Blood Moon, Lengthest This Century, Beware, Biblical Areas Israel and Islam Holy Spirit Tell Us, Ahow Us and Reveal To, The Darnest Things -In the year 01/13,-16th, 2018, while staring down a perfect, dangerous man, Jesus the perfect man inquired of the intravenous Angels. Only those assigned along earths inhabitants, these six millennia; will the Amgels ascend with the Bride? -In a year, the same seventh angel, Trumpet, Rev. 17, Matx. 17, who come and talked to Apostle John, come and talked with me, Apostle I am, three nights, Jan. 26-29, 2018. A fantastic one, straddling the world map, US map, crying by an urgency unprecedented, no more doomsday passovers, desolations, US soil, come.. -In the same year Pastor Begley, did you say, June 27th? Those who read behind me can tell you, the Jesus husband, escaping some to Georgia and yet others to heaven. How it too was ...
Showing posts from June, 2018
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In the year Jesus the perfect man, 01/13/2018, inquired of the intravenous Angels, assigned aling earths inhabitants, these six millennia; will the Amgels, ascend with the Bride? In a year, the same seventh angel, Trumpet, Rev. 17, Matx. 17, who come and talked to Apistle John, come and talked with me, Apostle I am, three nights, Jan. 26-29, 2018, straddling the wirld mao, US map, cryibg no more doomsday passover. In the same year Pastor Begley, did you say, June 27th? Those who read behind me can tell you, the Jesus husband, escaoibg some ti Georgia abd yet ithers to heacmven wasvin a June 26/27. The last I heard was there's something about Cameron, six dats later, July 6th, 2015, Cameron, Putin and Assad were breaking news . Because of circumstances medical to mortuary 2017, though they fought tooth and nail against it. Lets jusy say, my eldest sin and family were force to take up residence in Georgia, June 26, 27, Caden a...
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Article, 4 dead teens, 2 boys in jail, 6 shattered families, murders of promising black teens point to persistent problems, no easy solutions. Article, (I just listen to the Luke Cage character give this stunning address about saving Harlem that's totally and utterly satanic to demonic, you ask but how is that? Because men's plan for America's continence, it's the very opposite of the message the Sunlight of God, God's Throne, has for his people right now. Lets just say, as it it written, there is a time and season for all things since this is time instead of America removal, every stitch of it, there was time to come to America now this is the time to leave America. Everything, northeast, midwest, southwest, northwest and the west pacific into Canada, why the stampede into exodus is southeast These highly visited area have all been commanded into extinction level disa...
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05/15/2018 Matrix 17, Rev 17, Bk. Angel Gabriel 2004, 14th Anniversary, woe, woe, woe, A World Nation Summit On Biblical Record These Two Millennia Personified. One Hour With The Beast, (01/13/2018-01/26-29th/2018) a fifth and a sixth Matx, Rev. Bk; the seventh angel Trumpet make US soil a visit. So, Own People Can't Know Their Own Leaders, God Has Abandoned Them AsTo Curse Their Awareness, Demonic to Satantic To Ancient Beast all taken over, stampeding the elephants, 12/04/2018, a first Matx, a first Rev. Bk; a mighty world ruckus. Cast Them Into Strong Delusions, The Antichrist territory, nothing good can then come of Trump, of any world leadership their decision making ever again. They cry peace and safety, sudden destruction, chaos, extinction levels into Jesus' Millennium Reign. The worse that happen,a Noah's cousin, are all now welcomed as elements of sweet antennas of awareness. Beware, Apb 03/25/2018, Matrix 13 Rev 13, Bk. the day those two beast rose, Obama...
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Article, What is the most dangerous volcano in the US? Article,®ion=us&app_id=1222&impr_id=6570350390238251273&gid=6540036775094518282 What Are The Secrets Of Memphis? Watchman, What Of the Night, Of The Mystery Of Iniquity, Of The Veils Of Illusions, Of Darken Mirrors, Of The Heathen Raging, Of The Thrusting Sickle Into The Wine Press of God? -The Reaper, Only A Couple Weeks Ago I saw, With Sickle In Hand, Time I Read Rev. 14:15, 16, I Was Reminded Of The Seventh Angel Trumpet 92Ad, 2018, AD, 01/26-29th, How It Is He Straddled, as To Stand Between The World Map And The US Map, The Midwest, The Eastern Seaboard, His Beyond Measure, Message? Simply, No More Doomsday Passovers, Desolations US, Western Soil, Come! Beware, Apb Who hath believed our rep...
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-Do You Know Where Your Children Are, I Watched As A Seven Year Fixed His Toys A Ninja Turtle And Spiderman Into A Guy, Sexual Position In Action, Said One Was The Other Girl Friend, Say He Saw It On The TV Series, Empire, talk about your shock and awe...Again Do you know where your children are? Because Such Abominations Having Reached Unto God, God Does Know, Remembers, Judge You, Even Double These detestations, Rev. 17, 18, -In Prophet Ezekiel's day, Ez. 9, when it come time for God to bring judgment for sin in the manner of deadly disasters, the prophet Ezekiel actually witnessed as God Himself called forth six slayers from the higher gate north, he heard as God commissioned them to go through the cities, as to slaughter old and young, as not to show mercy. Now to the ink horn man, he was told to mark for life, all those mourning over all this ugliness being done, then said slayers were to begi...
Let No Man, Nor World Movement Deceive You, This Is Me, This Is US, and Hell Is Enlarging Itself As It Target All Else,
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-Let No Man, Nor World Movement Deceive You, This Is Me, This Is US,This Is Who We're meant To Be and Hell Is Enlarging Itself As It Target All Else, Even Receiving The Word, 2017, Forewarning 99 Bowls Of Molten Lava. Still, none of us could've imagined the catastrophes we see coming out of Hawaii and Central America, with nine new eruptions along the heavily fractured west pacific. Beware, it is as we move into a 1-21 Matrix ten day count, as to witness 1-21, Rev. Bk's, open, the beginning to the end of six eras/errors of rebellious men, beware, Apb -Again This Is Us, This Is Me, this Is Who We're meant To Be, And Hell, Some Say, Evidenced By An Outbreak of Erupting Magma And Rivers Of Molten Lava, Is Enlarging Itself To Deal With All Else, Beware, Apb John The Baptist, The life of Christ, Apostle Peter And The Last supper, Christ and His Holy Disciples/Apostles,
Out Of The Mouth of Babes And Sucklings, And A Child Shall Lead them
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-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring Sia Desrek Allum Roget and Sia Soledad Maurice Roget The Unending Love Antidote The African Juttah Infinite Genealogy , 1986-2016/17/18 Unto Soledad Maurice Roget and Kessel Berlin Smithsonian was born their first daughter, Reese Lora lay Roget and a second daughter Cadence Noël Roget and a daughter Christian Journey Smithsonian Unto Collin Hain Johnaanson and Andrea Lorene Gray was born their first son Corte Michael Johansson, a son Nicholas Francisco Johnaanson, and a daughter, Erica Ilesha Gray -And He Cried With A Loud Voice To The Four Angels, To Whom It Was Given To Hurt The Earth And The Sea ...
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I predicted 2017, they're all coming, US, Western blood guilt, weighed Dec. 24/25th, 2001, until 190 months and 40 days be fulfilled, Nov. 24/25th, 2017, into a Matrix ten day count, 1-21, Rev. Books, open, 1-21. I predicted, every manner of making of ELE's US soil, nuclear, natural and noah/noaa, now come, get Jesus, get either skyward ir southeast, get out! Beware, Apb -The fulfillment of the 2017, announcement of 99 bowls of molten lava, the Jan. 13, 2018, of talk of downtown newspaper bells ringing, related to Memphis, Tn. New Madrid, into a warning, spring 2018 about one, a 10.2 quakequake, and secondly, hearing in my ear and I quote, "major, major earth, West Pacific Canada, and this i after hearing canada being commanded to be wiped from the planet, and hearing earlier still, Britain and America commanded to be separated along itty, bitty, pieces, why the fall of all rebellions, Western Rule, all religion and politics this world, has a comparison to the normalcy ...
Tis Death
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Article, What is the most dangerous volcano in the US? Article,®ion=us&app_id=1222&impr_id=6570350390238251273&gid=6540036775094518282 What Are The Secrets Of Memphis? Watchman, What Of the Night, Of The Mystery Of Iniquity, Of The Veils Of Illusions, Of Darken Mirrors, Of The Heathen Raging, Of The Thrusting Sickle Into The Wine Press of God? -The Reaper, Only A Couple Weeks Ago I saw, With Sickle In Hand, Time I Read Rev. 14:15, 16, I Was Reminded Of The Seventh Angel Trumpet 92Ad, 2018, AD, 01/26-29th, How It Is He Straddled, as To Stand Between The World Map And The US Map, The Midwest, The Eastern Seaboard, His Beyond Measure, Message? Simply, No More Doomsday Passovers, Desolations US, Western Soil, Come! Beware, Apb Why Doeth Thou Marvel? Tis ...
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What Are The Secrets Of Memphis? -What Are The Secrets Of Memphis, A Subtraction Of 190 Years, 2001 Will Return US Soil To The Doomsday Passover, 1811 Of What Could've Been The End US Soil, By Two Great Earthquakes, The New Madrid Fault Zone (The 1811–12 New Madrid earthquakes were an intense intraplate earthquake series beginning with an initial earthquake of moment magnitude 7.5–7.9 on December 16, 1811, followed by a moment magnitude 7.4 aftershock on the same day. They remain the most powerful earthquakes to hit the contiguous United States east of the Rocky Mountains in recorded history. -In June 1812, the United States declared war against Great Britain in reaction to three issues: the British economic blockade of France, the induction of thousands of neutral American seamen into the British Royal Navy against their will, and the British...
What Are The Secrets Of Memphis, A Subtraction Of 190 Years, 2001 Will Return US Soil To The Doomsday Passover, 1811 Of What Could've Been The End US Soil, By Two Great Earthquakes, The New Madrid Fault Zone
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-What Are The Secrets Of Memphis? -What Are The Secrets Of Memphis, A Subtraction Of 190 Years, 2001 Will Return US Soil To The Doomsday Passover, 1811 Of What Could've Been The End US Soil, By Two Great Earthquakes, The New Madrid Fault Zone (The 1811–12 New Madrid earthquakes were an intense intraplate earthquake series beginning with an initial earthquake of moment magnitude 7.5–7.9 on December 16, 1811, followed by a moment magnitude 7.4 aftershock on the same day. They remain the most powerful earthquakes to hit the contiguous United States east of the Rocky Mountains in recorded history. -In June 1812, the United States declared war against Great Britain in reaction to three issues: the British economic blockade of France, the induction of thousands of neutral American seamen into the British Royal Navy...
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Another victim to bullying and suicide while all such guardian were helpless to just wait and watch as another desperate to helpless child drowned in a sea of educational phycobabbelism. And if thinking Christ is one of them, no, Hes the one Godman who suffered astronomical, heart burting anguish, who as Holy Father, yet suffers, that such evil, ways nit prevail, even that none perish. Frightfully Jesys now risen, glorified and sittubg in rwign iscthe aHoly Kird wRmibg yiu anti aGid, to Christ lifestyles, the American Dream, would eventually cause you your children, they wiuld be loat to death, and each and everyone resding here need to sutring under a leadership to gusrdianship, presidential, pastoral to peasant thats gonna tell you that, that by Jesus' wrath we have been warn, prognosticators of sexual abnormalities, pre-marital sex, to the LGBTQ and O fir pedophile agenda, a sickbed await into a laje if fire, those in abominable sleepovers, swingers, are cast into great tribul...
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It is done, let the ungodly be ungodly still, let the unholy, be unholy still, let the holy, godly, be godly, holy still. Looked into a dream 2005, wirnessed Britain, America, go alternate directions. Then I heard a voice as the days of Daniel, of King Nebuchadnezzar's mountains fron heaven, a cry, " Britain, America, separate them into itty, bitty pieces. They, western leaders of the weaponized petrodollar have desolated the world, now they think to Brexit and abandoned the world and like the petro-yuan, the Hawaii alert and congressmen trainwreck God is saying no way, Jose, repent or perish! Let His People go into exodus, Apb
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Saw A fury as the days of Prophet Ezekiel's witnessed rise of Gog and Magog now cast at a Trump/Pence Ticket, Eze. 38, 39 -Did I ever tell you there was a time I watched CNN so faithfully at times, my grands called it my favorite channel? But what really grieved to sicken me was when these rich, powerful, grumpy old men. Those who didn't know me and mine from the first Adam to last Adam decided what was best for my life to future for generations to come. -I was like, how is it possible men the distance of a planet far from me and mine had this kind of authority over me? it was really a depressing to infuriating thing to watch and consider, why I told my grands just now only hours past. It is how being an American is itself a worrisome thing, slavery to imprisoning; maddening to suicidal for many, truly except the Lords intervention, we all perish. -No wonder as I was translated before the Throne of God, that when the sunl...
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Watchman What Of The Whistleblower Crying, Separation Of Family Is Recipe For Disaster, What God Has Brought Together, Let None, As A Babel, As A Mystery Babylon, Separate, Beware, All! -Article, Whistleblower, separation of family is recipe for disaster, Article 3); (Once a mighty cataclysm was done US soil, (Dec. 24/25th, 2001-Nov. 24/25th, 2017, {now a 20th, Matrix ten day count; Rev. Bk.1-20th}; an all of a sudden lost of 190 years, an, all of a sudden lost of tens of millions of lives, Britain, Canada gone as well, if excavations were to continue America. west rule would become as researched as Noah's ark, the Titanic to the city of Atlantis, beware! The Brides was seen to be taken out like a nano-second as of this extinction level event, I explained how both ELE's the world over, happen simultaneously neither the bride nor Am...
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Why Speak In Parables? Especially in a nation dying without God, because they've kicked down the road and off the mountain top and sand and sin blasted the Genesis Marriage. It is that those naturally born men marry woman and naturally born woman marry men, and procreate unto God a family. A phenom righteousness these six millennia even faith based series hate to pretend. Then if the righteous are scarcely saved, where shall the ungodly and unholy appear? Beware, Apb, see,
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Watchman What Of The Night? Seen to seeing a build up of torture vehicles for as far as one can see, referred to by a US General As A Dirty Mede, seen to be seeing a US General, hand his war horse off to a prophet Jeremiah, see Jer. 37:8, awarded1998, Beware BEWARE OF RELENTLESS WARRIORS Jeremiah 37:8, 1998, America's, Dan. 5, On Handwriting On The Wall, -Would we dare calculate how many people of the Islamic fate have been killed and misplaced since Englishmen war in/on the axis of evil? Only with Holy Spirits predicting an additional fifty million dead now Englishmen own reaping of blood sown, it's own soil, the world. This outbreak of mortuary, the weaponized petrodollar boomerang, Bush's, 2002, Obama's/ Clinton's, 2013, and thus far, Trump's 2016/2017/18; only the difference by a weigh scale, there is no comparison. Measuring their blood guilt, Dec. 24/25th 2001; Now into a 20th Max; Rev, Bk. Nov. 24/25 2017, Ma...
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The Perfect Dangerous Man, When The Perfect Man Jesus Asked, About The, Resurrection, -Not only Honest is there the 11 o'clock shopping lunch hour, as military loved ones face the worst terrors ever appointed Americans. Ironically, just as Bush suggested they shop as the weaponized petrodollar make further war and increase the mortuary and migration population. -I"ve looked in dreams since, one where we spent the night happily shopping in a mall, and the next night, said mall had come a fall out shelter for people hiding for their lives. Clearly its pundit that worldly treasures outweigh the importance of the human being,.outweigh God, it's idolatry. -Now lately, there's the cry kill all parents, finish all schools, those targeted by the LGBTQ and P for pedophile; those under shooting drills and suicide watch. Not only doing Bush march to war, 2002, did I hear, fifty million will die; th...
Bird Flu, Disease X
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-Watchman What Of The Whistleblower Crying, Separation Of Family Is Recipe For Disaster, What God Has Brought Together, Let None, As A Babel, As A Mystery Babylon, Separate, Beware, All! -Article, Whistleblower, separation of family is recipe for disaster, Article 3); (Once a mighty cataclysm was done US soil, (Dec. 24/25th, 2001-Nov. 24/25th, 2017, {now a 20th, Matrix ten day count; Rev. Bk.1-20th}; an all of a sudden lost of 190 years, an, all of a sudden lost of tens of millions of lives, Britain, Canada gone as well, if excavations were to continue America. west rule would become as researched as Noah's ark, the Titanic to the city of Atlantis, beware! The Brides was seen to be taken out like a nano-second as of this extinction level event, I explained how both ELE's the world over, happen simultaneously neither the bride nor ...
Watchman What Of The Whistleblower, Separation Of Family Is Recipe For Disaster, What God, Has Brought Together, Let None Separate
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Watchman, What Of The Night, For We Wrestle Not Against Flesh, But, Ancient, Beast Powers Come Into Play Since May, Trump, Put Ye On The Whole Armor Of God, Beware, Apb -Seen to be seeing 2008, see, Rev. 13, two beast rise, one from land and one from sea; see, as predicted 2003, as of Rev. 11.1, 2; the downing of Saddam Hussein and the rise of Barack Hussein, the 10th head that was wounded, 2003, but rose to power this world, US whitehouse, Nov. 2009,; beware, seen to be seeing these great, ancient beast bring with them a host of troubles to emergencies US soil; seen to be seeing that because of them, there's further the debate nation to international world parties, even properties; it is along Hussein filling stations in the land. -Then one must think, like Syria, (Assyria), the petrodollar, handlebars of human extinction, the stumbling block of all world efforts ever these six errors/eras, strikes and strikes. Admittedly until Jesus Himself sat His Own Feet Atop Mou...
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--The man, woman neither fron Venus nor mars, but from God. Not only can he not exist at odds with one another, estranged, even divorced. see LGBTQP, as you will. Neither can the vein exist severed from the Branches, nor the branches severed grom the tree, nor the tree from damater. -We were created to be one happy, content heaven to earth, earth to heaven divine family. Just as we were predestined from the soil, to the living soul into Christ's Cross to be Holy Spirit, Jesus told even an upstanding religious leader this same thing, ye must be born again. -America is the cursed loan of a predatory lender, come out before you hurt to kill yourselves Strait is the gate, path that leadetj to awarded Jesus' blood, blessed life to eternal life. -Henceforth, into all the special places Tony and Kate lead you all, authentic salvation wasn't one of them. Suicide, so not a mystery, so not a mystery at all; suicide...
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-I was in a dream a month or so ago, in the dream I saw this writing in english, I interpreted into dutch, in the dream i knew i was speaking dutch. have spoken in tongues before, even while looking down from heaven but never interpreted it. You dutchsinse also said, when these historic with activity areas go silent, go still, I will presume this is even when the USGS is tampering with and altering this material, either way this is not a good sign. I think you're contradicting yourself with what less of this information actually mean, it isn't that people in these areas be more alarmed, it is the more that they be taken like the people in Guatemala more unaware. You described when you warn the people in Africa, about a 4000 year old volcano near eruption, that they be on alert that you went under attack for that. You see, that's the opposite of what you're saying, they're shutting you down because you have become the eyes, ears, and voice, even the heart for th...
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Revelation book ends by suggesting the unholy be unholy still, that the ungodly be ungodly still. Its iscasvto say, go on with your murder, suicide, with your samesex marriage. Speed ahead with your 13 reasons why snd fufty shades of gray. Go on with the American as to say you're antigod, antichrisr, anti thr righteous, for certainly Vod id going on prophetically with the as Noah's day cataclymic renewn of both the Genesis world and man, and marriage, and except such days of judgement be shorten no flesh would stand, but for the elect sake, those days shall be shorten
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-The elephants of staying unaware, causing a mighty world quaking along a lost of a handle on Carter. They all stampeded along the wilderness of sin the morning of Trump's.declaration of Jerusalem, Dec. 4, 5. Which happen to be as the opening of the first Revelation Book, the first Nov, 24/25/2017, awarded Matrix ten day count, now 1-19/20. Do you guys want truth, or do you want to just keep throwing out conspiracy theories? -God showing the mighty ruckus of stampeding elephants of staying unaware mean as predicted, He has not left us ignorant these many millennia regarding biblical prophecy. I'm reading the topic of a youtube video, actually what cause me to comment here, stating WW3 prophecy Trump & Putin, excellent. -Before Trump and Pence took office, I witnessed a fury as the days of Ezekiel witnessed of the rise of Gog and Magog, now cast identically at them. Later I heard it cried from heaven, as Americans ...
Do you know where your immortal life is fractured and how endangered is your soul's everlast? Get it, get Jesus and get, ascend out of it,
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Watchman, What Of the Night, Of The Mystery Of Iniquity, Of The Veils Of Illusions, Of Darken Mirrors, Of The Heathen Raging, Of The Thrusting Sickle Into The Wine Press of God? -It is melted into the midst of the bowls, and something about a Thursday, I kept hearing chanted in my ear, early 2012, though the sound of it had an eerie familarty to it, I just couldn't reach it. It is melted into the midst of my bowls, as so was I being dealt with out of the special this world over, 23rd psalms, the lord is my shepherd, as so was I as the early days being greatly visited upon by holy angels, woke one morning before my husband's sorrowful death, and the entire bed room was just surrounded all around with them, with intravenous angels. That Thursday night, I went into a seizure in my husband's hospital room and he, now bedridden couldn't as usual come to the rescue and God, to Jesus and heavens host. -Those heavenlies who're beyond measure ...