, September 23-25 ETE, the phenom celebration in heaven, the Lamb’s book of life open into a blessed roll call and divine census taken, done!

God's Word, The Light Of Immortal Life

  -Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name, Rev. 3:12, Matrix, 3, Dec. 25, 2017, Chile's nearly 8 size earthquake, Christmas day, 2017,  (You moma, your prophecies, got the downtown newspapers bells (earthquakes, got earths bells) ringing said my Memphis son, 01/13-16, 2018, as of his Memphis son 2015, predicted, disaster Hawaii that's to leave him a Memphis orphan, just before the Hawaii missile crisis and just before as predicted Hawaii began to blow and is yet blowing. beware, Apb

-Elohim has called on all powerful rebellers that be this planet, rebellious man, ancient demons, fallen angels; for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. All celebrations, joyful noises, the prayers the BRAZEN ALTAR, all municipalities this, HIS third heavens abruptly halted, That's until there was complete silence, Rev. 93 AD, PC,1993 AD, for the space of, I could say eternity but by Apostle John’s measurements,Rev. 8, that for thirty minutes and until those heaven quaking, quaking the world few minutes were done, all to be heard throughout its limitless vastness, caverns, valleys, mountains and mansions, yes all in heaven.
-Elohim like a helpless Mary Magdalene, Elohim like a helpless Apostle John, Elohim like a made helpless Bride's outreach this earth, was crying. Detected clearly, He was sobbing uncontrollably, so much so we, all heaven's host began to cry, all of heaven began sobbing uncontrollably; there's then no doubt, for that set, torn apart duration, all is God's Throne are made His longsuffering. Soon all you could hear additionally and I quote, thus said the Lord God crying behind a silence in heaven; "my people are dying, dying and they are being stripped of everything My Christ has brought them, my people are dying, dying and they’re being stripped of everything My Christ has brought them; behold I will strip their leaders and leave them as in the day they were born, naked and bare!"
-As Apostle I Am said, not that God need to give an explanation, like right now, I was on my way to solving and unveiling the greatest cover up this century. Note, when I say performances by the perfect man Jesus, by Holy Spirits those nights into the 2015 disaster Hawaii, 01/13-16-2018; for when it shall begin to blow and this shall be the end of the church of the world as we know it. Now, how there was actual footage proving what the Hawaii tourist said thy witnessed those three nights gone down in prophetic infamy. How it, just as alerted, they saw an incoming missile being deflected, right here was the smoking gun, well, thawed Hawaii missile crisis. 
     -There were conspiracy theorist who said, I say, though blamed felled on Russia for the better to drag on a tug of nuclear war/armageddon with a worthy opponent, that is Trump, but said to have come from Kim's N. Korea. But draft Russia, hundred of millions dead US soil, soon two quarters this entire planet; just another form of population control, all done. Soon, this tearing out my heart horror of a reveal, you're talking about Americans, they thrive on the deception, undoubtedly, they welcome an illusion to avoidance of truth, when the elephants of staying unaware as to tear down the Berlin wall;  the Iron curtains of mystery, pull off the birth upon veils and clear all darken men in the darken mirrors.
     -Concurrently, that was heaven celebrating all this blessed reveal not them, not those crying Trump bless America, even if by a weightier, weight of blood guilt! They are, this is American dreaming, the bloody incorrigible and make no mistake about it, they like it, all I can say is, for a comparison, hear the rebellious as Jesus crucifixion still crying all along Jesus alike martyred crosses, then his blood be upon and our children; we are unholy, let us be unholy still, we are ungodly let us be ungodly still and as long as you and yours frequent it's national to international soil, you are counted as doomed by its unrepentance with them! 
     -Such the heart gripping, coming to reveals these many millennia, as the prophets of old, into Jesus Cross, the acts of the apostles into the Brides' outreach, regretfully you hear it too. I send you to a people, pudent. stiff-neck, mockers who won't listen, ah my prophet Jeremiah lamentations, my many days, even the silence in heaven, my prayer closets, that's God telling Moses, even King Zedekiah, just this setting them up to use, even these king of kings for millennia this world. This being Pharaoh's rebellion, as to use it against him and perhaps it's then they will know, I alone, Am God! Knowing, so what's that saddest, pull out the bleeding heart and there is nothing more desperately abandoning this point of no recourse, the unspeakable love affair is over and all you can then here is Whitney crying, singing so beautifully, where do broken hearts go? See, 2017, Hosea, 14;
-As one all this indescribable sadness, the Seventh Angel here, this 2018, anxiously sighing no more doomsday Passovers, the 2018, harvest reaper, Rev. 14, bearing a sickle was ready, thrust in thy sickle and reap! But when this one approached me, lately, 2017, asked me the secrets of Memphis? Though now in heaven, as of this defining for enons momentum, I had been among these magnificent dance halls he solemnly approaching then said, he want to see you and I said who? And he said Him, next I know, like one is translated likeso I'm standing before a pending mountain before God's,Throne just as a blinding also pending Sun/Son/light of God rises and strangely begin to speak, let my people go! Translated, only the truth (Mercy, Blood, Cross) will make them free and sadly anything other these six millennia.
-Prophetically, it is a reaching for the wind come as dust in the whirling wind, just remember king of kings of all gone and pending this entire world, Nebuchadnezzar witnessed this, when all gone before, his and all future Kingdom, nation building come to dust as the mountain from heaven, allied by the sunlight arriving with wings God's Throne began its cataclysmic assault upon planet earth. Unquestionably all the more, when Apostle Peter ask knowing this, what kind of American refugee, even migrant his world, ought you to be? And this shall be the end! Only, only just now, as I opened my eyes I saw in blocking out the heavens, bold, italic, water down martyred blood, pink lettering, as of the single word, offer; (to present or proffer (something) for (someone) to accept or reject as so desired, see Romans 10:9, 10, 12:1, 2)

-All as the first Adam damned again, except ye repent, said Jesus is the for six millennia since Elohim describing to the now forbidden Eve, yet she shall be blood redeemed, Adam too; for when the fullness of time is come, HER, Eves untapped, untouched blood lineage, God brought forth HIS, made of this Genesis' woman's seed, the woman made under the law that HE, Jesus may redeem some, now his heir, come our Abba Father. Heretofore, The woman, the redeemed Eve, Bride now reigning in heaven having in her hand an offer to this world of migrants and US/Westerners soil their migrant leader, again this final offer of business cards for better homeless shelters in heaven; but see, all while pending are the last few black, barbecued bowls as of US/Canada/Westerners states of barbecue, behold Jesus stand at the door and knock, as you see temporarily here, the final offer, the Spirit and Bride saith come.
-Though on a much bitter to sweet note, that thing, that last thing God feel he must tell you, see, begin at Dan. 4:4; that he must explain, how it is that all of America, of Western Civilization, dating back to the Roman Empire right into the 1974 Petrodollar man slaughterer, now presently a Mystery Babylon, your lives, lands, churches, money markets, Crystal skies and social media all, will right now like go completely for a sudden subtraction of 190 years and forty days, so offline, dead, blacken. Obviously those black bowls judgement ELE’s, Nuclear, Natural and NEO’s all come, all locked and loaded says continually the scientific community; I saw, say aimed at US/Western soil this planet, all awaiting God's command that until seven years past over them Western Civilization simultaneously as the Bride will go off planet, then as a persecuted, prosecuted, mocked and abused, soon to be crucified Jesus, tell all rebellious leaders.
Those like all world leaders, all the religious to rebellious elite present, thinking they've fixed the best of what's Elohim God, and God said to Moses, I Am, and God said to Apostle Pat, I Am and God's Jesus said to all apostate ruler ship this planet, I am: and ye shall see the Son of man (son/sun og God having healing wings) sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven!" Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah! Now go and see the mighty celebration, Rev. 11, just before the Seventh Angel in the high heavens heralds the last trumpet of Lord Israel and Lord Urusalem's as predicted, coming on the clouds of great glory. Wen there is instead the silence of the heathen once raging upon the earth until one thousand years of Jesus’ Peaceful Reign be fulfilled, then the called upon these now seven millennia, God' Kingdom reign, come blessed rest, come! But First The final Rev. 20, Gog and Magog into the Great White Throne Judgement is set, thus the offer, the Jesus's made aware, that except you repent, ye perish, beware, Apb, The RAM

This Is FEAR! Yours, Ours Is Faith, Trust, Delight And Commit, Ps. 37/Mat. 24 God's Light Of Immortality -And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory. And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double. The Commercialization Of Strong Delusion, The Elite Thrive! -Filled to her double, though I have three specific dreams referencing to this double judgment, just as so there's this one dream about a single quarter, still, I am reminded of the double part word, as in double trouble. Barter Balen. I receive these words seeming ages ago, it's the age old act of trading goods and services between neighbors or your local grocery for other as needed items, I guess a early, virtual money less society, ...and I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine. "measure" (said to be the Greek: choinix or choenix, that is, approximately one quart.) Then like a car apocalypse had come, I can't tell you the numbers of times of dreams of people on bikes, even the reaching into heavens death toll, come along a paperboy, handlebars once Bush's 2002, treated with axle grease having a funeral reef attached. Comically, at one time, sorta revisited the March 13, 2018, invite from US states of barbecue into Georgia instead, I witnessed three generations, a mother Mary and her 2nd and 7th son to one bike. -Today according to thirty plus years of prophetic parables I can actually declare it, the end of the world, just as during the June 2015 escape either to Georgia or heaven dream, the Brides exit too shown to be on September 23-25 whereas during the 2001 intrepid dream both of these events, both the Bride's and Western Rule this nation, these two earthenders happen simultaneously, so if today, the third anniversary of the Bride's ETE is the Bride's exit, it's as well, America's, as in Western Civilization extinction. Truly why March 13th, 2018, an 11th Matrix, as to revisit Rev. 11, as to as well revisit the Lot and Family, June 2015 escape either to Georgia or Heaven you guys from pending over a decade now Canada being wiped off the map and from pending Dec. 24/25th 2001, US states of barbecue, instead into Georgia, the African male, standing an African coastline for two decades now, showing us all the American refugees pouring into it, was as well revisited doing the March 13th invitation from pending US states of barbecue, the Spirit, the Bride and this African lead, saith don't fret, just RUN!. -The quarter, a quarter of the earth; in the dream I saw a quarter drop to the floor, I watched as both the loser and the finder of this quarter began to wrestle over it like it was tons of gold. Justly I watched when they both stopped and looked at me for a proper decision, I said to be honest, that quarter now belong to the finder, as in the crumbs from the tables belong to the less fortunate, Rev .2, riches to rags whoring sickbeds and sleepovers revisited, only hours before the Hawaii actual incoming missile alert. Since then there's the two, a dream spring 2017, I found laying before some double doors, the two quarters that were perfectly laid along my living room floor and the two quarters owed the toll booth, Daniel final week now translated into a crossover. As into transformed into a new era/error and there was now in the back seat, a little Miya girl of post apocalypse right into Jesus millennium reign. A voice, saying the Antichrist will kill millions as millions go broke, as so, a voice, saying God said, as in the thrusting in of the harvester sickle, God's wine press, said, He will kill millions; with these two mountainous judgments, this outbreak with mortuary come, are finished, so will be two quarters of the billions of the rebellers this earth, beware, Apb. The RAM

-Why speak in parables for they say the lord seeth us not, the lord is ascended from the earth, for they having eyes, but they see not, ears they have but they hear not, their hearts are waxed grossed, as their many stone gods so are they, beware, Apb, see more here,


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