
Showing posts from April, 2018

-The Trump and Pence 2016 ticket compared to the rise of gog and magog, and when the thousand years are expired,

Watchman, what of the night?      -Seen to seeing a readied reaper preparing to thrust in his sickle and reap the winepress of God to the horse's Bridle, 175 miles of blood, yours, theirs, this earth, except, except, again except ye repent, ye perish! Thus the cry by Holy Spirits, June, 2017, get ye to repent altars God is reaping martyred blood, for which Jesus said, except these days be shorten, no flesh shall be saved, but for the elect sake, these days shall be shorten, beware, Apb      -The Trump and Pence 2016 ticket compared to the rise of gog and magog, and when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, the total, firey elimination of gog and magog, satan cast into the lake of fire, beware, Apb, Eze. 38. 39, Rev. 20, and here,      -A perfect scenario, this video of what is hap...

Another Doomsday Calendar Passover, Beware!

Watchman What Of The Night?      Seen to seeing another doomsday calendar passed over 11/24/25/2017, the award instead of a Matrix ten day count. As even here lately the appearance of the man in Linden, the 534 BC warden of the 70th weeks of years timetable recorded Daniel 9th-12th chpts. Right into Apostle John's Rev. 10, witnessed as of the seventh angel Trumpet, here, Apb, Jan. 26-29th 2018, now crying urgently, no more doomsday passovers, desolation are here, desolations are determined until the end, beware, Apb And I heard a voice, 2007, go and get the twelve heirs, Rev. 7, beware    -Is it that a 2000 year plus prophecy, granting 70 weeks of years, of a timetable, (Obama awarded two weeks and seven year 2008/09, its finale). It is that Israel bring all its sins (like all born men) to an end, (to the redemptive Cross of Jesus), now falls on its 70th birthday, anniversary; As of a fourteenth Dec. 24/25th 2001-Nov. 24/25 2017, doomsday passover, now, Ap...

The Parable Of The Death Rider From Beneath The Earth, An Extinction Level Event Rolling Back Heavens Sky, Just Petrohandbars Death Tolls Tore And Tore Right Into It!

Watchman What Of The Night? Seen to be seeing 1996, a death rider from beneath the earth, the earth's surface just open, and a mighty bringer of death just leaps right out of it, ( see earthquakes, to volcanoes to Yellowstone's, growing ever and ever active, beware), Apb Bride, Saints, Fret Not Thyself, Trust, Delight And Commit God Has Commanded Your Christ Cross Worthy, Escape, beware, Apb     -The Parable Of The Death Rider From Beneath The Earth, An Extinction Level Event Rolling Back Heavens Sky, Just Petrohandbars Death Tolls Tore And Tore Right Into It!      -When the seventh angel Trumpet Revelation 17, 92 AD, so sixty years Jesus's ascension, and now over 2000 years Jesus heavenly reign. This Trumpet Angel appeared as recent as January of this year a reminder those various manners of all elements this earth and NOAA's. All as King of kings...

The Parable Of 2018 Depleted Doomsday Passovers

     -Thus Saith the Lord to Prophet Ezekiel, Tell them, whether they will, or whether they will forbear, for they are a rebellious house, The Lord Ask, Prophet Isaiah, Watchman What of The Night?      -Seen to be hearing winter 2017, in my ear, 10. 2 earthquake, seen to be hearing days later, major, major earthquake, West Pacific Canada,    -The Worst That Can Happen, When God's Come Winepress, Pulls His Grace, His Bride and His Intravenous Angels Out     -This youtude video is describing what's possible to happen when the big one hits the Pacific subduction zone, that borders the US into Canada. When you read the prophecy link above, it verifies why this particular video got my utmost attention the 10 things that will...
     -Let no man deceive you, only a few months ago Trump and Putin shook hands For all the world to see. For it is written, for when they shall say peace and safety, the beast Dan. 7-12, Rev. 11-17 is exacting the last nations this world peace accord that will be verified the moment Israel and her neighbors do the same, shake on it. Said, prophetic accord Un, EU, UAE, will last exactly 42 months before the Antichrist overthrows it into the complete desolation of Israel and it's alliance. We truly are finally looking at the beginning to the end of six millennia of rebellious man. Mans has no peace getting here without shedding his own human blood into human extinction. Their's is a post apocalyptic era, into God's winepress of reaping martyred bloid that is a nuclear fate, let no man deceive you saud Jesus, the US or UK wasnt included here for a reason, beware, Apb, escape!

As of death rider being loosed as a judgement upon America, As Of A Pale Horse Infested With Fleas Following

    -Watchman What Of The Night? Seen to be seeing all horses break free of their domesticated assignments, those from the early prophets, into the Acts of the Holy Apostles, into The Act Of The Holy Bride, as of the entire book of Revelation, of predicted horse riders of pending with extinction Levels, now come, Judgement now! Beware, Apb      Article, Is the yellowstone caldera about to blow? Article,      -And The Heavens Rolled Back Like A Scroll, Apostle John's Witnessed, recorded Rev. 6, 6th Seal, Have You wondered, in order that the heavens to rolled back, it has to first roll up, inward, a into the tens of millions of a death toll, US soil alone, escape! Beware, Apb, see, more here,     -Yes, if the Yellowstone Caldera is the brin...
Explosions In Wisconsin, One Of 50 US Barbecue State's Of Emergency     -Wisconsin, where I heard it commanded years past that an asteroid target, hit, since 2015, witnessed the reigning Bride in possession of it as to ready it. What if this had been that instead of another boom scare? What fears, like Hawaii missile scare, and Michigan meteor scare should've's would've's, could've's of terrors flashed through people momentarily thinking this was Russia, terrorist, an NOAA. Just how many terrorized, injured or hospitalized people were soul ready come this outbreak of mortuary?    -Don't forget every night at 10 pm, we're praying extra for ours and America's children. Now that they come aware of gun violence, their lives, loves, lands and churches, they c...
Unto Dayson Peak Deburk and Robin Jaybird Longknife was born their first son Arise Sioux Noel Deburk, their second son Standing Apache Arrow Deburk, their third son Cheyenne Water Falls Deburk, their fourth son Marked Tree Hill Deburk, their fifth son Wounded Knee, Saber Tooth Deburk, their sixth son Lion Wolf Paw Deburk, their seventh son Medicine Bow Sign Deburk, and their last son Bronze Coten Field Deburk and a daughter Nesting Brave Heart Longknife okay you guys no more doomsday passover, awarded, awarded or forewarn not only by the seventh anegl trumoet, while he stood with his feet upon the US Map,World Map, and that's, that's like the extraordinary angle described rev. 10, right you guys before a seventh angel trumpet, he this angel's feet straddles both the earth and teh sea and, and, lik Prophet Daniel's man in Linen, he's swearing by heavens Throne, there is time no longer, so you guys like Sia Maaseah's witnessed, blessed reveal Medicine, and ...

For In The Last Days Many Christ Shall Come, Saying I Am He! Jesus,

     -Watchman: What Of The Night? 01/13-16/2018, that while looking into the bedazzling eyes of the perfect dangerous, man, the perfect man Jesus, also having bedazzling eyes, inquired of intravenous angels of divine intervention, whether they're to ascend just as the Bride?" Ps. 91, Dan. 9/12, Chpts. I Thess, I Cor. Bk. Rev., For In The Last Days Many Christ Shall Come, Saying I Am He! Jesus      -Indefinitely, with the dispensation of grace done, the church age done, western civilization all as of Christ's Cross, done, the answer to the perfect man Jesus question is obviously yes. Meaning the era of God's wine press is here...put ye on the whole armor of God, no flesh will stand but for the elect sake. No, what's even more concerning, it was Princess Oceana's 15th birthday, well as it passed only minutes from January 12th into it's 13th, 2018, and Moma Maaseiah heard the words, "one hour with the beast....

Go, Tell, Repent! Escape! Go, Tell, Repent! Escape! Go, Tell, Repent, Escape! Go, Tell, Repent! Escape!

     -Go, tell them, whether they will hear or whether they will forbear, for they are a rebellious house, thus said the Lord God, to Prophet Ezekiel 586 BC to the Acts of The Bride,1986-2018 AD, beware, Apb Watchman, What Of the Night? 2010      -Seen to be seeing commanded reapers, bearing sword like syringes of nuclear, nature, Noah/NOAA's  worst, stampeding America, the maze of unprecedented ever this earth water shortages, as of a slow the motion exodus, either Skyward God's Trump Jesus, or Southeast, Babylon/America's Brexit, to Calexit to Hilexit, to Truexit, Trump, beware, God Will Only Bless Escape! Ps. 51, Beware, Apb,      Pastor Begley, this is not what God, nor Jesus said, not only are earth's inhabitants for millennia now told to run, to as Nimrod's Babel, scatter, He told them where to run, to flee; Jesus told Jerusalem, when they see the fulfillment of end time prophecy, as is right now, the antichrist reign, they a...

Watchman What Of The Night 1998-2018

     -Doing the dream, about the death rider from beneath the earth,1996, the earth just open up and regardless of Bush, Trump, Putin, Abbas, Netanyahu a bringer of astronomical death and dying was released upon the earth. The reason given then for America's to West Rule come deletion from the planet were simply as the days of especially prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel, that they'd by abominable, detestable lives, lands and churches, forsaken God.  In other words they, Americans, Westerners and now Trumpians no longer served Elohim's Blessed Purpose, Christ Jesus Cross.      -I mean really their government to supreme court, evidenced, It is that they just legalized what to God is the one abomination of all abominations this earth, the genocidal mutation of the genesis human being, ...of the genesis human being/ Marriage of procreation. The wicked agenda of the LGBTQ and P for Pedophiles movement,  the evil infiltration of same sex marriage, and mos...

Watchman What Of the Night? A Noah, NOAA's Cousin

    -Thus Saith The Lord, Tell Them, Whether They Will Hear, Or Whether They WIll Forbear, For They Are A Rebellious House! God Not Dead 2      -Rebellious people, mockeros cried the same doing Jeremiah and Ezekiel Day, before God's Righteous Judgment To Wrath Suddenly As Noah's day, Moses Too, Destroyed Them      -This Is The Generation Of The Children, The Grands Total Occupation By Evil's Agenda, Their Social Media, Their Various Entertainment, Do You Know Where Your Children Are, Good Knows, And Hold You Accountable, Rev. 2, Run or Perish!      -Remember money like a tool is only what you do with it, so for reasons your zip code, or evil wanting to destroy you or holy spirits running out of relatives being worth more dead than alive and you just don't get it. Where a Powe...

Fallen Upon Deadliest Swords, The Antichrist Agenda

     Whether, They Will Hear, Or Whether They Will Forbear, For They Are A Rebellious House, Tell Them, Let My People Go! April 23rd, 2018, 7:01, PST, 7:17 ETE, Am/PM,      -Article Shocking news reports are circulating across the internet after 2 sisters in Colorado, along with 82 other children, were taken into custody by authorities. As it turns out, the lot was involved with a massive scheme that brought in millions of dollars every year – and what they were doing was downright sickening. Article, Prophecy Link      -And I Heard A Cry Of Command In My Ear 2007, To Reapers Bearing Swordlike Syringes, "Kill All Parents By December 24/25th 2001-November 24/25th 2017, Finish All Apostate Churches and Schools now a David Meade April 23rd Predicted Nibiru/Rapture, Today, April 23rd, a 15th Matrix Ten Day Count, Are You Soul Ready? None Unrepentant Christ's Cross Will Stand, None! Hell ...

The Mountain From Heaven, Come To Destroy The monstrous, Murdering Antichrist

     -Dutch, the Netherlands. just months ago I portrayed by a book character Avolent, waking from sleep along escaping a predicted tens of millions dead US soil, from a major, major earthquake, West Pacific Canada into an erupting Yellowstone, or NOAA/Nuclear invasion. An outbreak of extinction level events just as I, again waking from sleep, interpreted an english message, that I don't remember, into the Dutch language, as I work, I knew I was speaking Dutch. Avicii, said to be an avid alcoholic at only 28 years; as I said, those who turn from God, turn to unholy spirits alcohol and drug abuse, and every evil work. How heart wrenching, never hearing of him, only a young star suddenly dead, actually what made me click on the article, the Dutch affiliation come later.      -The Woman Bearing Black Bowls, The Brexit, The Truexit, A Step Back For Democracy, An End To Westernize Civilization, Escape For Your Souls Content, Get To Jesus http://theresurrecti...