The whole of Israel/America, of Islam, with Russia and China threatening are at the beginnings of WW3 into the battle of Armageddon. Unthinkably at just one, Dec. 3-6, 2017 of Trump's declarations of Jerusalem and the American Embassy. Really what other poof of him being unfit do you need? Then after Abbas Dec. 13-15, 2017 threaten his 8 leads, See Dan. 7/8, Eze. 38/39, Rev. 13 when into the predicted 2015 US/Canada Pacific/ Hawaii missle alert, 01/13-16/2018 was treated like it was the end of the world. Still any wonder the elephants of staying unaware hours prior to Trump's vocalized WMD stampeded the world. That's right along a great earth quaking into eruptions worsening and worsening even now, no doubt escaping what Jesus described, Mat. 24, as an abomination that maketh all heart treasured, even human and animal kind, desolate, beware, Apb

 -And I heard in my hearing, as I stood the kitchen this 2011 day, my great grands, the refrigerator, when I begin to hear. I quote, do they know, do their parents know, that though they grew up in free territory, that though you, their grandparents grew up in free territory, that they will grow up in occupied territory, in an occupied America? Beware, Apb


    -Doing the dream of a world stretching, involving, dissolving maze/wilderness of sin. Oddly I was shown a trap along restrooms being laid in the schools for our children; then the worst fall of all falls ever this planet happen to them. When soon among all horrid things to be seen, heard, there was a single water cooler and millions upon millions calmly lined up to it. Then if that wasnt the worst a woman bearing black bowls began this approach; cut me right off, stumbled; I reached to help and there instead began a conversation about us world migrants right now primary complaint. Strangely enough she reached into her upper, right hand pocket and brought forth business cards, not for better homes, gardens and apostate churches/Trump Towers but for better homeless shelters, as Jesus offer of heart treasures and mansions in heaven, the Spirit and Bride sayeth come. Since, into the heavens Jan. 2018, I met with Rev. 17/18, Seventh Angel, the actual bearer of the seven vials/bowls, worst than a yellowstone VEI eruption, mighty anxious he was to say, no further delay, no more doomsday passovers pending US/ Westerners soil, as in get Jesus and get out, Apb The RAM, see here,

   -Do we have another WMD scandal on our hand and another sixteen years, well seven years of nuclear war into Armageddon? Three and half years lost of Jerusalem courtyard, an enemy Hamath, one quarter this earth dead; three and a half years lost to the Hamath/Antichrist reign, another quarter of the earth dead! Truly blessed are those in the first resurrection great tribulation nor the second death hath any power! Remember that I told you, get Jesus, get out, beware, Apb

How about one easy step, legalized what to God, are abominations, a pending genocide of the Genesis man/Marriage. The rebellious marching, shouting, His Blood be upon us and our children, I am unholy let me be unholy still, I am ungodly, let me be ungodly still; and there was silence and uncontrollable crying in heaven 93 Ad, 1993 AD, and the hearing, 2017, my people perisheth, strip their leaders, kill all parents by, finish all schools and begin at my sanctuary, get Jesus, get out! Beware, Apb

Christianity, which walked out of the tomb three days later is about loving. God, and everybody else but hating your sinful self, this sinful world; religion, which drove the nails, drive the staves still is about hating God, everybody else, but loving sinful self and the sinful world. If you love God, your fellow man, but not this sinful world, selfish, you are a child of God, If you hate God, if your hate your fellow man but love yourself this evil world then you are a child of the devil. Mankind is born heart, blood broken, attracted to the devil's evil ways, and is an enemy to mankind; the human is reborn, heart, blood restored attracted to God, to loving and forgiving his fellow man. So truth is this present, fallen Adamic  world is no longer your home but your mission of converting Adams cursed humanity back to its original glory come only by Jesus Christ Cross, the last Adam to divine reconciliation, get Jesus, get out! Beware, Apb

High Strung

Today, September 23rd, predicted 2015, the Brides ETE, is beginning the  30th, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, 2017, matrix ten day countdown into this right here. The seventh angel, Rev. 17/18, as of a 6th Matrix, Jan. 2018, with a Rev. 6, 6th seal type judgement pending US soil, so 666, he warn 8 into 9 months now, no further delays US soil, no more passovers pending, desolations come. Right into pretty much beware all not escaped into Georgia state or Africa's coast by now, remember, a 1998, Asian invasion US soil is yet pending, so is an all of a sudden death toll, since Bush's 2002 in the tens of millions, US soil pending, get Jesus, get out!

Now what drove, me here,

-Article, Trump admin rule would deny green cards to immigrants who took food stamps, Medicaid, Article

error/era/error, multi colored, people, blinking lights of America/Western Civilization, Speedy Removal, See King Zedekiah grade of error, the underestimation of God's predicted Judgements come, Jeremiah 37:8, 1998, beware, Apb

    What is this, war on the immigrants, WWI? Talk about gnawing off it's survival resources and sawing off it's bridges to nowhere near godliness. I know how juvenile and animated Pres. Trump is, but He and his supporters do know America is a nation of immigrants, a Mystery Babylon, why the escape 2015 from EMP/CME, was multicultural; so with death tolls in the billions of lives and counting because of it. All reading here, consider the No. 7, and then read this, Dan. 4:4, as a 29th Matrix, 09/15/16, 2018 another of God's messengers come down is telling you something heart chilling and soon there was silence in heaven and crying uncontrollably because of it; when soon the Sunlight, from a mountain Gods throne, itself spoke, let my people go; Rev. 8. As with Rev. 17/18 Seventh Angel warning, Jan. 26-29, 2018, being fulfilled right now, as in right now, US/Western Soil. Daniel final week come, just as the Bride by grace is lifted out; America, West rule by Noah's day judgements of removal can no longer be here. Then seven years fulfilled, Jesus MIllennium, come, gone into prediction, Obama 2016, now 2025, is come into it's for a thousand years, era/error, world rule. Beware, the White house, Walmart, space center. and all US cities but temporarily this one, Georgia, from it's US west coast all burn; escape, tens of millions US/Westerners states of barbecue were suddenly as a Noah/NOAA's cousin expendable and suddenly dead, beware, escape, Apb

   -Article, Trump admin rule would deny green cards to immigrants who took food stamps, Medicaid, Article

error/era/error, multi colored, people, blinking lights of America/Western Civilization, Speedy Removal, See King Zedekiah grade of error, the underestimation of God's predicted Judgement, Jeremiah 37:8, 1998, beware, Apb

     What is this, war on the immigrants, WWI? Talk about gnawing off it's survival resources and sawing off its bridges to nowhere near godliness. I know how juvenile and animated Pres. Trump is, but He and his supporters do know America is a nation of immigrants, why the escape 2015 from EMP/CME, was multicultural; so with death tolls in the billions of lives and counting because of it. All reading here, consider the No. 7, and then read this, Dan. 4:4, as a 29th Matrix, 09/15/16, 2018 another of God's messengers come down is telling you something heart chilling and soon there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8. As with Rev. 17/18 Seventh Angel warning, Jan. 2018, being fulfilled right now, as in right now, US/Western Soil. Daniel final week come, just as the Bride by grace is lifted out; America, West rule by Noah's day judgements of removal can no longer be here. Then seven years fulfilled, Jesus MIllennium, come, gone into prediction, Obama 2016, now 2025, is come into it's for a thousand years, era/error, world rule. Beware, the White house, Walmart, space center. and all US cities but temporarily this one, Georgia, all burn; escape, tens of millions US/Westerners states of barbecue were suddenly dead, beware, escape, Apb

  Jesus said it is not the whole that need a physician but those who're sick. Now with God as shepherd, Jesus as Head and the Holy Spirit's anointing she can bring some religious men to Jesus. Remember one of the first persons God talked directly to was the woman, so was one of the first to witnessed Jesus rise, Mary Magdalene. Explaining how He, Elohim would use her womb to deliver her, well us from this deadly harness of religious, rebellious men. When the fullness of time hath come, she would be saved, delivered from the first transgression. That's by the birth of her own son, Godson, the last Adam of sinful men blood reconciliation, our God is awesome, see more here, set members as He see fit I Cor. 12, Jesus is Head, Col. 2,  ye must be born again, St. Jn. 3, Gal. 2; beware, Apb, see here

A Faithful Young Man To Be Proud Of

   -Only he who now let, will let until He be taken out of the way and then shall that wicked be revealed, the Apostle Paul said clearly. Can I tell you about Jan. 13-16 2018; only minutes in that waking me was a voice saying, "one hour with beast?" I went on to see the mockery of various whoredoms to the LGBTQ and P for pedophile agenda, all fornication being sin. I saw this wickedness as not only Jesus in a sickbed for them, I also saw then as riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers. Then my Memphis son looked at me said my worrying after him had the downtown newspaper's bells ringing, meaning innumerable earthquakes and volcanoes. Equally while looking at an identical looking dangerous, perfect man; a perfect man Jesus asked will the Angels ascend with Bride? Now all this happen only hours prior to the predicted 2015 disaster Hawaii missile alert, 2018, that is now a not for centuries, Hawaii volcano eruption. Of course ten days later, Jan 26-29, 2018, a Rev. 17/18, Seventh Angel appeared, warn no more doomsday passovers pending; also see, 09/15/16/2018, the no. 7 and hours later hearing, Dan. 4:4; surely the end has come, beware, Apb

For thirty plus springs since 1986/Rev. 4; Jesus of resurrection appearing in the heavens, three times telling me to come, oh as Prophet Malachi said, He had wings. So by the time He asked now this infamous morning 01/13-16 2018 will the Angels ascend with the Bride? By a record amount of such reveals by dreams, visions and especially lengthy demonstrations; I'd been living by the faith of the rapture since a babe in Christ; as through every date ever set, didn't bother me none couldn't tell people when this time of suddenly leaping off to heaven was or wasn't; heck lately 2017, before another word could pass to another just like that we were speeding through the heavens, how you gonna time that?. Though another morning come infamous, June 26/27 2015, woke up grands were gone, went to call their grandma, got my oldest grand. Surely he'd come and as a Jesus Husband these 30 plus springs; and like to a Lot and family he'd taken them to her, as from Memphis TN into to Georgia, America's most southeast coast.  An oddity revisited March 13-16, 2018, as of inviting people from pending US states of barbecue into Georgia, TBC, beware, Apb

I, know believe Apostle THEY say I I am, I know how that sound invited from US states of pending barbecue, and this was months before California, Canada.and several others start burning all over again, only its worst ever, One Calexit Inferno named The Carr fire while escapees in Greece burn up, were barbecued while in their escape cars; with a little Miya girl of post, present apocalypse come, awarded 2007-2017/18 to mind resistant escape vehicles; and so you know I woke to learn dutchsinse saw something similar here. I know, not since Bush wars, like at a restaurant, when I saw an order of barbecue, black servicemen served to order and sent out; an indication of how horridly they would die as of America’s awarded Bush's wars an 11:00 shopping lunch hour,. But that was the 07/27/2008-07/27/2018 bloodmoon, Islamic directed soil now a ten year anniversary, an outbreak of mortuary come. TBC, beware, Apb

US/ Western, soil. Don't fret such pending with master disaster of consuming America by fire right into its on Moses exodus goes back 30 plus years as well. Just remember, the Jesus husband June 2015 Ilke as to a Lot and Family were escaping loved ones from something cataclysmic!  Now back to the Genesis it is as the destruction of sin cities Sodom and Gomorrah.and now, probably the fulfillment of the 2001 Christian Carol dream and the Morleys (the elite) it's Intrepid Adventures, were dead as double door knobs into double it's judgements, Rev. 17/18, it's weight of blood guilt, 2001-2017, to begin with, TBC, Apb  

Where ti by whom Prophecy, Gaddafi and Obama Petra, US of Africa  

   -Show me in holy scripture whereas suicide/murder dont lead to hell? The only way you can verify that claim that is if a personal is mentally unaware even in their heart and I'm taking like a baby in a womb who can't protect or defend against this act of abortion. Anything else would be assisted suicide and is still seen as taking a human life into Gods judgement. Committing suicide mean, as in giving up, faithless. There is a conscious aware by the suicider or the assistant to suicide; a drunk girl hung herself is she innocent even if she was aware enough to successfully put a noose around her neck? When Jesus told Pilate those delivering Him hath commited the greatest offense, does that mean Pilate was innocent of Jesus' crucifixion? Prophet Isaiah says, we're healed by Jesus stripes for a reason; Jesus call people to come to him, bring their children to him, for a reason; that light (divine help, safehaven) hath come but men of their free will choose Mystery Babylon America. A crippling, debilitating system their heedless, bewildered children.are killing themselves to set themselves free. Since the Genesis fall this doomed world is not our home, Jesus Is, get Jesus, get out, beware, Apb

   -It's said when this beloved geyser erupted so many were related to shouting, celebrations and tears. All of which I feel what Jesus explains is like being filled with the holy spirit, even being born again. Get Jesus and always feel this enraptured, not just when a geyser from the deadliest volcano this planet, erupts, beware, Apb,

Someone Asked Where Do Christians Go After Committing Suicide

-Remembering Noah's Entire Earth That Was Reduced Down To One Found To Be Righteous Ark Family, that's the whole earth reduced into ONE ARK FAMILY! Beware, Apb

Multicolored Blinking Lights Of Error/Era/Error

   -Christian's don't commit suicide, suicide is sin, fear, flesh and blood none of which can inherit God's Kingdom, Spirituality is Faith, it inherits heaven and God's kingdom to come. Apostle John, 1 Jn. 3, made it plain there are two types of people on this planet, the children of God and the children of the devil. Jesus make this distinction plain in Mat. 7:21-23 when he devastated gifted millions by not recognising them apart from their sins. Apostle John says the differ is Christians having the seed of righteousness, (holy spirit) in their heart. How they no longer commit or practice sin, they walk by faith not sight, not worries or fainting. Sin, like Suicide, like abortion is murder, it's the taking or ending of a life. I like to explain the difference by saying Religion, Churches, those highly gifted Jesus didn't know drove/drive the nails. Whereas as promised, Christianity walked out of the tomb three days later and has been like It's Christ heaven bound every since. Hence Christians don't die, they ascend, why not even the gates of hell can prevail against them, get Jesus, get out, beware Apb,
  -Remembering Noah's Entire Earth That Was Reduced Down To One Found To Be Righteous Ark Family, that's the whole earth reduced into ONE ARK FAMILY! Beware, Apb

Multicolored Blinking Lights of error/era/error
    -Hey yeah, some really scary stuff right? But wouldn't you say the, well since the elephants of staying unaware. They kinda stampeded the first Matrix ten day count, Dec. 3-6, 2017, only minutes before Trump declarations of Jerusalem and the American Embassy. I like saw them, even felt them, Elephants stampeding along the dirt path of the wilderness of sin causing a mighty earthquaking ruckus since unto presently. If you want to know, that's right into what should've been our on que to exodus what Jesus called this abomination of Antichrist spirit come that maketh all treasured above God, desolate. Especially the LGBTQ and P for Pedophile votte, y’all do know that vote is similar to the cry all along Jesus crucifixion that day,Govern Pilate publicly washing his hand and they crying only it's ultimate this time then his blood be upon us and our children; We are unholy, let us be unholy, we are ungodly, let us be ungodly; there is then no safe haven unless God Himself elect to award it. So I then have to say the little Miya girl of post and present apocalypse awarded our procrastinating vehicles; instead in the room. Honestly wasn't Glenn Beck barreling down on his son with loaded adrenaline, guns and dogs; then shouldn't those dogs have sensed there was no threat; or if given the order, I know the trigger would have shot him clean dead, no question asked, but would Glenn Beck dogs have attacked his own son? Beware those temporal treasures to lives yes, but as well the immortal soul you take may be, cause you, your own, beware, Apb, see here

see here,

  -Remembering Noah's Entire Earth That Was Reduced Down To One Found To Be Righteous Ark Family, that's ONE ARK FAMILY!

The Churchians verses the Christians

    -Watchman, what of the night of seeing entire families climbing up to God by these perilous footbridges, catwalks, tightropes and endless dare deviling, right up to God, right into His Throne. So much so like stealing, killing, destroying and whoring fornicators right into God's Throne is ever possible.
   -Still they all begin to hear so crystally the heavenly voice of Elohim promises or all promises, "and I will wipe away all tears from your eyes and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be anymore pain; for the former things have passed away.

    -Only having, like these wives, like most American lives, thieves their way into heaven, the entire family of them, just as you witnessed the crystallized sky fall and rainbow, down upon them all, ALL! These knowing, crystallized families come crashing down, fumbling, stumbling and banging right to their horrid, horrid deaths; then after this nondescript, repeated American tragedy, comes judgement, watchman, you really think even after many millennia of forewarning, they know even this? Beware, Apb, see more here,
Yes, thank God we are, just the other night, the 15/16/2018 I saw the no. 7 off by it's lonesome, then I heard in my hearing, Daniel 4:4, in Daniel's day this for seven year shutdown went out to King of kings Babylon the world then; only now this sane warning goes out to King of kings over the present world, Mystery Babylon/West Rule/America for the next seven years setback, only then Jesus' reign, this world is not your home, Jesus Is, beware Apb, The RAM, see here,

  -Seen to be seeing, 2005, America, Britain going in seperate directions, then heard a voice say, Britain, America separate them into  itty, bitty pieces. I don't know how many of you guys have watched the 911 footage. Whereas people witnessed and had to clean up body parts raining down from these buildings, eyes, fingers, toes, teeth, hair, ect, again, that's what this 2005 command is calling for. What evil is done to the refugees will, no is being return upon US/Western soil. It's like Pharaoh's curse in reverse, he thought he would return the previous curse back upon Moses and his people. Surely even as he spoke it and God knew, trusted that he would, pride goeth before destruction; it boomeranged, killed all first born Egyptians and cattle instead. This is way I warn and have proven whatever good Trump tries to do for America as he practice abandoning the world they've devastated it is at every turn being followed upon US/Western soil by sudden destruction. Then if  you thought to have a Rev. 17/18 seventh angel 26-29 2018/ Angel Gabriel 05/15/2004, to come and warn no more doomsday Passovers pending. Chilling to me, is to have God alike messengers, 09/15/16/2018, like the days of Prophet Daniel, 4:4 come to kings of kings, Mystery Babylon America. Saying, crediting them as a mighty human to nature to ecosystem, resource all this planet. Still God says as your come judgement I will hewn you down and bring you to nothing until seven years pass over you. No doubt those who're students of biblical, prophetic scripture know the next seven years. They are those to be parted along two 42 months durations. Just as Rev. 11;1, 2 says for 3 and a half years Jerusalem' loses control of it's courtyard to its neighbor, as in Islam; explaining way I witnessed Israel fall to an enemy named Hamath. Beware, See Here,

    -My autistic cousin itty, bitty used to say dont you be no fool, he also had a habit of putting up two fingers and saying clearly, there's two’ard’s Trump/Pence 2016 Campaign was liken to a rising Gog and Magog and aligned to its God cast at them fury. Though Apostles John's unveiling God's Revelations have shown us much worst. Those crystallized beast I saw while the crystallized sky was missiling down in huge shards. There was as cousin litty, biitty always said two of them, a mutated Alligator and mutated Dragon, just as two Godzilla monsters, possibly Gog and Magog, beware. 09/15/16/2018, Seeing the No. 7 and hours later hearing  Daniel 4:4; God's messenger is explaining the seven year fall of the King of kings Babylon; by, as of right now the fall seven years into Jesus Millennium, of King of kings Mystery Babylon, West Rule, America. Be reminded not any of Babylon's soothsayers could or would intrepet this king of kings sudden removal, none but God's Prophetic Daniel so wherever King of kings wanted the truth and nothing but, he called the spirit of god dwelling only in Gods, anointed, beware, Apb, see more here

    -09/15/16/2018, Seeing the No. 7 and hours later hearing  Daniel 4:4, God's messenger is explaining the seven year fall of the King of kings Babylon, as of right now the fall seven years into Jesus Millennium, of King of kings Mystery Babylon, West Rule, America, beware, Apb, aee

    -I Will Destroy America, Thus Saith The God Of Abraham's day,  Sodom and Lot, 1996, 2001-2017/18, beware, repent!

   -Odd you would say that , 2013 doing Obama/Clinton, like Bush and.Cheney 2002, aligned to fifty million in death tolls. I witnessed a petrodollar manslaughter only targeting US/Western soil. This time was as a funeral reef attached to handlebars whose death toll as well grew into the as you say, stratosphere . Handlebars once treated doing Bush with axis grease to disallow Russia and China whose death toll revisitation was only minutes before Trump inauguration,. Again, waking me early morning 01/22/2017,I additionally fifty million will die!  Beware all supporting Trump/NATO may as well be fitted as Hitler's, Germany, only with white hoods, as all around a cross and bow, nuclear bomb fire. So why not marvel at God casting a fury at Trump and Pence like at Ezekiel's 38, 39, rise of Gog and Magog? Well I'll tell you, there are a sea upon sea of refugees crying in God's ear/HEART right now and world leads especially. From Britain, to Israel to Western Rule/Trump for you blood thirsty blood guzzlers put them there. Believe Apostle, time I heard, June 26, 2017, the second anniversary of the moving either to Georgia or to heaven. dream. Justly so instead I heard, get ye to repentant altars God is reaping martyred blood; and, and only a few month past, 2018, witnessed this harvester, Rev. 14, Matrix 14, with sickle in hand awaiting a thirst of martyred blood, for 175 miles into winepress of God. Your God has. chosen a side and it's the martyred blood of the wounded saints below HIS throne and the Petrodollar refugees throughout this planet. I cant even use God's Noah's day fury for a comparison of the trouble such rebellers are in, why I can only say as the Seventh Angel 2018, No further delay, ALL manners of ELE'S. Nuclear, Cosmic, Aquatic, Seismic, Volcanic into various Noah/NOAA's cousins are now, come! Escape and may God bless your exodus, Beware, Apb

Months before, we're talking only minutes into total fruitions  2015 disaster Hawaii into its specific morning of, Jan. 13, 2018. When my Memphis son during this dream looked at and said, moma your worrying after me got the down down newspaper's bells ringing. Not, this was Jan. 2018, and he was forewarning then of seismic to volcanic events soon having earth's bells ringing beginning with Hawaii's eruption into the deadliest of West Pacific Plate since, just as this video explain All such historic events cutting through all at limits faults and plates in its quake, aiming for Yellowstone caldera and The one US fault producing 8 plus quakes, my Memphis son, New Madrid plate, beware, Apb

    -09/15/16/2018, Seeing the No. 7 and hours later hearing  Daniel 4:4, God's messenger is explaining the seven year fall of the King of kings Babylon, as of right now the fall seven years into Jesus Millennium, of King of kings Mystery Babylon, West Rule, America, beware, Apb, aee

    -I Will Destroy America, Thus Saith The God Of Abraham's day,  Sodom and Lot, 1996, 2001-2017/18, beware, repent!

    -2015, right after a predicted disaster Hawaii left Memphis children orphans. The next I'm made to see are fuel canisters all set in a circle and one by one lite as to be brought on line. I knew instantly what this meant, it was too simple not to know, the Pacific Ring of fire was being readied to do then what its doing now, 2017/18,  just unprecedented with seismic activity. These warnings went on to be followed by an EMP to a CME attack, another as 2007, failed attempt to escape into Mexico's southern, border. Then come the 99 bowls of molten lava, America's shown as a slow motion exodus, 3 to a bike and a woman bearing black bowls along a million mans visited water cooler. Then the cry in my ears Aquatic Age to Noah's cousin, Asteroid, I heard, destroy Wisconsin! So suddenly so much in so many various ways was to happen I just started predicting they're all pending, they're all coming, every making of a disaster, to mega disaster to ELE. Then Jan. 13-16, 2018, come better clarity that when 2015 disaster Hawaii shall begin to blow, downtown memphis newspaper bells would be ringing along an outbreak of earthquakes and eruptions. Frightfully even an invite from US states of barbecue, March 13, 2018 instead into Georgia, right before burning infernos California, Canada, the world come record breaking. Probably right into the plenty times I experienced it, Memphis, TN. New Madrid as of a 9 to 10, 10.2 I heard, size earthquake as to be lost, swallowed into the fiery earth of it, Yellowstone peeps too. So when asked what's the secret of Memphis? After 30 plus years of prophetic ministry of it's cataclysmic removal, America's now speedy exodus, Pres Barack Obama, then Michelle Obama, both examples of desolations come Memphis Dunlap street! Just right into the little miya girl of post to now come apocalypse.and a perfect man Jesus, a Memphis resident, Jan 13-16/ 2018 asking about Angels ascending with the Bride? No longer is America's judgement like Noah's day only by consuming fire into a Moses exodus and the swallowing of Memphis, TN, New Madrid Dunlap Street; like the MidWest gone into Yellowstone, with the Obamas two weeks and seven years timetable, 08/27/2008, the marker and the last blood moon, 07/27/2018. This Obama timetable, tenth anniversary, no more secrets this is the end, repent, escape. Beware, Apb

    -I suspect something similar, that the near earth ELE, could be behind a deep impact movie scenario. That's as of the FEMA/Trump emergency alert phone app; this I know, an ELE is approaching, a 10. 2 quake, a Yellowstone, a Carrington, an Asteroid, an aquatic age, even a nuclear event/EMP, they're all pending just as the Bride exit, America must exodus..
    -So say, warn, the ministry that predicted a disaster Hawaii 2015, 99 bowls of molten lava, 2017, earth's bells ringing by an outbreak of earthquakes, Jan. 2018. Preducted doing Bush, hunting Saddam, a Hussein would sit the Whitehouse and rule the world
    -Evenly that sudden destruction would also follow Trump's declaration of peace and safety and gave the very date of August 29th, he would be in Texas assessing Harvey damage. Though also see Hawaii's Lane even Florence and fires burning up California.
   The Andover explosions, so just an outbreak of disasters every since Pres. Trumo Jerusalem, embassy debates and now joining NATO and sending troops in thus the fury of God, as at a Gog and Magog cast at Trump. When chillingly there's this; 09/13/16/2018, seeing the No. 7 and hours later I hear Daniel 4:4, God's messenger is explaining the seven year fall of the King of kings Babylon.
    -Only as of right now, the fall of the King of kings Mystery Babylon, America, further explaining to verifying the Rev. 17/18 Seventh Angel, nights Jan. 26-29,2018, anxiously forewarning no further delays US soil, desolations predicted now come.Truly as no more doomsday Passovers pending; beware the Midwest, the eastern seaboard, as well as the inundated with such forewarning, US/Canada, West Pacific, get to Georgia/Africa or to Jesus/heaven, beware, Apb

   -Seeing the No. 7 and hours later I hear Daniel 4:4, God's messenger is explaining the seven year fall of the King of kings Babylon, of now. King of kings Mystery Babylon, America, beware, Apb

   -This is ridiculous, God created the human being from the soil of the earth and blood redeemed them all from a tree into a last Adam from that same soil; and they think mass technology come down from heaven is to stump and dumped the God who loan it for heart rescues or for hanging, themselves?
    -God as usual is a gazillion genius years ahead of them, ahead of those actually. Those the failed Adam into babel/Mystery Babylon, into advanced tech resulting only from Jesus saying yes to our own, their own would've been crucifixion, vain is the help of man, get Jesus, get out!
    -So the great world at large mimics the paradigm that Satan offered Jesus and he said no. Designing you, them the image of the God who clayed you out of the red soil of the woman's womb, sin. Only not, that man is now CHRIST, Jesus again blood redeemer and you're, well you're, you're of your father the devil, you're, well you're  Antichrist.
    -Then if you don't think you're instead the mockery even the 12th monkey, God just until 190 months and 40 days, Dec. 24/25, 2001 be fulfilled; only Nov. 24/25/2017, in place of a doomsday come, just awarded you all a. courting to flirting with Keanu Reeves, matrix ten day countdown into the day the earth stood still, Johnny Mnemonic no more.
    -So from a darkness upon the deep, a little Miya girl of post apocalypse minding from the back seat of your procrastinating escape into the present apocalypse come. Now its 29th, Matrix, as in 1-22 Rev. chapters and all endtime Jesus/bible prophecy revisited into fulfillment, the Seventh Angel 2018 warn that's into desolating US soil right now, all ELE's come beginning with a predicted 2015, disaster Hawaii, when it shall begin to blow.
    -Just as so speeding us all into a 30th Matrix that could be both The Bride and Britain's Brexit, The Bride until seven years be fulfilled Mystery Babylon, West Rule America, never to be seen or heard of again, see Dan. 4:4, coupled with the no. 7. When suddenly all of it, all of it is in the kitchen sink as a wash and it's like the epidemics of the western days all over again.
     -Bill Gates don't you weep, tell Martha not be mourn, trust, delight and commit, God has. Disease x is the predicted these two millennia, claiming a quarter of this earth, the pale horse judgement. When it's preceded by just one of ELE's I prophesied were all coming; then the mark of the Beast, and another quarter is lost. Of course, as in except we genocide our own rebellious selves or God's human being Jesus millennium reign; and the nations are angry, the heathen rage and all of that. Beware, Apb see,

   -Seeing the No. 7 and hours later I hear Daniel 4:4, God's messenger is explaining the seven year fall of the King of kings Babylon, of now. King of kings Mystery Babylon, America, beware, Apb

   -This is ridiculous, God created the human being from the soil of the earth and blood redeemed them all from a tree from that same soil;  and they think mass technology come down from heaven is to stump and dumped the God who loan it for rescue or for hanging, themselves?
    -God as usual is a gazillion genius years ahead of them, ahead of those actually. Those the failed genesis into babel/Mystery Babylon, into advanced tech resulting only from Jesus saying yes to our own, their own would've been crucifixion, vain is the help of man, get Jesus, get out!
    -So the great world at large mimics the paradigm that Satan offered Jesus and he said no. Designing you, them the image of the God who clayed you out of the red soil of the woman's womb, sin. Only not, that man is now CHRIST, Jesus again blood redeemer and you're, well you're, you're of your father the devil, you're, well you're  Antichrist.
    -Then if you don't think you're instead the mockery even the 12th monkey, God just until 190 months and 40 days, Dec. 24/25, 2001 be fulfilled; only Nov. 24/25/2017, in place of a doomsday come, just awarded you all a. courting to flirting with Keanu Reeves, matrix ten day countdown into the day the earth stood still, Johnny Mnemonic no more.
    -So from a darkness upon the deep, a little Miya girl of post apocalypse minding from the back seat of your procrastinating escape into the present apocalypse come. Now it's 29th, Matrix, as in 1-22 Rev. chapters and all endtime Jesus/bible prophecy revisited into fulfillment, the Seventh Angel 2018 warn that's into desolating US soil right now, all ELE's come beginning with a predicted 2015, disaster Hawaii, when it shall begin to blow.
    -Just as so speeding us all into a 30th Matrix that could be both The Bride and Britain's Brexit, The Bride until seven years be fulfilled Mystery Babylon, West Rule America, never to be seen or heard of again, see Dan. 4:4, coupled with the no. 7. When suddenly all of it, all of it is in the kitchen sink as a wash and it's like the epidemics of the western days all over again.
     -Bill Gates don't you weep, tell Martha not be mourn, trust, delight and commit, God has. Disease x is the predicted these two millennia, claiming a quarter of this earth, the pale horse judgement. When it's preceded by just one of ELE's I prophesied were all coming; then the mark of the Beast, and another quarter is lost. Of course, as in except we genocide our own rebellious selves or God's human being Jesus millennium reign; and the nations are angry, the heathen rage and all of that. Beware, Apb see,

   -Seeing the No. 7 and hours later I hear Daniel 4:4, God's messenger is explaining the seven year fall of the King of kings Babylon, of now. King of kings Mystery Babylon, America, beware, Apb

   -Salute what he's saying only if you know this dream is referring to the endtime. Dan. 9 and Rev. 11 and 13 three and a half years of false peace, then into Antichrist reign. Celebrate Pres. Trump for bringing on end time tribulation, and being aligned to both Gog and Magog and tens of millions pending dead US/Western soiil  Look at the happenings ,the outbreak with disasters in the country and the world right now. Does this seem like a God whose pleased with the Trump. Administration, aligned with other world nations whose abandoned the world of refugees their that own bloodletting. caused. Now ask yourself which of these scenarios sound like the God of Noah, of Abraham's Sodom, of Moses, of the downibg if the most powerful, sinful kingdom, nations this planet? That is a God that changes not when it come to sin, that is the God targeting US/Western soil right now! Hes right a phemon church, of outreach will rise at this time, I"ve seen them, only Jesus could make their comparison. Apostle John, Rev. 7, saw them come right out of great tribulation, a number none could measure, all tongues, tribes, kingdoms abd nations, the Bride out, beware, Apb

 See the No. 7, then read Dan. 4:4, 09/15/16/2018; like God is talking to King Of kings Mystery Babylon Anerica this world, shes finished and it's not  pretty, Rev. 1718

Part of the endtime curse against rebellers, is Jeaus saying it'll be like the days of Noah's they wont see it coming, see Andovers explosions. Just as they didn't see disaster Hawaii, that Hrricane Florence is now a pending nuclear disaster, that Cal fires with a Yellowstone eruption will consume the entire nation to world, been seeing it, predicting it since 1986/1996/ 2001. When they stand in the way of being forewarn, that's only like a dog chasing its tail until it fall over dead,, like a cat scratching its own eyes out and blindly eating the dogs vomit. They're gnawing off their own hands, and burning all brides to awareness. As so fulfilling bible prophecy that they wont see it come until it has all of them and gone!. Ah, and P. S, like children are only to obey their parents or overseers in the Lord, Jesus as your head , you're only to obey righteousness, what's man is man's, what's God is God's, choose a side dont straddle the fence, its a curse, thanks dutchsinse, Godspeed, all, beware, Apb

   -All since spring 1986 Jesus Christ of resurrection demos of Rapture have been centered like the 1986 Chernobyl Nuclear plant, aligned to these various pending disasters. Even 2011 the Fukushima was the year the Holy Spirit talked directly in my ear, soon the church bride will be in heaven, looking down upon and praying for the tribulation saints. In short of 30 plus years of reveal, only minutes before the Hawaii incoming missile alert; not only did I hear, one hour with beast, a perfect man Jesus looked at and asked, will the Angels ascend with the Bride? Every indication of a nuclear disaster spells the Bride being in imminent danger, with an ETE, estimated, since June 26/27/2015, of September 23-25, what would now be 1-22 Rev books and all endvtime prophecy revisited into fulfillment and the 30th, Dec. 24/25/2001 into Nov. 24/25/2017, Matrix ten day countdown award.  If you dont know, a ten day countdown, goes back to Rev 2, to Jesus assuring the church of Smyrna, who has already suffered greatly, thus its name, bruised myrrh. Jesus was reassuring them they would again have suffering in ten days, that if they endure he would grant them a crown of life/righteousness. In all likeness, when in 2015, along when those 21 Egypt, Coptic Christian males were lead off, onto a beach by Isis, terrorist to deny Christ or lose their heads. They all opted to died for Christ to live eternally heired to Him, to Gods Kingdom now Come. Around the same time, right along the side of my prayer bed. Strangely come these text like messages, all on repeat, saying the same thing, Jesus is coming, Jesus on the way here; Jesus is coming, Jesus is on the way here, repeat xs 2, Jesus been coming these two millennia, but now, He's on his way here and that was three years past; again with a pending for just as long the Brides ETE of Sept 23-24, and a no. 7 into Dan. 4:4, 09/15/16, 2018, display of what and why America's to West Rule removal is at the same, appointed Brides, ETE, beware, Apb

   Chilling, something major is happening, is happening, 1-22 Rev. Chapters revisited, 1-29, Rev. 2, Nov. 24/25 2017, Matrix ten day countdowns into doomsday come, and a Rev. 17, seventh angel Jan. 26-29, 2018, warning, no further delay, beware, Apb


    -Seeing, 09/15/16/2018, so a 29th Matrix, the No. 7 before hours later hearing Dan. 4:4, the downing of Babylon and in only an hour, the catastrophic removal of Mystery Babylon, see I guess you can call this Gods mandate or ultimatum for all Western leaders to world leaders. And you and I thought we didn't see, Gabriel May 2004 to the Seventh Angel Jan. 2018, coming. Just remember watchers of God, forewarn this king of king over the world only like days before, meaning assigned infiltration is already active. Then King Nebuchadnezzar felled prey for a duration of seven years to total darkening, madness beware, Apb, get Jesus, get out!

   -Keep an eye on not just, but space, one does affect the other, read more of the article here,

    GIGANTIC JETS IN THE CARIBBEAN: Last Saturday, Sept. 15th, Tropical Storm Isaac dissipated in the Caribbean. Just before the storm died, it fired off a barrage of Gigantic Jets. Frankie Lucena video recorded the display as the storm passed south of his home in Puerto Rico:
    Gigantic jets are related to sprites--strange forms of upward-directed lightning that shoot out of highly-charged storm systems. Think of Gigantic Jets as sprites on steroids, much more powerful and rare. Before 2017, Gigantic Jet sightings numbered in the dozens. Tropical Storm Isaac produced at least 8 Gigantic Jets in a single night.
    "The storm may have been decaying, but it was still a prolific source of upward-directed lightning," notes Lucena. "The last time I saw so many Gigantic Jets in a single night was back in 2017 when Tropical Storm Harvey passed Puerto Rico."
     Gigantic Jet activity could be intensifying. Some researchers believe that cosmic rays help charge up storm systems, setting the stage for outbursts of lightning. In recent years, space weather balloons have observed a steady increase in cosmic rays. This is largely due to the decline of the solar cycle. Flagging solar wind pressure and weakening sunspot magnetic fields allow more cosmic rays into the solar system. This trend, which is expected to continue for years to come, could add up to even more Gigantic Jets in the future. Stay tuned,

See also, Seeing, 09/15/16/2018, so a 29th Matrix, the No. 7 before hours later hearing Dan. 4:4, the downing of Babylon and in only an hour, the catastrophic removal of Mystery Babylon, see

Seeing, 09/15/16/2018, so a 29th Matrix, the No. 7 before hours later hearing Dan. 4:4, the downing of Babylon and in only an hour, the catastrophic removal of Mystery Babylon, see I guess you can call this Gods mandate or ultimatum for all Western leaders to world leaders. And you and I thought we didn't see, Gabriel May 2004 to the Seventh angel Jan. 2018, coming. Just remember watchers of God, forewarn this king of kings over the world only like days before, meaning assigned infiltration is already active. Then King Nebuchadnezzar felled prey for a duration of seven years to total darkening, madness beware, Apb, get Jesus, get out!

   Paul was justifying the fact the Christian laboring after the souls of men isn't for financial gain, if the harvest is left to its own no one eats. Still just as every branch of organised christianity has a portion set aside for the needs of the people, the tithe, God said that there be meat in mine house, that there be no want to any who come, instead gone to infastruction. So does the government set aside a portion, the tax that their be no want to their citizens, gone ro war bills, tariffs, sanctions and resistant walls. Of course it make sense if you plant a harvest and dont work to reap its benefits, you then cant take part or participate in its rewards. Just ask Trump and his men in tight fist how will they put to work every able body man, woman and child/teen from 15/16 to 70 years old without falsifying the numbers? Well there go his so called soaring economy, the petrodollar is under a choke hold strain. As of a weight of blood guilt, it's biblical proportional judgements, don't matter, I'm blood guzzler Trump,  bring me more blood, beware, Apb

The Little Miya Of Translation, I heard the Enron crisis described by Holy Spirits as an attack and then I heard drop your pensions and get to the hills. Since, like 2016, I heard a cry, I have a bear in 120 countries. Two decades earlier, 1996, like God come to Abraham about Sodom, Gomorrah. I was visited in the same way, only God come, saying He would destroy America; THEY further explained, her debit coming due, failing banks, the housing sector and churches would be this underlying culprit to crisis. Said made aware was revisited, 2017, just as by a dream I turn left off of St. Elmo St. onto Ralmill St, the very street or area of this reveal; there was a little miya girl of post, present apocalypse come mocking our procrastinating vehicles, in the back seat, beware, see

King David. Do I hate those father who  hate I also them mine enemy? See more here,

  -What the heck was she thinking? I grew up in a black home and everything on tv was white. That's like no other people existed, except in your black home and Indian granddad to dwindling into chaos neighborhood. I think that would make a child think, all celebrities viewed as White gods of the planet, universe. Then such all white viewing of white celebritiy gods passed to my children, my grand children and my great nieces and nephews. My primary book character, 1986-2016/17/18 Preece Ebonee Be'le is African born, Ethiopia/Kenya because I thought it was about time a black man ruled the planet. Honestly for many, America just didn't again feel right until Trump, a predicted White man sickbed/sick restrooms, was again in it's LGBTQP sickbeds of doomsday come. But I'm almost positive. Anne Hathaway grew up nothing like that so what the heck was she thinking,; in her defense, maybe V. P, Pence, thickest, whitest of hair ever, EVER sunrays side swiped, winded her, perhapsr? Pray for the lost in translation that we're one GOD, man, one Eve, blood, human of procreation, heart, divine rebirth; and soon again confusions of babel/ Mystery Babylon no more, we'll all speak one godly language, righteousness, get Jesus, get out, beware, Apb, see here,  t

-All Fornication pre marriage, aborters, LGBTQ are as much a sin, an abomination as P for Pedophile, all committed against the body, the Temple, all sin, sin can't be justified by birth or vows, only blood, heart reconciliation.  God showing 1986, by a live mirror vision, His Throne instead backed into US, into our apostate prayers the sacrifices of the wicked. Beware, He won't, can't hear us without a pure

Prophecy Links

  -And I heard in my hearing 2017, Eze. 9; kill all parents by, finish all schools! 10.2 earthquake, major, major earth, West Pacific Canada, no further delay said Seventh Angel Jan. 26-29 2018, the desolations of US/ Western, soil now come!

error/era/error, 2003-2017/18, a multi color, blinking light of caution

   -America Faces A Great Catastrophe say volcanologist about one of many approaching ELE's as Yellowstone. Only as usual they turtle shell back off from what should be Yellowstone is imminent with erupting forewarning. These religious to political leads better start telling you all something viable, though Gods winepress judgement is come.
    -Therefore the prayers of the righteous, Eze. 14,  as predicted, no longer hold its clout or sway, they profit little to nothing. If the righteous scarcely be saved, holy scripture then ask, where shall the unholy to ungodly then appear? Except those days be shorten, no flesh shall be saved, said Jesus! AWAKE, now, FLEE!
    -I'm adopting both King David's inquiry, do I hate them Father who hate thee, do I also count them mine enemy? Then there's the Son Of David, Jesus' Cross prayer, Father even while the heathen rage and debate transgender restrooms, a black pit fall laid for all future generations, count not their rebellion against them; repent or I kill your children with death, instead said reigning Jesus.  
    -Though that's exactly what I heard, 2014, a catastrophe upon the earth, then as usual I woke, no further details, though a similar voice, 2013 out of sleep said five more disasters, putting in reminder the ten plagues of Memphis New Madrid , Egypt, Tennessee, the Obama's Dunlap, Street of America's Evac. As of Elohim God, Himself like a visited Abraham's Sodom, Only now, 1996,  sighing, I will destroy America!
    -Only to go on further to see Americans as a slow motion exodus, its ATM's, corner stores supplies, filling stations all. Just these, the little Miya girl 2017, award, of post to present apocalypse come, staying stubborn evacuees, cars; with Ezekiel day, commanded reapers bearing swordlike syringes barreling down upon them all.
    -The night of 09/15/2018, I heard Dan. 4:4, hours after I saw the single No. 7; as Daniel interpreted, the mightiest, naughtiest safehaven then King of King Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon. Presently, West Rule Mystery Babylon, America is being taken away, fret not another, blessed cometh but not for seven years more, until then Ancient Beast/Antichrist reign.
   -Ancient Calderas once laying dormid have been spewing themselves in ways unprecedented right along a predicted 99 bowls of molten lava and a woman seen bearing, Rev. 17/18 black, as scirched bowls. Not one vocanologist can tell you this super erption isn eminent right now and I'm not taking about their findings, that tell you what deaf ears, harden hearts need hearing.
    -I'm taking about the never before seen or experinced in men's lifetime sesmic climate and plasma storm that's a proven culprit as well. There are those who comment, specialists saying they've seen nothing like it, that they're in uncharted territory.  Predicted 2015, how there's enough energy emitting from the west Pacific ring of fire.
    -Unexplainably this plasma body lurking about seeking whom it may devour, seismic predicted to come mightily online. Power lurking earth's crust enough to out measure millions of nuclear bombs and displace entire continents to mountains and counties at a time, putting the biblical in the end of days, now come.
   -Right now all the evidence and more, way more such specialist said they would need to start evacuations. No further this argument, they have it, again they have it, like days of old God has given it. Then as evidence Noahs Ark, Moses ten plagues, Lot and Family, armies of angels just showing up, presently? Thst when predicted 2015 disaster Hawaii shall begin to blow, so with a gazillion of volcanos erupting right now, and Lot family by heavens angels escaped into Geirgia or heaven, I dare you say Yellowstone isnt one of them!
    -Still, knowing and knowing and knowing they leave tens of millions of people nestled right up to this 2 times a Godzilla beast and beauty. Riddle me this, since God's Winepress is doing a Noah's cousin on US/Western soil right now, no ELE's barred, besides a Nibiru, or a Carrington/EMP, or a hundred times Katrina's, wouldn't this laying in wait ELE be just perfect for divine harvestor, thrusting in reaping sickle? Even For biblical Ref.. See  Rev. 6, 6th seal, 17/18 chapters.
   -Reconsider the death rider from beneath the earth, 1996; the two crystallized Godzilla monsters missiling crumbled crystallized skies down. Equally, the 2017, pending 10.2 xs 2, earthquake do right now, beware US/Canada West Northwest.
    -Minutes before the firestorm into WW3, Jerusalem, embassy debates, Dec. 3-6, 2017. Honestly, Elephants of staying unaware stampeded, so a first Matrix, just shaking, quaking and breaking the earth into crystal skies, since. Hopefully since Pres. Trump has been pegged with cleaning the swamp, maybe that include from the misinformation of sparing our feelings. Thats as of keeping us in the deadliest of dangers ever, EVER by keeping us unaware, beware all, escape and may God bless your Moses day exodus southeast into Georgia/Africa or skyward into Jesus/Marriage Supper, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM)


Prophecy Links.

Seen to be seeing 09/15-16/2018, the single number 7 and hours later I heard in my hearing, Daniel 4:4, the sudden downing of the earth, man and beast of the field, primary, all around resources, for a duration of seven years, beware, Apb, Daniel 4:4,

Calculating Ones Last Days On This  Earth At Present

-Have you considered if you knew without a doubt the world would end, how you would desire to spend your last days on earth? What's been predicted for so long. and we're talking for many millennia could all culminate along a doomsday plume or whisper in only ten Matrix days . The Brides escape, 92 AD 1986 AD, and now set since as recent as June 2015, for September 23-25, and America, West Rule, since Dec. 24/25/2001 is cataclysmically removed just as simultaneously, thus the end of the world as we've know it, knowing how would spend it? Beware, Apb, see here,

 Suffering is more acquainted with sin, Jesus told the man now healed who had a nearly 40 year sick bed, to stop sinning or the worst would happen, death, hell. Not only does prophet Isaiah say by Jesus stripes are we healed, Jesus reassure us by encouraging us whatsoever we would have, ask the father in His name, He would grant it. We're also warn if we regard sin in our hearts, Ps. 51, Ps. 66:18,  II CHRON. 7:14, 15; God cant hear us, as in to suffer unnecessarily. Except we're born again, we can't comprehend God, nore dwell with him, that without faith, the root of living as, in Christ it's impossible to please God, meaning, witbout faith, Heb. 11, it's then impossible for God to please ir help/heal us. No, a life in sin, cut off from God and thus divine healing, even restoration. Sin has it's own physical to damning cursive characteristics, repent or perish, said, Jesus, beware, Apb

Prophecy Links

    Seen to be in a dream, as to revisit June 26/27/2015, escaping some to Georgia, before taking the bride skyward, an ETE, then, of Sept. 23-25, . As of March 13, 2018, Americans of all pending US states of barbecue, were instead being invited to designed meetings in Georgia, as into Africa, a Noah's Ark, an American, Moses day exodus or skyward with Jesus, the only escape God will bless, beware Apb

Religion, politics drove the nails, suffer the little children (escape America) and bring them to me, said, Jesus, beware, Apb

    -God, Elohim found 92, Ad, and 1993, AD, crying behind a silence in heaven, his people are being stripped of Jesus, so are all leaders stripped, even such parents commanded to be killed by! On par with the CNN, article, what your kids want you to know in case they die in a school shooting. Oddly endangered by their parents, children dying by gun violence, goes back as far as the Obama's, Memphis,  New Madrid, Dunlap Street, 1987.
   -How about further these pulling out the heart, instead the confessions of transgender, school/public restrooms. As of one young lady concern if she's to eventually surrender the use of the skirt for the LGBTQ and P for pedophile agender? While a stunning young man with shoulder length hair wonder if he'll be expected to reconsider being a heterosexual. Truly acceptable horrors, with a Heavenly God of wrath, reminder your sins have reached unto him, come your own  soil are Noah's day judgements.
    - Then, although by dreams I've seen worse, still not to be morbid, the designing of a burning up California as a shitty condom; surely as the reminded the rectal area is not, nor can it ever be a sexual organ as two woman is not an organ of procreating the  genesis man/ marriage. So, regretfully, the curse of strong delusion to giving such fornicators over to these extreme sexual rebellers, their malignant sexual abnormalities.
     -Truly God has been patient and phenomenally long suffering but is it that automatically, reaping corruption sown, judgement, death and hell dies follow them whenever it is they die in such abominations?
    -Of the greatest cause for alarm, the looming for our school kids the LGBTQP agenda, certainly there are some so conflicted. So misconstrued over these hot Antichrist topics they are a growing population of drug and sexual abuse right into unprecedented suicides. Herein if you wondered how the rebellers/ Satan and demons benefit from sin, now you have your answer.
    -Had someone text me ask for prayer, as I said lately the most important prayer this planet. This Is the Jesus Prayer, Mat. 9, that grew so mighty in popularity the 2001,September 11 attacks, talk about a country united in prayer; pray with me, God, your will be done on earth, as in heaven, thy kingdom come, now repeat as often as needed, the more the antichrist spirit encompass this nation, the more desperate and again suicidal all people become, beware, Apb

 -Tell her don't worry, God reaping martyred blood got her,  every since a command went out 2017. It was that all schools be finished, see Eze. 9, predicted 2015, disaster Hawaii, when it began to erupt. See especially floods and fires been doing exactly that, hardly touching lives, but fiercely erupting, quaking, exploding burning and flooding everything in their quake” especially damned lives, lands, churches and yes, schools, leaving sexual abnormalities ss smothering ember/ambers, alerts. The destruction of this sinful nation is like that which took out Noahs evil world, then threatening the woman seed. Presently threatening it's blessed spirit harvest, born again Christians of Christ' Cross. Only now a Noah's cousin and an inundation of the planet by fire instead of a world flood. This article and the like break my, God's heart, like the one about a handsome young man. Whose afraid that the LGBTQ and P for Pedophile agenda come to school would force or expect him to reconsider being heterosexual, he sound so helpless. Well as Apostle I am said, thank God, Ps. 37, Rev. 11, judgement ridding the world of such evil, even of them doing evil is no longer pending. its here. Woe, the other part of this 2017, Eze day commanded reapers, command was that all such parents be killed. The righteous fret not, it's just God being the same, as always about sin, see Eze. 9 and 5, 9 is why, 9 and 5 is how by fire, see. 2 Pet. 3:11. Apostle Peter asking knowing these things, a tital consumption by fire, shouldn't you be by Christ's blood, redeemed? Beware, just you and yours get under the blessed rainbow, that's Christ’s reconciling blood, only the born again will survive and that's only as they're blood washed, worthy, so soon taken out, beware, Apb,

    -Tell her don't worry, God reaping martyred blood got her,  every since a command went out 2017. It was that all schools be finished, see Eze. 9, predicted 2015, disaster Hawaii, when it began to erupt. See especially floods and fires been doing exactly that, hardly touching lives, but fiercely erupting, quaking, exploding burning and flooding everything in their quake” especially damned lives, lands, churches and yes, schools. The destruction if this sinful nation is like that which took out Noahs evil world, then threatening the  woman seed, now threatening its blessed spirit harvest, Christians of Christ Cross. Only now a Noah's cousin and an inundation of the planet by fire instead of a flood. This article break my, God heart, like the one about a handsome young man afraid that the LGBTQ and P for Pedophile agenda come to schools would force him to consider being gay, he sound so helpless. Well as Apostle I am said, thank God, judgement ridding the world of ut, of them is no longer pending. Ah the other part of this 2017, Eze day command was that all such parents be killed. The righteous fret not, it's just God being the same, as always about sin, see Eze. 9 and 5, 9 is why, 9 and 5 is how by fire, see. 2 Pet. 3:11. Apostle Peter asking knowing these things, shouldn't you be redeemed? Beware, just you and yours get under the blessed rainbow, that's Christ’s reconciling blood, only the born again will survive and that's only as they're so soon taken out, beware, Apb

ince LGBTQP agenda has been voted into the US supreme law, this question remind me of religious leader's. Those trying Jesus' teaching, showing him coinage that had Caesar's face on it and then asked which should be served, God or Ceasar? Then Jesus answered render unto Caesar what's Ceasar and unto God's, what God's. Its God crying, Rev., 18,  Jesus, Mat. 24, come out of her my people, that you be not partakers of her sins, that you receive not of her plagues. There has to be a humane, none violent seperation, we must suffer these lost, and us and ours to Christ. To save some, Jesus, tempted at all points was found to be all things to all men, as unto mankind only without sin. A person choice of lifestyle is their own but when they make what to God is an abomination an agenda to persuade others. Then they're boarding on transgressing against the righteousness of God, and the people of God, judgement will fall. God has one agenda for His People, and it's been purposed upon this planet since, Genesis fall into its blood reconciliation, repent or perish! Since the LGBTQP is the law, you, your business, churches, etc all have to either conform to it's wicked agenda. Otherwise seperate yourselves by leaving the country, and, or avoiding any country condoning by legalization what's abominable and transgressing to God, beware, Apb, The RAM

    -My Prophetic Parable, these 30 plus years of Jesus 1986 Spring Appearance Now A 2015, estimated time of escape (ETE), of September 23-25. Only now a 30th, Thanksgiving/Black Friday, 2017, Matrix, ten day count, see

Every Good And Perfect Gift, Come Down From Him, The Father Of Lights, (Sonlight), beware, Apb

    And I heard In My Hearing, 2003, it's a hit, cities hit, Guam just did it!

   Watchman what of the night? What of
hearing as you woke from sleep, and this shall be the end; even; at a similar moment waking, lamenting, we will build an ark; and only minutes into Jan. 13, 2018, soon 2015 disaster Hawaii, hearing, one hour with the beast; 99 bowls of molten lava, Noahs Cousin, Aquatic Age, 10.2 earthquake, major, major earthquake West Pacific Canada; when only days past you heard, then shall that wicked shall be revealed; only you couldnt remember, what transpired prior of either of these pending reveals? Beware, Apb, see more here,

Fears as Bush's day, 2003, interrupted, a Hussein would sit the White House and rule the world. As of Andovers explosions and an invite March 13, 2018, from US states of barbecue into Georgia. Apostle I am remind, the Moses day exodus of America is not to run to Hawaii to California into Yellowstone burning up America, but to run from Hawaii, California into Yellowstone, burning up America, escape, and may God as Noah's day, as Moses exodus, even the Brides exit, (Brexit) bless it, beware, Apb


    Huffington post article say, if you don't want to love a gay child then don't have them; only reason God created the Adam a being of procreation, why I deem this disorder the genesis marriage, genocide. While an Advocate of Jesus’ Cross says, not ready to love gay children or those who will abort your grandchildren, as all fornication, is sin. So beware all targeting gay people, if you're not targeting 99% percent of all sinning people, then you're a hypocrite, you're sin, now put down those stones please. The 1% I sat apart for all the born again not so much this country but this wide world. If you like Jesus, don't want sexually abominable children as in an abominable harvest, all fornication is sin, man born sin, then get them out of the American/Westernized same sex marriage vote abominable, damning agenda,, so instead get you and yours to Jesus, sins healer. Not only are all rebellious parents, 2017 commanded to be killed, reaping what's abominably sown, all potential aborters to the LGBTQ and P for Pedophile children, schools. Those fast and furious wildfires are burning up to erupting to exploding right now are commanded to be finished; still those Aborters to LGBTQP children Reigning Jesus , Rev. 2, threaten with death, unless said parents repent. Such a concerning threat revisited, 01/13-16/2018 only minutes before 2015, predicted, disaster, Hawaii began to blow. God/Jesus always being God, here, Eze. 9, 38 and 39 and here Rev. 2, 17 and 18, and here, Beware, the Brides escape to other predicted ELE'S possibly this September 2018, finishing tens of millions US soil will be as sudden as Andover's explosions, beware, Apb, see also,,

  -All gone before thieves and robbers, said Jesus, what we do know Anita, if Rev. 17/18, the seventh angel Trumpet. Prophetically, (I Thess.4, I Cor. 15), One of the ONES whose here to herald the Bride away to marriage supper, divine rest and mansions in heaven,;  Instead recessed this inevitable event to instead Jan. 26-29/2018 ,mightily, urgently forewarn US/ Western soil. Those seen as this world's leader and war to whore blood harvester, guzzler. It is that we have no more doomsday Passovers pending such weight of blood guilt. Instead desolations, even those predicted Asteroids, Solar Flares EMP's and CME'S from above. I explained, whatever hit so suddenly as Andover explosions, see Rev. 6, 6th seal, ended America/West Rule for a subtraction of 190 years and 40 months/years. That's with millions either killed, injured or missing, so we pretty much know what they saw,. Let them have it, all souls. a times, times and a half of lifting up Jesus, Daniel/Gabriel 534 BC, Apostle/Gabriel 2004, AD, should be in Christ by now, ALL BILLIONS OF SOULS. Those who're not, well, they are the ones, (Mat. 24), that should be stampeding from all US states of barbecue, North, South America/The Caribbean/ Britain/Canada, as of June 26 2015/17-March 13, 2018, into Georgia, into Africa, until they are in Christ. Neo's are all the proof as the days of especially the prophet Ezekiel 7, crying an end hath come, that an end hath come. I also saw, 1986-2018, the Bride was taken up just as simultaneously as Mystery Babylon/America was taken out, Daniel final week of years is here, meaning we, birth of the dispensation if grace, Christ's Cross no longer can be. Let none distract from God warning his people, now the potential tribulation saints to come out, save your souls by saving your lives. May God bless your come, Noah, to Moses to Jesus' day, exodus. Thus, and so, Bush the one Error, Obama the Moses to Muhammad, mind his itinerary, Britain the Brexit and Trump, the Truexit, beware, Apb, The RAM

   -Wow, while all eyes were watching hurricane Florence, even the US and Russia blistering tug of nuclear war. The fire fighters say it was unprecedented, even like Armageddon, like most disasters lately, they've seen nothing like it. So much the reference of seeing great, carnivore beast getting at people even as they sat their deemed the death rider 1996, abominable, detestable peace getting porches/lives, lands, churches, schools and money markets, even crystallized skies cracked apart and missiled down. A Noah/NOAA's, cousin I heard in my hearing 2017, just as I heard, 2016, 99 bowls of molten lava before Hawaii and everyother volcano including Yellowstone began to blow. Had a dream March 13, 2018, (June 26 2015/17) inviting people from US states of barbecue into Georgia on the way to Africa and or Heaven before California start burning out of control. These Mega's aint nothing in comparison to 10.2 to major, major earthquakes plural, pending the US, Canada, West Pacific plate, the Midwest and the Eastern seaboard are targets as well. All with God warning even great worthies unable to pray off or stay mega disasters away, as of God's Winepress 2017, reaping martyred blood, US soil, Dec. 25 2001 weight of blood guilt. Instead prophet Daniel prayed, Dan. 9;13, how all this evil is come upon us, yet we make not our prayers before the Lord our God, that we turn from our iniquities and understand God's truth, (righteous judgement). America, West rule must decease into none existence, even cataclysmically so, just as the Bride ascends if Jesus's Millennium reign is to then 84 mintha later, follow. Truly how many will pray, Gods Kingdom come knowing, realizing its biblical truth, all others are thieves and robbers? If Jesus is Lord, Heart, Head, See, Mat 9 for prayer, Mat. 5 for guidance, Mat. 7:21-23 for a harsh reality and Mat. 24 for instruction along exiting to escaping the prophetic, inevitable, targeting tens of millions of lives unless they escape. Again not even Father Abraham to Pat Robertson nor the like prayers can save you, Jesus said repent or perish, as in  get and Jesus, get out! Beware, Apb, The RAM,

Ye  Must Be Born Again, Ye Must Be Washed In Blood Of The Lamb,

Thus Has Been The World Since. Adams Fall, The Genesis Garden, Since The Last Adam, Gain, Gethsemane Garden Of. Blood Reconciliation, Get Jesus, Get Out!

Thrust In. Thy Sickle And Reap, The Haevest Of The Earth, Is Ready, Beware, Apb

  -The Most Important Scripture These Nearly Three Millennia, Angel Gabriel 534 BC, 2004, AD;  Even Its Numerical, Go Like A Nov. 2017, 29th Matrix Ten Day Count, Now an inland Florence Hurricane and A Massachusetts Unprecedented Explosion, Dan. 9:13, beware, Apb

   -A Curse Upon All Abominable, Detestable, Lives, Lands And Churches, The Death Rider, 1996, Beware, Apb

   -As it is written in the law of Moses, all this evil is come upon us: yet made we not our prayer before the Lord our God, that we might turn from our iniquities, and understand thy truth. Dan. 9:13,
   -Predictions into March 2018, They're Called, US Solders, To States Of Barbecue For A Reason, Get Instead To Georgia, To Heaven, For A Reason, What did have 7th Angel, May 15 2004-Jan. 26-29/2018 so packed with urgent, worrisome forewarnings?,, see also here,


  -December 25/26 2004, before an Indian ocean rose up all of a sudden and cancelled a quarter of a million men, women and children lives. It was seven months earlier, 05/15/2004, what was the Jesus husband birthday, 02/22/2012, his death day, (see predicted, 2015, Cameron's/Western Rule, Brexit 02/22/2016)
   -So as recorded the prophet Daniel, 534 BC into the gospel of Christ, from a predicted little horn into a predicted Christ, Jesus to come. This was that identical Angel Gabriel and now he was saying the fulfillment of all things is upon mankind to she's coming, going, with a seventh Angel.
   -Going, coming with the Seven Angel, 2004, who made an alike appearance as recorded both Rev. 10/17/11 chpts; nights, Jan. 26-29th, 2018. The God of Noah, Moses and soon King Nebuchadnezzar, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
   -The Elohim of war with the rebellious, the whore of abominations this earth, with the Petrodollar weight of bloodguilt gone under endtime judgments, in short, Jesus' God was reaping martyred blood and no flesh was again safe, repent ir perish.
   -Just as so the Elohim God who'd brought to dust and wind every sinful Kingdom, nation, administration. Right into  incalculable amalgamations, tongues, tribes and people. HE it is who'd now since Bush/Cheney's Saddam, 2003,
   -That's Obama/Clinton, Gaddafi 2013 right into 2015, Trump/ Nethanyue’s Assad/Abbas 2016/17/18. He'd now predicted a death toll as of Westerners guilty soil, Dec. 24/25/2001; its weight of blood. That until 190 months and forty days into a Matrix ten day count be fulfilled, 09/13/2018, now its 29th.  
   -So for a decade and a half this same Elohim God of righteous bloodletting. The winepress of God, has proposed sudden and without further warning a death rider from beneath the earth. As to be commanded as of a Noah's day, to finish tens of millions lives.     
   -Indefinitely, these now 30 plus springs for when predicted 2015 disaster Hawaii shall begin to blow. Surely beware all frequenting these beyond limits, not for centuries 10. 2 earthquakes to 99 bowls of molten lava, locked and loaded to perform along assigned limitless fault lines, woe, woe and woe, beware, Apb

  -Bless God, all breathers bless His name; like Noah's day before the.flood, Moses before the exodus. America's, 1986-2018, now deemed a Noah'/NOAA 'Cousin. America, Western rule is blowing up, tearing up to  burning up right now, this entire world. Meaning at least 15% of Americans to Brits to Canadians are predicted, 2002-2013-2017/18 to die and are dead. That's with hundreds of millions stampeding either into Georgia, as into Africa, or into Jesus, into heaven, God as Moses, as Noah's has only designed escape; God will only as Noah's, Moses will only  bless escape. Whereas the only beneficial prayers, Jesus, the Son of David, Mat 9 and King David, Ps. 51, into Prophet Daniel, Dan. 9, beware, Apb, repent, escape! See here was predicted 2017,


  -As it is written in the law of Moses, all this evil is come upon us: yet made we not our prayer before the Lord our God, that we might turn from our iniquities and understand thy truth. Dan. 9:13
    -Be reminded, predictions into March 13-16 2018, they're called, US, States Of Barbecue For A Reason, Get Instead To Georgia, To Heaven, For A Reason, What did have 7th Angel, Jan. 26-29/2018 so packed with urgent, worrisome forewarnings?, What so horrid was pending to happen, that like a Lot and Family the Jesus husband, 2015, now 2018, escaped some into Georgia, before taking the Bride skyward? Beware everyone going on like all is normal, Katrina, 2005, beware of sudden Destruction, explosions, in Massachusetts, see, see also here,


    -Yall best stop listening to Pat Robertson and the like trying to pray God's come Judgements away, the Petrodollar weight of blood guilt (Rev. 17/18, revisited, 01/26-29/2018) reaping martyred blood, 1974-2018, sown; see Jesus prayer here, Mat. 6:9-13, King David prayer, here, Ps. 51. Then listen to Pat Bradford telling yall thirty plus springs of Jesus’ live appearance, into Jesus being here, now, as in right now!!
   -That is how it is every element this planet, the heavens, those now fashioned 2017 a Noah/NOAA’s Cousin from disasters, into mega disasters into ELE's are come. Then as forewarn to Prophets of old by God, HIMSELF, not even the prayers of the righteous can stop HIS DAY OF JUDGEMENT, THEY ARE HERE! Get Jesus, get out!
  -Obama's Billions to Iran, not our money, someone said, Amen, plus Trump just got a 717 billion spending bill signed, what's that for I wonder, more bloodletting to be followed by sudden destruction? Dating back to Noah and Moses, 717 is the figure I was told to mark doing 2003 Bush's deemed error, so much about those two are making comparison.
    -Even a grade from God of error and a fury of God as cast at Ezekiel's day into Obama's 2008/2015/16, predicted Gog and Magog. Only Bush's error was spoken out loud and Trumps was written in lowercase, bold letters. Well with Bush it was predicted barbecue US soldiers now with Trump, March 2018, it's US states of barbecue invited instead to Georgia, state, into Africa, the US, West is to be no more this planet
    -I hope they're being truthful about what happen here, Jesus the perfect man and  Holy Spirits only minutes before 2015, predicted disaster Hawaii, Jan. 13-16 2018, this pending was treated like at present, the come end of the world, only we're made to think, it's nothing. Every natural disaster especially since predicted, 2015, into Jan 13-16, 2018, disaster Hawaii, 2017, 99 bowls of molten lava. When it, Hawaii shall begin to blow, this shall be the end..
   -As you've noted, so far these world breaking events have been more for stampeding. Again that's not to burning up America, but from burning up America/ West Rule, this planet. There is one come of many ELE's, Rev. 6, 6th seal, the 1996 death rider from beneath the earth, speeding into US states of barbecue, from its Western seaboard into it's eastern seaboard.
   -So as described of a yellowstone eruption to a super eruption right as, if into the predicted 2015, of a Pacific ring of fire, the ligniting n a circle of fuel canisters, again 2015, an EMP to CME, followed, into epidemics, as a pale horse judgement. That's you guys as of the mightest seismic activity ever this recent planet. A predicted 10.2 plus major, major earthquake.     
    -Then 7th Angel 2018 cried, beware especially Canada to US West Pacific, beware the Midwest, beware the Eastern seaboard. Confirmed, it's when millions upon millions are suddenly dead, that's by an inundation of fire, this planet, 2 Pet. 3:11, deemed 2017, a Noah's Cousin.
    -The Bride, spring 1986-01/13-16/2018 then being in imminent danger is the reason He, Jesus, the Seventh Angel, Trumpet and Archangel Michael are all seen to be here for Her right now. Possibly the Sept. 23-25, ETE, I witnessed doing the June 2015 now into March 2018, dream, no God haven't forgotten us; escape from black bowls, from US states of barbecue either to Georgia/Africa or heaven/Lamb's marriage suppe, beware, Apb, repent, escape.

   -As it is written in the law of Moses, all this evil is come upon us: yet made we not our prayer before the Lord our God, that we might turn from our iniquities, and understand thy truth. Dan. 9:13,
    Predictions into March 2018, They're Called, US, States Of Barbecue For A Reason, Get Instead To Georgia, To Heaven, For A Reason, What did have 7th Angel, Jan. 26-29/2018 so packed with urgent, worrisome forewarnings?,, see also here,


    -December 25/26 2004, before an Indian ocean rose up all of a sudden and cancelled a quarters of a million men, women and children lives. It was seven months earlier, 05/15/2004, what was the Jesus husband birthday. So as recorded the prophet Daniel, 534 BC into the gospel of Christ, from a predicted little horn into a predicted Christ, Jesus to come. This was that identical Angel Gabriel and now he was saying the fulfillment of all things is upon mankind to she's coming, going, with a seventh Angel. A, the  seven Angel who made an alike appearance as recorded both Rev. 10/17/11 chpts; nights, Jan. 26-29th, 2018. The God of Noah, Moses and soon King Nebuchadnezzar, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The Elohim of war with the rebellious, the whore if abominations this earth, with the Petrodollar weight of bloodguilt gone under endtime judgments, in short, God was reaping martyred blood and no flesh was safe. Just as so The Elohim God who'd brought to dust and wind every sinful Kingdom, nation, administration, amalgamation, tongue, tribe and people had now since Bush/Cheney's Saddam, 2003, Obama/Clinton, Gaddafi 2013 right into 2015, Trump/ Nethanyue’s Assad/Abbas 2016/17/18, predicted a death toll as of Westerners soil, Dec. 24/25/2001 weight of blood, unto 190 months and forty days into a Matrix ten day count be fulfilled, now its 29th.  So for a decade and a half this same Elohim God of righteous bloodletting, the winepress of God, has proposed suddenly and without further warning a death rider from beneath the earth be commanded as if a Noah's day, to finish tens of millions lives beware all frequenting all at beyond limits for centuries 10. 2 earthquake to 99 bowls of molten lava, locked and loaded, fault lines, beware, Apb
   -As it is written in the law of Moses, all this evil is come upon us: yet made we not our prayer before the Lord our God, that we might turn from our iniquities, and understand thy truth. Dan. 9:13


    -Signs in the heavens and upon the earth is a promise and prophecy, these blessings from God, that we not walk in delusions. As from the Genesis right into it's Revelation book, so six millennia now of outreaching righteousness. Just how many more of these abominations does world leaders want stacked against them doing the judgement of the nation?
   -Every natural disaster especially since predicted, 2015, into Jan 13-16, 2018, disaster Hawaii, 2017, 99 bowls of molten lava. When it, Hawaii, shall begin to blow. As so the invitation, June 2015/March 2018, from US states of barbecue instead into Georgia, Africa.
    -As you've noted, so far these world breaking events have been more for stampeding. Again that's not to burning up America, but from burning up America/ West Rule, this planet. There is one come of many ELE's, Rev. 6, 6th seal, the 1996 death rider from beneath the earth.
    -So as described of a yellowstone eruption to a super eruption right as, if into the predicted 2015, of a ring of fire. That's you guys of the mightest seismic activity ever this recent planet, a predicted 10.2 plus a  major, major earthquake, beware especially Canada to US West Pacific. Confirmed, it's when millions upon millions are suddenly dead, that's by an inundation of fire, 2 Pet. 3:11, deemed 2017, a Noah's Cousin.
    -The Bride, 01/13-16/2018 then being in imminent danger is the reason He, Jesus;  The Seventh Angel, Trumpet and Archangel Michael are all here for Her right now. Possibly the Sept. 23-25, ETE, I witnessed doing the June 2015 to March 2018, escape either to Georgia or heaven dream.
    -Right before the worse of US death tolls, Sept 11, 2001, Katrina, 2005 and Maria, 2017 and now, presently, disaster Hawaii, 2015/17/18; I was always warn. Strangely, right before Sept. 11 2001 attacks, I heard, something really bad is about to happen. Only I mocked, yeah, 10 or so years from now,  2011 come the warning our grands would grow up in an occupied America ...and when it does, Holy Spirits continued, people will be more apt to listen to such forewarnings, ...oh, so are you? Beware, Apb, repent or perish, escape, see more here,

    -While for me, there isn't one good Trump has done that wasn't targeted by sudden destruction. But taking a stand against the one abomination/Fornication that's to make world nations as desolate as Noah's day world flood. Only now a Noah's cousin, an inundation this entire planet by fire, 2 Pet. 3:11. Meaning addedly the same sex marriage vote for America, this world leader is why (Petrodollar)/Mystery Babylon is described a great whore sitting on all people, imbibing on their martyred blood. I don't know how many ways to say it, if God as the days of old don't stop the LGBTQ and P for pedophile agenda. Then He jeopardises everything from the Genesis prediction of the woman seed. Its Satan offering Jesus this temporal, doomed world only if he forfeit mankind's blood reconciliation. The reason for which, He Jesus, the woman seed, lived, died, rose and ascended, the reason He, the seventh angel and Archangel Michael are all here for the Bride right now, possibkt the Seot. 23-25, ETE, I witnessed doing the 2015, escape either to Georgia or heaven dream, repent or perish, beware, Apb, see more here,

Article, Brown was instrumental in creating the G20 – a body made of the world’s leading developed and developing nations – but said the cooperation that helped avoid a second Great Depression had been replaced by a world in which countries had retreated into nationalist silos. Article... ___________Seeing in 2005, Britain, America go in seperate directions and then hearing in my ear, Britain, America seperate them into itty, bitty, pieces. Hearing further 2005, smiling faces don't last, wipe Canada from the map; synchronize, Israel. Surwly I was seeing into the  spirit world, what began to materized in the real, 2008/09 and now, 2015-2018. Doing the moving either to Georgia or heaven dream, remind us there was something about Cameron pending, just see, July 06 2015-Feb. 22, 2016/17/18. Whereas Trumps 2017, being aligned to what could be the end of Western Civilization period,. A predicted since Bush, Obama/Clinton right into Trump, fifty million US/Westerners death. Jesus warn abomination of desolations, also Revelation book, warn, Mystery Babylon, also a weight of blood guilt, the Petrodollar, Dec. 24/25/2001-Nov 2425/2017 judgement day now come, into its since matrix ten day counts, now it's 29th, and Russia and company is threatening all treasured above God, beware, Apb

   -As I said back here, sitting here are the first ladies of my life, and the ones who hosts this incredible, husband and wife going away PJ  party and if you all see a change in me they are the reason, so meet, Sia,Model Stylist, Tiffany Ann Saurus, and the most sought after husband, even cologne this planet, Attorney, Dr. Nicholas E. Coogan, Dr. Publisher, Corronda, Aggart Stuart's, her stunner husband, world renown, Publisher, director, Dr.. Dexter Leon Stuart. Model, Designer, Susan Fate Coogan, and her Brilliant, District Attorney, Dr. Syefan E. Coogan, Dr. Physiatrist, the one, you all need the most, Mrs. Barbara Coogan and her, well, sexy, sexy husband, Real Estate, Attorney, Dr. Bradford E.  Coogan, Model, Designer,Dr. Ashleigh Decorte and her heartthrob, eyes to die for, gone missing but found, husband, Model, Stylist, Dr. Anthony Dale Decorte.I want all of you to meet these are my friends, who like me, before I felled head over hills and married, this jy husband, Sia, Tribunal of the Paris Globe, Mr. Medicine Bow, Sign, Debunk, I call you all doctors because you all putting God first, are all professional in your field of expertise, and they all, both men and women, want to come out of the sex trade business and need your, well our help and aI knew this would be the best time to meet all of you, please help and  thank you Ladies, gentle Im Sia, Maaseiah if the young marriage worshippers, if you all will follow me, Erica and Barbara Ann intivthe kItchen, we can get started. Now was that so impossible?” You doing this for a living know it was, ah hug me so tight, and never let me go, I fit you, cry on my shoulder all you like, ah gid Medicine, what was I thinking? i’m telling you was brilliant, I Live it all, except Mr. Bradford Coogan, sexy, sexy.dezcriotion, I bet yiu won't look east, what, clear your eyes and see, ah my God, a falling star, did you div that just me, I did, incredible beloved, just for you. You feel, smell so good, your hair Rynan like edible silk on my lips. I saved us a room, did you? You know I did, and it's filled Medicine with all delicious things to make you scream as you melt Juttah husband right into me, then come, tempt me as you please, well I warn, remember those exact words, ah Im trembling with anticipation, not yet sweetest husband, not yet.      >>>so Creighton what did it all mean, you reveal to Reese this backward running clock of years? I heard it taught by Sai Maaseiah, the primary reason why Jesus’ cross prayed, God forgive them, that if the dispensation of grace, Damn. 534 BC, the age of ancient biblical, prophetic scripture the backward click 69 year is ticking back to, If that alternate time table hadn't already been sworn upon God's throne, then right there, the Roman Empire, as in back to the Grecian, back to the Median/ Persian/ back to the Babylonian empire, the Assyrian prior right into its Egyptian, the five fallen Cassia and the one, the Roman Empire that is, the Seventh Angel is explaining to Apostle John, Rev. 17, with a mystery Babylon, a ten headed beast reign and little horn reign all pending but right there at the Roman back to Egypt, the future ten headed empire, with Hitler counted as the final Antichrist could’ve been seen as the first Gog Magog and. Christ crucifixion, by the Roman Empire as the final gog and Magog and the only ones saved, would be the righteous dead until then, and all those defending Jesus, would've all ascended, with Jesus leading, captivity, captured, and Apostle Peter's, earthwide inferno, would've been, what Sia Maaseiah think is being described as Rev. Gog and Magog and the innovative, never, ever world, that Satan offered Jesus, if the’d. forfeit our blood reconciliation the reason why he was born a virgin and entered the holies of holies as a better bloody sacrifice, this wounded for us, Lamb of God, ever or ever again and please tell me you haven't fallen asleep on me. … I'm impressed, speechless that you know all of that, these are things, biblical thing you shared with Reese? And she mocked it, mocked me, ah, another, question, when was you studied under Sia Maaseiah? There she's Lord Urusalem, here Cassia shes Sai Maaseiah, even Dissuasion, World renown, midek, designer and now, Wedding Now, Producer.


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