And This Shall Be The End, Something GLOBAL seems to have the atmosphere energized - MANY new records being set!

Something GLOBAL seems to have the atmosphere energized - MANY new records being set!

     -in 2017, what you're describing is called a Noah's cousin, i also heard that an aqua age was coming, witnessed an angel in the heavens with a pitcher in hand pouring water on the planet, also witnessed this wall of water just standing awaiting like all earth and heavens elements, an Ezekiel day, Eze.  9,  reapers, God's command. Just before predicted disaster Pacific ring of fire and domino Hawaii, and all seismic to volcanic plates began to come again on line was the forewarning, 99 bowls of molten lava.  Though this is all nothing, there's an outbreak of ELE's coming, and though presently it's raining, flooding, America did burn, Whitehouse all, all need to attend dutchsinse latest plums videos, of dormant earthquake craters all around the West Coast, seem  to fire up, like the fuel canisters placed all in a circle, 2015/16, and one by one set to blaze, into my 2001, Christmas Carol dream of America's Burning, breware, his last plumes video, March 2018, was right before California again burst into flames and Americans then, like now were invited from US states of barbecue into Georgia, he saw as well.
     -I can compare these ELE's come to what Apostle John is witnessing, Rev. 6, 6th seal, Matrix 6, this world stretching earthquake is as to have all three super volcanoes US soil, to go off simultaneously and earth's inhabitants as to scatter a yet present day Nimrod's Babel, Mystery Babylon as into Christ's Jesus, God's designed ark, or into Africa, the cradle of humankind, God's designed Moses day exodus. Explaining all these master disasters pending extinction level events are all happening simultaneously the entire planet. These unstoppable earth enders, which have been happening on a more unprecedented scale since I testified it's only hours before the actual predicted, disaster, domino Hawaii, incoming missile alert, 01/13-16/2018 the perfect man Jesus. This was during dreams about, Rev. 2, whore Jezebel, riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers threatening the genesis man/marriage of God's evolving, revolving Holy Temple. 
     -The Nov, Thanksgiving, 2017, Matrix ten day countdown to doomsday US/Western soil, is also adapted from this particular scripture, see, Church Smyrna Jesus ten day ultimatum, this same reigning Jesus asked 01/13/2018, would the angels ascend with the Bride? Whereas ten days later, just as the US congress were planning a transit get away, but crashed, Rev. 10, Great Angel, Rev. 17, Seventh Angel, this meting in heaven, warn, for three nights, Jan. 26-29th, 2018, there would be no further delays, desolation predicted now come beware primarily all the area along what dutchsinse calls the American seismic Craton. Although I only was  dutchsinse given as a word, a year prior, the first of 2017, I woke interpreting an English sign into the Dutch language, so another surreal validation, yet I'm most concern, Jesus warn you guys would be caught, as ensnared, as those of Noah's day. Still, this great Angel as Apostle John did witness did now 2018, have his feet park the ocean and the earth, I'm pretty sure he know better than us all, the areas mostly targeted.
    -I don't know much about it, I know I have 30 plus years of prophetic parables, and characters, MASS DISASTER WORLD WIDE, ARKS, AFRICA'S destination, the 2009, 2012, movie was adapted from this 30 plus years online work, as I told you all, the elite listens, follows, if y'all don't, so great is the mystery of their planned depopulation. Whereas I crafted a world exodus, primarily beginning at the going off the map of the US to Canada West, Northwest Pacific coast line, eventually by ELE's taking out West rule, even North America as a whole, this entire planet. Again all commanded as of Ezekiel's 9 reapers, to be taken off the map or into a new Africa by an African born deliverer, right here the end of the church age, of West Rule this planet, whereas there's possibly two months left of it, Nov. 24/25 2018/Dec 24/25/2018;  see African born world leader ex Pres. Barack, Michelle, Obama, see a now deceased for this reason, Col. Gaddafi, 2017/18-2025/26, New US Africa, there's something about the elite having an ark base in Africa, so now you know why don't want you there. Also see Ghana Africa at his time, offering up an easy entry, and at this time, of America, Westerners exodus into Georgia a meeting place, and into Africa, until the next seven years are finished, there's something.

      -Just a so, at this precise time, an article I saw just a day ago about a 400 year old African ritual, about them returning. Here's how Apostle I am figure this, if Israel is mankind's spirit mother, good or evil, that we, religion has more than spoiled, from heavens' entry; then Africa is man's natural mother that they enslaved. As so  incarcerated, stripped, raped and brought many times to the brink of genocide, yet as a mother earth. see remain our broken and abandoned home front. Heretofore if not Christ, Jesus, God's designed ark, and there is no power this planet, beneath nor in the heavens that can stand against it, HIS, an American to Africa's exodus, ask Satan, your entire planet is doomed because of his rebellion and these rebellious king of kings these six millennia allying him, marvel not at heathen raging against earth, heaven and Jerusalem's extinction level renewals, Apostle Peter, 2 Pet. 3:11,  explained, the whole thing, earth would be consumed by fire, then asked, knowing as well as you do, what manner of man ought you to be? Get Jesus and get out! Rev. 10, Seventh Angel 2018, says, there is time no longer, all time proceeding and exceeding Prophet Daniel's final week, done lapsed, Beware, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry, RAM       


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