And I Heard In My Hearing, January 13 2018, One Hour With The Beast, Beware, Trump's Is Ancient Beast Reign Come
-Watchman, what of the death rider 1996, from the beneath the earth? You saw that the earth opened up and this rider of mortuary this county, this planet, just leaped out of it, come as described against abominable, destatable lives, lands and churches of the people, for they'd forsaken God. Then soon hearing a cry, Ps. 37, fret not thyselves, rather, trust, delight and commit, and God Will, ....and God, Will! Beware The Mockery Of Experts Warning Of Pandemics Come -No doubt the pale horse of apcalypse I witnessed follow this catalysmic event I saw suddenly and I'm talking with the speed of the Bride being taken out, apocalypse happen US soil. What then followed was a weigh station, weigh scale of America, of, for millennia of religious/West rule blood guilt, measuring until 190 years and forty days be fullfilled, December 24/25 2001-November 24/25 2017. As you know by now, right into an award, 11/24/...