Kim, No To Disarming, US Mistrusting

-Messenger Angels1996, of the death rider from beneath the earth said Ps. 37:1-6, Fret Not, as Dan. 7, I saw four continents to nations in a block 2002, Asia, America, Japan and Russia, then I heard fifty million will die. But Pastor, hard biblical facts. how long has it been predicted, the Antichrist will claim 2 thirds of Israel? I just dont hear y'all talk about that, God's wrath to Winepress even Jerusalem's soil. Anyway I explained to Honest News lately how only Putin is the most powerful and yet the most humble predestined world leader that can bring about the Dan. 9, 7 year, non aggression pack. Even why he allied Assad's Syria, 07/06/2015, into Cameron's pending Brexit, 02/22/2016, at the first. They may not know, Rev. 17:16-18, what they're doing, but Father God knows, trust, delight, commit and beware, Apb KIM 'NO' TO DISARMING North Korea says it will NEVER disarm nuclear weapons without more trust in the USA The No. 7, Into Dan. 4:4, God Said It, 09/13-15/ So Let It Be Done! -Apostle I am keep telling yall these are not those days, and that a predicted 1998 Arab and an Asian invasion on US soil, revisited 2015, are yet pending. But those days, those passover days they went the very moment from Daniel's man in Linen timetable into Obama's Rising a partial fruition to Rev. 13, Ancient beast reign, passed into Trump. As into that 2002, 2013 and now 2017/18; forewarning, that fifty million will die US soil alone, again revisited on the morning of Trump's 2017 inauguration. According to Rev. Seventh Angel, these are the days God influences ancient beast reign come, to then influence all men in leadership authority, ALL over his people to let them go into repentance, their souls are in imminent danger,. Such passover days will return when Jesus, after seven years are finished, again when Jesus, the Bride, The Trump of God, the Archangel Michael and His Armies of heaven, according to Holy Angels, Holy Disciple/Apostles and the Prophet Zechariah, THEY again sat Jesus feet atop mount Olivet and Jerusalem defeat, and the genocide of humankind passes instead into, as of the divine intervention of Jesus Millennium Reign, beware, Apb, error, era/error, Pastor Begley Talk Of Recent 6.6 to 7.5 quakes, beware -All mega disasters pastor and way more every since hours after hearing one hour with the beast, 01/13/2018, hearing a Memphis son say, downtown newspaper's bells were ringing, before a perfect man Jesus asked about Angels as well as the Bride ascension, and sexual abnormality A for abortion LGBTQ, P. for Pedophile was displayed as damnable riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers, pending 2015/16 an EMP to CME attack,. Then this was 30 days after seeing elephants of staying unaware stampeding all pending refugees into an earth to heaven quaking, imploding and erupting mess began actually ringing earth's bells not since the ancient days and fastly our home is coming uninhabitable; with the tug of nuclear war only in it's WW3 stage, but now we know why the Jesus husband escaped loved ones southeast into Georgia, even why this divinity was revisited March 13-16, 2018 an invite from pending US states of barbecue come to Georgia instead, into Africa and why Rev. 10, and Rev 17 Seventh Angel, Jan. 26-29/2018, ten days past Jesus's million dollar question was so very, very, very anxious for the predicted 2015/16 Hawaii missile alert was only the beginning, that when the disaster 2015/16 Pacific Ring Of Fire and Hawaii shall begin to blow, so not Yellowstone but all other at limits faultlines and Volcanic Plates were only just ahead; even Canada's predicted Sept. 2017, major, major earthquake: and a 10.2 earthquake a place else, again there's US soil alone, Hayward, Cascadia, Andres, YELLOWSTONE, New Madrid and countless other such fractures we don't know about. Now Rev. 10/Rev. 17/18 Seventh Angel 9 months past said no more delays, I've seen Rev. 14 harvester, sickle, since, really chilling, received a judgement about No. 7, out of Dan. 4:4 on the 29th Matrix and by the 30th, reminded of an offer, but in huge, bold, blocking out heaven, floodwater down, blood pink letters, I'm thinking Rom. 10:9, 10, just see the thrust in sickle, Rev. 14, is to reap 175 miles, martyred of what Martyred Jesus leaked from just the stab womb in His side, God is not mocked, where do yiu stand? He's handing Jesus the heathen for His inheritance, the endblame/game, check mate all, get Jesus, get out! beware, Apb


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