Dear Steve Quayle, The Militant Taming Of Multiple Godzilla Like Monsters

     -Militarily taming the two crystallized Godzilla monsters revealed only when crystallized skies come crashing and missiling down, see Rev. 6, 6 th seal and the Matrix 6th, of Rev.17/18, Seventh Angel, Jan 2018, reveal, saying no further delays, US soil, desolations come, a forewarning now 9 into 10 months (666), fulfilled! Beware, Apb

error/era/error, escape america, RUN! Said Jesus, Mat. 24
     -That's too much like trying to change scripture, just as they could no more stop the 2017 Sept 23rd Rev. 12 sign, nor the 2017 solar eclipse I've used to project, that it's trajectory would be that as well of ELE'S targeting US soil. Nor  ciuld be stopped the 07/27/2018, biblical territory, directed, Red Moon, the tenth anniversary of Dan. 12/Rev. 10,  man in Linen into Pres. Obama 07/27/2008, two weeks and seven years timetable, the ends of the end begins.
     -So beginning with predicted 2015/16 the ring of fire, triggering a predicted 2015/16 disaster Hawaii. As so a predicted ELE/CME, following, as it's all to domino into all at limits faultlines and Volcanic plates. Those not only this nation, but Mystery Babylon this world, stalled along 31 matrix ten day counts, (Dec. 24/25/2001-Nov. 24/25/2017) until it's doomsday come.
     -Although multi nuclear seismic activity beneath our feet, Dec. 3-4, 2017, first Matrix, stampeding elephants of staying unaware, ringing earths bells around the world. Beneath our feet, as the 1996 death rider from beneath the earth opened up and deaths rider leaped out!
     -Earth's bells ringing, as the morning of the predicted disaster Hawaii, my Memphis son, Jan. 2018 forewarn of downtown newspaper's bells ringing. Only with my eldest son 2013, a paperboy, newspaper bike handlebars; of a sky reaching funeral reef of US/Westerners death tolls.
     -Those once treated 2003 with axle grease to disallow Russia, China, well now they're all coming! Influenced by God, influencing ancient beast reign, Russia and China come. Thus the hearing in my ear, only minutes into the morning of predicted disaster Hawaii Jan.2018, Rev. 17:16-18, one hour with the beast!   
       Oddly, while lookimg at an identical appearing perfect dangerous man, a perfect man Jesus asked will the angels ascend with the Bride? Meansing the word OFFER of mansions in heaven over greatest tribulations, presented in blocking out the sky, martyred blood, pink, could be the last ti be offered.
     -Certainly, of course until Jesus return; as of 7 years and Dan.44 is fulfilled then kkng of king Babylon now then as of king if kings Mystery Babylon's soil, Trump is Americans/Westerners Brexit/Truexit,  matrix counts cant last forever.
     -Soon we'll be back to where the weight of blood guilt began, where began the graceful Matrix, counts, Dec.5 -25, 2001-Dec. 5-25th 2018, see Abbas' getting at Trump synchronation of the ten heads; so fulfilled as king of kings Babylon's was the year given until 7 Daniel years finale, so let it be written, so let it be done, beware, Apb, see here,


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