
Showing posts from August, 2018

The Complex Parable, Paradox To Pandora Box Of A Ancient Assyria, Of All Ancient Beast Rule, Revisited

     -Watchman, what of the night, 2015, you woke mightily exhausted in your bed with remembrance of strange names in your head, when just as soon you began to be soothed, by the amazing lyrics, we exalt thee; only with said amazing lyrics come a remarkable memory. You was in events in doing heaven, the Lambs book of life was opened and it’s Ancient Scroll was being crafted into, as of a school day, name, roll call. That every time one of its worthy participates was called, said inscription would rise from divine antiquities, with all eyes upward it's notice and float and flutter into heavenly places beyond.      -Then all you could hear so sweetly in your ear was its  host of heaven singing so miraculously, we exalt thee, then plainly, remarkably still, onto the next. Then on to the next, from Cain slaying Abel into the cry, six millenniums here lately, go and get the twelve heirs, see Rev. 7; so as to sift and shape shift through billions of subscri...

The Carrington Event, 2018

     -Watchman, what of the night, 2015, you woke mightily exhausted in your bed with remembrance of strange names in your head, when just as soon you began to be soothed, by the amazing lyrics, we exalt thee; only with said amazing lyrics come a remarkable memory. You was in events in doing heaven, the Lambs book of life was opened and it’s Ancient Scroll was being crafted into, as of a school day, name, roll call. That every time one of its worthy participates was called, said inscription would rise from divine antiquities, with all eyes upward it's notice and float and flutter into heavenly places beyond.      -Then all you could hear so sweetly in your ear was its  host of heaven singing so miraculously, we exalt thee, then plainly, remarkably still, onto the next. Then on to the next, from Cain slaying Abel into the cry, six millenniums here lately, go and get the twelve heirs, see Rev. 7; so as to sift and shape shift through billions of subscri...

Suicide Pastor, Come A Servant Of Satan, Did Not Go To Heaven, see Jesus, Mat. 7:21-23

    -Suicide Pastor, Come A Servant Of Satan, Did Not Go To Heaven, see Jesus, Mat. 7:21-23      -Christian no longer study nor practice sin, murder-suicide is sin, thou shalt not kill, I John 3, for the seed of holy truth and holy spirit is imbedded the new heart of you and Saints Of The Most High God, no longer, study nor practice sin, those like Christ who're crucified, Rom. 6, as is Christ and as Christ, Risen to a newness of life, immortal life, walking by faith, sin is dead to THEM, beware, Apb Planet X, Arrival, Oct. 25th, 2018,      -Oct. 25th, 2018, Pastor Begley, will be a since Dec., Christmas Eve, Day, 2001, blood guilt weigh station until 190 months and 40 days be fulfilled, Nov. Thanksgiving/ Black Friday, 2017, American, West Rule, weight of blood guilt, doomsday come; again Oct. 25th is the 33rd, instead awarded, Nov. 24/25, 2017, Matrix ten day countdown into no more doomsday Passovers US/Western soil, beware, Apb The Lame...

The Genesis Of Procreating Natures's Marriage And Family, Let No Rebellion Human, Satanic To Demonic Put it Asunder

-Watchman, what of the night, 2015, you woke mightily exhausted in your bed with remembrance of strange names in your head, when just as soon you began to be soothed, by the amazing lyrics, we exalt thee; only with said lyrics come a memory, you was in events in heaven, the Lambs book of life was open and it’s Ancient Scroll was being crafted into like a school day, name, roll call, that every time one of its worthy participates was called, it would rise from divine antiquities, with all eyes upward it would float and flutter into the heavens beyond. -Then all you could hear so sweetly in your ear was heavens host singing, we exalt thee than onto the next. Then next from Cain slaying Abel into the cry, six millenniums here lately go and get the twelve heirs, see Rev. 7, so as to sift and shape shift through billions of subscribers, no wonder I felt  physically overwhelmed. Only one sad note, this beast of beauty, not only was this a roll/role call, this was a final, bib...

For Ye Are The Light, The Salt Of The World

Know The Saints, Mat. 5, They Study Sin No More, Mat.  -Jesus described Christians as the light of the world, the salt of the earth, but if that light is set under a bush, if that salt loses it savor; Jesus also declared the truth shall make, mold us free. After Jesus now risen challenged disciple Peter three times whether he loved him? He then instructed him to use that other world love to feed His Sheeps and Lambs. The only primary reason we have the living Christ, the living word, the living spirit and our feet shod with the preparation of the truth is that unbelievers can by THEIR reveal to divine intervention be converted into righteousness. God's word as a two edged sword the heart, written in the mind, a new creature old things passed away THEY crave nor study sin and abominable, detestable ways no more. THEY aren't just no longer of the world, THEY’RE no longer of the American Dream. For a friend, an associate of sexual abnormality is Anti God, Christ, nature and the ...

Jesus is Righteous Head, Jesus is Good Shepherd, Jesus is Heart, Blood Redemption Jesus Is Here!

          -America's West Rule, is a Moses day exodus and Senator/Ex. Pres. Hussein Obama is a Moses day, since predicted 1986-2016/17/18, now referred to as the secrets of Memphis, Egypt/Tennessee, African born, heir, deliverer, into Africa. Yet here I thought predicting 2003, as of Rev. 11:1,2, a Hussein White House and world reign while Saddam Hussein was being hunted down for exection by the US/Nato military, was off the prophetic charts. But it seem, just as Senator Obama 2008, was being declared the one and given a time table, that the last middle east targeted blood moon was as it's tenth anniversary, so 07/27/2008-07/27/2018. I know, the propehetic events that goes on despite errant man tugs of turf/nuclear war, this forewarn now for many millennium God's earthwide outreach, reveal.      -To be honest, it will explain, see both Dan. 12 man in Linen into Rev. 10, of a giant angel swearing, there'd been time no longer, so there's the declar...

The Marines' Hymn

Raining Snakes The Petrodollar, From Nov. 4th, 1975-2016/17/18, Come, Death Tolls, US Soil, God Reaping Martyred Blood  Error/era/error Article, Anon, did seal team 6 just pill off a secret mission? Article, Error, 2017/18      -Whose Secret Anon? God said I hath remembered thine iniquity and your sins have reached unto Me/God, this little marine coop is probably why; just as Senator McCain died. This was while standing before a grill only days past, I started hearing, the Marine's Hymn in my head; From the Halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli; We f...