Article, Lebanese Bassil Eke Austrian FM Karin Kneissl Out After Her Arabic UN Speech,

         -Seen to be seeing only a few nights past, in huge, bold, blocking out the sky, water down blood, pink, the single word, 'offer,' see, Romans 10:9, 8, see also,

     -Seen to be seeing by one dream 01/15/16/2018 the number seven and like an hour later hearing in my ear Daniel 4:4, only when you begin, replace king of kings Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon with king of kings, Petrodollar, Mystery Babylon. Beware, there is no manner of prep for this E.L.E,., and if you're not Christ, Jesus' or escaped as far as Georgia State, even Africa's coast, you should, God as Noah's, as Abraham/Lot and Moses' day has only designed escape, God will only bless escape and count it as righteousness! Beware, Apb

And A Child Shall Them

Trump's Border Wall In Progress

     -Not only did I 2007, doing a dream see this wall a fail for millions of refugee Americans escaping along both sides of my house into a well fenced in southern brother; those same grands, predictions revisited 01/13-16/2018, only hours before the Hawaii missile alert, a voice once crying one hour with the beast and soon as a perfect man Jesus asking, would the Angels ascend with the Bride? Justly those Memphis TN, grands who 2015/2016 predicted a come disaster Hawaii and a come many times, nuclear weapon active Pacific ring of fire; causing my their Memphis dad to say, revisits 01/13/2018, that the downtown newspaper bells were ringing, as an outbreak of earthquakes and eruptions got earth's bells ringing, now, as in right now. Still, they, seeing the nation overtaken by either an EMP or CME attack, so 2015/2016 revisit 01/13/2018, though she witnessed one multicultural neighborhood, again revisited 01/13-16/2018, ban together and began walking southeast, surely, hopefully into Georgia.
     -She also witnessed an escape into the southern border, that was also a failed escape and a return to plantation living? Pres. Trump being a President of his word, so as the days of Jeremiah 37:8 1998 and now presently Dan.4:4, 09/15/16/2018, as of the number 7; it's not that they won't listen, they can't! Even y'all can't listen, it's a curse, Jesus already said it'll be as the unknowing, not that they, you didn't know, see, 12/03-06/2017, even the elephants of staying unaware stampeded, that you know. So a judgement, right into a sudden overtaking by a sudden E.L.E. as Noah's day, only now 2017, a Noah's cousin, well that and a predicted 2017, aquatic age, you guys, the rainbow covenant and the crystal sky shattered to pieces, all, kind of explain all the flooding and cosmic anomalies, there's also the 2016, predicted 99 bowls of molten lava, but Hawaii's lakes of lava and so many eruptions going since and pending, possibly fulfilled it, you think? beware, Apb

Article, Lebanese Bassil Eke Austrian FM Karin Kneissl Out After Her Arabic UN Speech,

     -Oil is the real reason behind all conflicts in the Middle East while Syria is just the latest victim of this struggle, Austrian Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl told the UN General Assembly in a speech she started in Arabic. Article,

error/era/error are the blinking, multi-color lights of caution

     -How ignorant or how deeply into the sand do they think ours hearts and heads are still buried? Ms. Kneissl is out because she spoke in Arabic, she spoke in many other languages too or because she told the world the truth in Arabic? That is about how the warmongering, petrodollar over 40 year swords of getting peace on earth is why all that's left. That's especially of middle eastern nations are war torn messes to bittersome memoirs of dead, ravaged, homeless to migrating uselessly men, women and children? Thank God, that the elephants of staying unaware stampeded us into reveal as all westerners need be, stampeding only moments before Trump's Dec. 3-6, 2017, declarations of both Jerusalem and the US embassy; the beginning to the end of the abomination that maketh all God Will this earth, desolate.
     -Though prophetically as of all making merry of manslaughter it was all followed and will be followed until West rule is no more this planet, by sudden destruction, on repeat. Perhaps as sudden as a yellowstone eruption and 190 years of growth was just gone from it and tens of millions of lives was lost of it; but so was for these many millennia, the Righteous Bride and Intravenous Angels gone, escaped, away. Beware, for when the predicted 2015/16 Disaster Hawaii shall begin to blow, then shall be the end of the one world, of the one planet earth and heaven humankind has ever known. No wonder Jesus laid no claims to it, declaring it wasn't his kingdom, of course His, Jesus' Kingdom of God, as so His Anointed, the rebellious done, Ps. 2, Ps 37, Eze. 38/39, Dan. 9, Rev. 9/11/17/18, chpts, doeth now come, beware, Apb, see more here,

    Pat Robertson Prays God Will Throw Confusion Upon The Kavanaugh Case, Our Worthy God Already Has. It's Call Strong Delusions, As To Be Without A Righteous Head, Return,Repent or Perish, ALL!


  -Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how often would I have gathered you together under healing wings but you would not, now is your house, Israel, Britain, America,  Canada and all West rule left unto you desolate. Thus the Sunlight God's Throne and seen as a fiery mountain with wings coming after them, crying let my people go from damnable cages, let them fly far, far away, shew birdies, shew, fly far, far away. Pat Robertson need be careful lest his prayers seem more like black magic. Praying against bible fulfillment, that guilty persons be free from judgement, punishment. There's a time to sow and a time to reap, and Gods time to avenge martyred blood, present,it's harvester, with thrusting in sickle Americas weight of blood guilt is right now. These people are like mockerous children playing stealing, killing and destroying others for their sports of pleasures, as dark horses in a carnival of games. I cannot tell you as to measure the cries of the wounded that God take blood vengeance for them from beneath God's throne or the leaping and lapping at the heels with fierce and fury infernos the prayers the brazen altar. You want Jesus to find you a saint or a malefactor, a Christian or an Israeli, a Muslim. or an American? For if He find you lukewarm he will spit you out of His mouth and Be will strike out your name from the book of life and toss you into a lake burning with fire, ask king of all kings Nebuchadnezzar, our God is God? Just when are you great religious gonna give the news to Israel God deem her Antichrist as flirt. Even her idolatry and adultery as a menstruating woman; unclean, abominable, detestable with a judgement that can cause them two thirds of its population. Thus and so, Hosea 14 says return, Daniel 9 says all this evil is come upon us, yet we don't repent, return, reigning, arriving Jesus says remember, return, repent and do the first works, righteousness. If Putin, China where as evil, as bloodthirsty as the Petrodollar manslaughterer West rule would all be as Gods wrath demands,  dust in the wind but US states of barbecue to ashes first, for when Hawaii shall begin to blow, this is the end blame/game, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the lives you squander and souls tiu forfeit will be your own, beware, Apb, The Ram


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